[dlvorg] Quick Post-TG mailing ...

From: Diva Las Vegas organizers <dlvorg_at_divalas.vegas>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2017 07:29:13 -0600 (CST)

In this mailing:

Org List
Quick mailing
Happy TG
Shaking down registration
C-word thoughts
Long-belated survey follow-up
Working schedule
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Org List:

This is the DLV 2018 Organizational Mailing List (dlvorg_at_divalas.vegas)
Replies to this message will be forwarded to the DLVORG list and not
the DLV-Announce or DLV-Discuss list.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quick mailing:

This has only a few topics, none of them earthshaking, and easy to
digest as everyone recovers from the tryptophan coma. :)
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Happy TG:

Sandy writes:

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

We (wifey and I) got to spend it with our Daughter in Denver and family.
Crazy warm weather.

Awesome progress I appreciate everyone helping out.

Its what makes this a Awesome Vacation!

I'd be glad to host another dinner if that helps.

Have a great Christmas/Holidays.
. . . . . . . . . .

Thanks Sandy. :)

Glad you had a nice turkey day. :)

Please hold that thought for when we review the schedule and need some
additional activities to round it out.
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Shaking down registration:

Yes, it's getting to be that time again. :) Tempus Fugit! :)

Within the next couple of weeks we'll be testing out the registration
portion of the Attendee Information Portal to be sure it's ready to go
for DLV 2018.

We'll be sending out a test batch of re-registration emails to those of
you on this list, and we ask that you please re-register and shake down
the system.

You can consider the system to be live and for-real when these are sent

As always, please report anything that does not appear to be as it should

Thanks in advance to all for helping out here. :)
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C-word thoughts:

Sherry writes:

I'm sorry, but I'm old and clueless. I didn't at all get the bit about
Wed. being possibly a "C" event within an event at all!
. . . . . . . . . .

Annie responds:

Here's the way I interpret the thread of posts ...

The thread began with a suggestion that we look into adopting more of a
single-venue model with said venue being off strip.

JoAnn responded that we should (first) try something like a one-day
single-venue test run before any serious adoption of such a plan. I
interpreted JoAnn's response not as a proposal but as more of a thought.

I then questioned the demand for such a single-venue all-day (or most of
the day) sequence of activities.

Is there such a demand? I don't know. I'm asking.

Anyone? Class? (Bueller?)

I used the term "Convention within a vacation" to describe the
single-venue aspect of said affair. :) :) :)

That's the Reader's Digest version and the floor is still open for
discussion on this.

(Over) :)
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Long-belated survey follow-up:

Annie writes:

This one has been in the works for MONTHS, literally, and has been pushed
off and off and off as other items have arisen.

It's some comments on the textual comments received on this year's DLV
attendee survey.

Comments on the objective portion of the survey appear here:


The actual survey results for this year are on line at the following
two URLs:

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I'm not commenting on everything, just those I think have particular
relevance moving forward.
. . . . .

+ At the Paris, other girls always tried to follow me into the bathroom
+ and I felt strange about that.

If this is the most significant restroom issue we had this year, I think
we can look forward to retiring the special restroom comment section on
our next survey!
. . . . .

+ Wish more of the girls would keep wearing name tags i forget names and
+ is awkward to keep asking

Name tags is a recurring subject here. We've spent quite a bit of time
and effort in producing and distributing name tags, and have done a very
good job on this over the years, but we've never been really successful
in encouraging our attendees (including many volunteers) to regularly
wear the name tags at our activities.
. . . . .

+ Method to know who is at what hotel and the events they are attending
+ in order to carpool

.. and ...

+ you need a means for girls to share rides i went to an event and fount
+ that several other girls drove from flamingo with plenty of free seats

I think we need to do more along the line of encouraging attendees to
share rides. We've been down the road of whether or not to publish where
people are staying and what they are going to, and we do have people who
just don't want that information made public.
. . . . .

+ You probably want afternoon activities to end by 4pm, to give you a
+ chance to go back to your hotel for a nap and get ready for evening
+ Happy Hours, Dinner and any late nite dancing.

.. and ...

+ Allow more time between events to change and freshen up

"Let's doooo the Time Crunch again ..." :) :) :) :)

We seem to get gigged on this one yearly. I know we try to work things
so there's an appropriate amount of breathing room between activities,
but all of us, organizers included and myself included, seem to
underestimate the amount of get-ready-and-get-there time it takes in
real-world Las Vegas.
. . . . .

+ I am not really interested in the daytime activities. I like to
+ go to clubs and bars. But, the selection is limited, Paris, and
+ no other choices. I wish there was more clubbing. I am doubtful
+ if I will come next year.

