dlvorg More all kinds of things ...

From: Annie (annie@geekbabe.com)
Date: Sun Oct 06 2002 - 00:07:21 CDT

In this mailing:

Org List
A few words
Tina writes
Densie writes
Monique writes
San Remo
Michelle (NZ) writes
Nominated hotels
Summary Schedule of Activities (updated)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Org List:

This is the DLV 2003 Organizational Mailing List (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Replies to this message will be forwarded to the DLVORG list and not
the DLV-Announce or DLV-Discuss list.

Ongoing activity database appears on line at:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A few words:

I just want to personally say thanks to those who have stepped forward
to volunteer to take on activities and support roles for DLV 2003.

I'm also impressed by the shifting of roles, or recasting, such that we
have several different people coordinating different items this next

Thanks to all of you, the grunt work is divided, and all of us will be
able to enjoy the week.
. . . . .

Gina from Girl Talk Magazine inquired about covering next year's event.
(Michelle, is this the person who was in LV right after DLV last year?)

I wrote back asking what kind of coverage she had in mind. (I thought
I copied it to a save folder but I can't find it, I was gonna copy it

Anyway, now is probably the time to discuss anything we want and don't
want with regard to media coverage. My own thoughts at the moment are
along the line of that we want the coverage to be low-key and as non
intrusive as possible.

And of course, I'm sure all of you agree that there should be no
recognizable likenesses published without the permission of the
people involved.

. . . . .

As most of you know, there have been a couple volleys of discussion
about the type of show for Thursday, as Aiko has requested.

Looks like the favorite is some kind of "traditional LV type show" such
as Folies or Splash, although Blue Man Group and some others have been
. . . . .

On another note, I've finally added the customer/user ratings to the
"Big List" of things in Las Vegas. I seeded the ratings with some of
the feedback from our 2002 survey, so many items have valid ratings

I would invite you to visit the list and add ratings on the various
firms if you would like. I'm particularly interested in getting
ratings for some of those that do not have enough ratings to display

url is: http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/vendors/

Customer/user comments are going to be added very shortly.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tina writes:


>Daily brunch/lunch? This was a hot topic for a while. Is there still any
>interest in this. Anybody wanna take this one on?

>Well, I still think that this is a good idea (as apparently do several
>others), but I realized after awhile that it was still 7 months until
>DLV 2003 and worrying too much about planning for it now (other than
>just discussing the general value of the idea) was just spinning my
>wheels, so I've relaxed on it for awhile. This is the kind of thing
>you can really wait until like February to plan in detail, IMHO.

>After some of the other morning and/or afternoon events (like the
>beauty seminars and shopping trips) solidify, it might be easier to
>visualize where brunch might fit. Even then, harking back to the
>simpler days of earlier DLVs, it doesn't take much planning other than
>saying " Brunch at XYZ at hh:mm. If you go, you might see other DLV
>girls there."
. . . . .

>Red Shoe Night? Ditto. I know Tina is hot on this one.

>I formally nominate Wednesday night as Red Shoe Night. Usual
>procedure: participate if you want to by wearing red shoes that night,
>ignore it if you don't want to. All in the spirit of good fun.
>There, that was easy. :-)

Ok, let's say that Wednesday is Red Shoe Night.
. . . . .

Thursday Night Show:

>>That decision needs to be determined as soon as possible in order to
>>arrange the best seating and pricing. Can we put this up for
>>discussion in the next mailing?

>>Yes, in fact, that could be the very first topic of discussion on the
>>new DLV Discussion List. We'll pose the question in the Sept-Oct
>>mailing this week (wow, looks like it will go out tomorrow) and invite
>>everybody to jump in.

>Well, just a comment, it is still 7 months until DLV 2003 and most
>shows only let you reserve tickets 60 or 90 days in advance, and that's
>if you're pre-paying with a credit card. So we do have plenty of time
>to toss around shows ideas on this new discussion list thingy.

It is indeed 7 months away, but I commend Aiko for taking the initiative
this far in advance. As everybody knows, it had a couple good bursts of
discussion, with what appears to be a forming consensus.

Making a decision earlier will give us enough time to work out the
logistics of reservations and payment.