One vote for bringing back clubbing, from someone who probably will
not return. :)
. . . . .

+ It is starting to get old though as I have seen most of the shows,
+ Diva Las Vegas was just an incentive to come, but now that to is
+ getting a little stale.

Only one "same old same old" comment this year, but still, we do need to
keep things fresh, which, personally, I think we really do a fairly
decent job of. (And a preposition is a good thing to end a sentence
with.) :)
. . . . .

+ I wished i stayed where most of the group stayed the (flamingo) being
+ new to going out felt isolated getting to and from events ,

Cue Cami. :) :) :)
. . . . .

Here's a missed connection that actually worked. :)

+ I was signed up for happy hour and dinner at Margaritaville. I showed
+ up at about 6pm and went to the bar and no one else from DLV was
+ there.

+ I started chatting with 2 cute girls and they started buying me drinks
+ and I ended up hanging out with them for about 3 hours. I missed
+ dinner but didn't care, lol.

.. and ...

+ Happy hour and Dinner on Friday night was another even on my list. I
+ went to the restaurant and walked around but did not find anyone. A
+ text message asking for help went unanswered. I left to seek dinner
+ elsewhere.

Missed connections do bother me. Text messages that fall into a black
hole (I assume group text) bother me as well. I went through the group
text logs. I did find a note that someone was somewhere with only two
present, but none which indicated a solo person.

I'm guilty of one case of this, as I was in charge of the Giordanos
affair and did not realize that there were TWO bars and dining areas
under that name at Bally's. Those of us who were present just assumed a
small group for the last night and went ahead and ordered, not knowing
of another group upstairs.

I'm assuming this particular one was not Giordano's, as there were
(reportedly) obvious groups of our people in both locations.

More attention to detail is needed here! :(
. . . . .

Speaking of the group text ...

+ Very nice people but some of your texts were garbled and scrambled
+ and hard to read.

I did not notice this on the phones I was using (I often carry two and
group texts went to both) but when going over the group text logs for
the item above I did notice that the "barnacle scraper" missed a few
items of culch as well as a few of those "sent from my ..." shill lines
so that needs some work. Standard practice for such a scraper is to cut
off after the last of the fresh content, which for text should be fairly
obvious. This is a take-away for me.
. . . . .

A few semi-related systems items ...

+ WHEN I updated my sign up activities I noticed the Bahama breeze
+ welcome dinner attend would disappear and I had to re enter it, ...

I do appreciate such reports and I take them seriously. We may need to
do more logging, however, as I can't find evidence of this one and I was
unable to duplicate the issue with our test attendee.

+ Need to send out welcome text to DLV group early and perhaps
+ everyday, so people are reminded the feature is there?

Yes, and this will be done next year.
. . . . .

More feeling left out stuff, and everyone, we really need to work on

+ My first attempt at participating in Dlv was unfortunately mostly
+ disappointing. Perhaps it was my fault as I could only arrive on Wed?

We need a plan, some kind of a plan, to better welcome those newbees
who, for one reason or another, can't make it to our first major

+ I tried attending happy hour my first night and arrived early. I sat
+ at the bar with the only other tg there, another first time attendee
+ whom unfortunately wasn't feeling well and had to leave. I sat at the
+ bar by myself the rest of the time.

These REALLY bother me! It's probably a case of not finding the group,
rather than the group including the Coordinator being absent, but we
need to adjust things here. We need to get the word out to phone or text
(and repeat or reach out to someone else if no response) in the event
the group can't be found, and we also need to check, at any activity in
a large or potentially confusing venue, for, say, someone sitting alone
at an out of the way bar and such. :(

+ Overall, basedcon my admittedly brief experiences, us that dlv is
+ a bit clicky and not all that welcoming to newcomers to the group.

We've been getting gigged on this one regularly for about as long as I
can remember! We (that's all of us!) need to actively look out for those
who may be lost (as in can't find the group) as well as those who look
like they are left out of the goings-on.
. . . . .

+ Why did they close the bar and take it out of erotic musem?

.. and ...

+ Have a bar at EHM museum

If we use EHM for another major or mid-size gathering, I think we need
to insist that WE be their once-per-month (or once-per-whenever) bar
that they are allowed to have.

. . . . .

+ I knew about Flamingo checkin. Didn't use but not scared to.

I think the on-site check-in is a Good Thing (tm) to have, but it's not
necessary each day. I think the Sunday and Monday of the DLV week as it
currently stands would be adequate, possibly Tuesday.
. . . . .