Last year I was getting a bit concerned. We had agreed on a show, but we
did not have a volunteer step forward to coordinate it until March,
which is a bit late, IMAO.
. . . . .

>Friday Dance Night

>>On another note, i think Friday nights dance party could be at the
>>Room inside the Velvet Lounge at the Venetian. The cover charge is

>Michelle, have you been there yourself yet?

>Any other local LV girls have a first-hand report to make?

>By the way, the numbers for these Friday dance nights have never been
>larger than 15 to 20 so far, So I'm glad to see you thinking positive
>for bigger numbers for 2003. :-)
. . . . .

>Limo Tour Night

>>I think the best night to have the limo tour might be Wed. night after
>>Kareoke depending on how many want to do air tours Thurs. morning.

>Well, of course, it is up to the limo tour organizers what night they
>have the tour on, but I would point out that karaoke doesn't end until
>after 1 AM, which is very late to have the limo tour. If they were to
>decide to have the tour on Wednesday, they would certainly want to
>consider starting it earlier. As we talked about in some earlier
>mailings, karaoke is really a 2nd track event for that night for those
>that like it or just want to hang out and socialize. Other events can,
>and probably will, be scheduled up against it.
. . . . .

>Wednesday Night Event

>Personally, I'm hoping that someone comes up with a major early event,
>something really exciting to double-track along with the Women's Improv
>comedy thing. This "Ladies Night Out" women's improv event at the
>Greek Isle apparently features acts like the Snake Babe, as advertised
>at her Web site at http://www.snakebabe.com/appearing.shtml.

>Although a Google search didn't yield an official Greek Isle Web site,
>they were mentioned on many LV entertainment review sites as featuring
>the Sandy Hackett comedy club with the "Frank, Sammy, Joey, & Dean
>Tribute" and Dr. Naughty the famous hypnotist. The Greek Isle also got
>prominent play as a wedding chapel location.

>Personally, this just doesn't sound all that interesting to me. Using
>our DLV party bus analogy, I may get off the party bus for this one.

>I'll be interested to see what kind of performer schedule info we can
>get for this place and this show as April 2003 gets closer.

This show comes up every so often in the alt.vacation.las-vegas
newsfroup and the Wednesday womens thing seems to be well liked. Dr
Naughty (I didn't think he was at the Greek Isles) seems to get bad
reviews in the group, but I'm sure he will not be on the bill that

>I also took note of Annie's observation that Wednesday might just be an
>eclectic mix of events to choose from. That's an interesting idea.

>Still, I remember the big crowd at the Wednesday night dinner in 2002,
>and how many of them were new girls. I hope that one event will emerge
>as the "main" event for Wednesday that will be interesting for the
>majority of girls.

I do think a Wednesday dinner at Sasha's will indeed give us a very good
turnout. Ditto for a Tuesday evening dinner at HM's and Friday dinner at
Carluccio's. All of those places are safe enough for the new people and
mainstream enough so that the veterans will not feel claustrophobic.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Densie writes:

>>Bowling? Sounds to me like a good weekday afternoon activity. Any takers
>>to coordiate this?

>Tony has volunteered to coordinate this. I'll send you his address to sign
>him up for mailings.

Thanks, Tony! :)

If you need help locating an alley, I'm sure some of the local people
can give suggestions. I'm sure there's some alley that has a GLBT team
or league that will be appropriate.

>>We also don't wanna OD on shows, as we did in 1999. We will have two
>>shows as feature activities, at least one more as an option, and a few
>>lounge type entertainment things as well.

>How about a real life reenactment of Leisure Suit Larry? You could
>throw it in there with Retro Night.

Ahhhh, shades of DLV 1997. :)

>>>I think the best night to have the limo tour might be Wed. night after
>>>Kareoke depending on how many want to do air tours Thurs. morning.

>I would like to do both.

>>>Any plans to go see La Cage this year. I for one-probably the only
>>>one, still havn't seen it.

>Is the show still on?

Yes, La Cage is still on. It usually sells out on the weekends. Kenny
Kerr is currently the one without a showroom. Perhaps that's what you
are thinking of.

>>Actually, I think it's much better to be too verbose and more explicit
>>than it is to be brief and unclear.