One thing that we've always used the survey for are suggestions for
activities to have, and comments and recommendations on venues that our
people have patronized but we don't currently use.

Here's a list for those volunteers who (**HINT**!) have not as of yet
tossed their hats into the ring regarding coordinating activities for
DLV 2018.

+ Please bring back some of the events of yesteryear, clubbing, Soiled
+ Doves, bar crawl, big shows.

+ a bar crawl
+ any popular show that's playing at the time
+ dancing at a mainstream nightclub
+ ATV tour in the desert

+ Top golf again. I missed it this year but all the girls who went
+ raved about it.

+ More dancing.

+ Karaoke (many options in relatively close proximity of the Flamingo).

+ Go on a hike at Red Rock or Lake Meade

+ Wig shopping at serge's

+ More high dollars shows, clubs and restaurants

+ More shows

+ Lawry's for prime rib, an an excuse to dress very nice.

+ Sergio's quiet off the strip Italian with piano entertainment,
+ and singing waiter.

+ toby keith in harras

+ ... Ocean Club, Carnevenos, Absynthe Show and Michael Jackson One

+ Bootlegger, but in guy mode

I assume this last one does not mean the group have a boymode activity
at Bootlegger. :) :) :)
. . . . .

Last but not least, we usually get a number of warm fuzzies in feedback
and this year was no exception! Thanks to all for helping to make DLV
a significantly-enjoyed event! :)

+ Overall, one of the best DLVs of all times.

+ A big thank you to all the volunteers that made this happen. Your hard
+ work is appreciated.

+ I live in vegas and this was my first time really being out. It
+ was my first time at Diva and wont be my last. Loved it. Friendly
+ reception at most all events. Took a while to get used to how
+ things worked. thank you all

+ Thank you again. Great trip. Great folks there.

+ Very nice people ...

+Thank you for a great time All the girls were great this year

+ Very fun Diva this year. ...

Comments, gang? :)
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Working schedule:

Diva Las Vegas 2018 schedule
Tentative and subject to change
All times Pacific Daylight Time

Sunday, April 15:
     12:00n: Lunch With Ginger (tba) - ms
     3:00pm: Afternoon Social (Carnaval Court) - ms
    10:30pm: Late Nite Dancing (tba) - ms
Monday, April 16:
     8:00am: Katie's Kozy Koffee Korner (Flamingo Club Cappucino) - ms
     12:00n: Lunch With Aejaie (tba) - ms
    10:30pm: Late Nite Dancing (Paris Cabaret Lounge) - ms
Tuesday, April 17:
     8:00am: Katie's Kozy Koffee Korner (Flamingo Club Cappucino) - ms
     9:00am: Diva Las Vegas Invitational Golf (Wildhorse Golf Club) - ms
     1:00pm: Luv Ur Look Luncheon (TBA) - ms
     5:00pm: Happy Hour options (various) - ms
     5:00pm: Sandys Choice (Ruth's Chris Harrah's) - ms
     5:00pm: Cami's choice (tba) - ms
     5:00pm: Annie's choice (tba) - ms
     6:00pm: Dining options (various) - ms
     6:00pm: Sandys Choice (Ruth's Chris Harrah's) - ms
     6:00pm: Cami's choice (tba) - ms
     6:00pm: Annie's choice (tba) - ms
    10:30pm: Late Nite Dancing (Paris Cabaret Lounge) - ms
Wednesday, April 18:
     8:00am: Katie's Kozy Koffee Korner (Flamingo Club Cappucino) - ms
     12:00n: Lunch With Aejaie (tba) - ms
    10:30pm: Late Nite Dancing (Paris Cabaret Lounge) - ms
Thursday, April 19:
     8:00am: Katie's Kozy Koffee Korner (Flamingo Club Cappucino) - ms
     12:00n: Lunch With Ginger (tba) - ms
     2:00pm: Topgolf (Topgolf) - ms
     6:00pm: Happy Hour (Off The Strip Bistro) - mv
     7:00pm: Farewell Dinner (Off The Strip Bistro) - mv
    10:30pm: Late Nite Dancing (Carnaval Court) - ms
Friday, April 20:
     12:00n: Lunch With Ginger (tba) - ms
    10:30pm: Late Nite Dancing (Paris Cabaret Lounge) - ms
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This is the Diva Las Vegas 2018 organizational list.

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlvorg_at_divalas.vegas <--- NOTE: New address, all lower case

Diva Las Vegas 2018
Dates to be determined
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Archives of this list appear on the web at:


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To send material to this list: Send submission as regular e-mail to
the address: dlvorg_at_divalas.vegas
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Received on Wed Nov 29 2017 - 07:29:13 CST

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