>Me too, like when I cook bacon.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monique writes:

>Time for Monique Monet (aka Moter Mouth) to speak up. LOL.

>Once again, DLVOrg sisters, my apologies for not being so pro-active of
>recent. With the move to Denver forthcoming and being involved with
>Southern Comfor 2002 has kept me busy.

>For the venues I've voluenterred to head up, here's my update.....

>Our dear sister Tootsie (who attended DLV'02) has offered to help me
>with the name taking, badges, etc. I warmly welcome her assistance!

Thanks Tootsye. :)

>For the Southern Belle Society, I was thinking about scheduling that
>after the the Belliago buffett on Thursday. Location yet TBD, but it
>seems to make sense and perhpas if not too expensive, to rent a
>ballroom at the Belliago so all those sisters that attended the
>buffett could come to the SBS social without alot of hassle. I need to
>explore the costs involved, etc.

LOL ... I think the terms "Bellagio" and "not too expensive" may be
mutually exclusive. :) :) :)

>For the Limo tour, I really want this to be spectacular, so my thoughts
>at present are to either have the limo tour on Thurs nite or prior to
>the Showgirls of Magic between a dinner and a show. My personal
>thoughts are for the latter.

>Comments and suggestions girls?

Yes, I would suggest Thursday following the {TBD} show for the limo tour
for a few reasons:

1. Timing. Saturday would be TIGHT! Limo tour, including staging and
drop off will take about four hours. Not that much time on Saturday
before the show.

Looking at the schedule:

             7:00pm Happy Hour (San Remo)
             8:00pm Buffet dinner (San Remo)
            10:30pm Showgirls Of Magic

If people wind up their afternoon activities at 4:00pm or so, they have
just enough get-ready-and-get-there time to be fashionably late for
Happy Hour. To have a limo tour that would let out in time for the show,
it would have to start at 6:00pm or so, and that's still daytime.

2. Atmosphere. It should be *DARK*. No real excitement in driving into
the DelMar in broad daylight. :)

3. IMAO, it should be the last activity of the evening (morning) since
historically, many of us have not limited our consumption to one small
glass of soda during the trip. :) I am ready to crash after that.

If it's gonna be Saturday, I think it should follow the show, but I
do think the best time is after the show on Thursday.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Monique writes:

>I've got a major message to ya'll,

>If ya'll don't wear your badge, fine by personally. But I will tell ya
>Sister, that alot of the DLV'02 Sisters really liked the idea. Why?
>Unless you have the memory of an elephant (ya know the old story), as
>DLV continually grows, nametages are, IMO, a must just to keep names
>and faces straight.

I think the topic of name tags is one on which we, collectively, will
have to agree to disagree. Personally, I dislike wearing them but I
like it when those I don't recognize do. Therefore I will grudgingly
wear one to most DLV activities ... if I remember ... if it doesn't
interfere with what I am wearing at the time ...

>There is no requirement to wear a nametag at DLV. I will tell you
>Sister, however, that most of us that attended DLV'02 aned the post
>DLV'02 feedback was quite positive with respect to nametages.

I think it's clear that the majority finds them helpful.

>There is no requirement to wear a nametag while attending DLV. This is
>a vacation, not a convention. Just keep these words in mind Sister for
>DLV is all about socializing, relaxing, and having a great time.

I think we should encourage people to wear them, but never make them
mandatory. Those who want to be recognized and want to have their name
associated with their face can of course choose to do so. Those who want
to be know as "uh, what was your name again" can choose not to.

(Talkin 'bout a girl that looks quite like you ...)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Monique writes:

>>Daily brunch/lunch? This was a hot topic for a while. Is there still any
>>interest in this. Anybody wanna take this one on?

>Personally I have no interest. For the group as a whole, IMHO, some
>girls are not night owls, others are. Those that are not night owls, I
>suggest that this would be a second track issue. For those of us night
>owls, my lunch/brunch is at the Sahara 24/7 Coffee Shop {which is a
>great social venue, BTW }

>>Bowling? Sounds to me like a good weekday afternoon activity. Any takers
>>to coordiate this?

>I like the bowling venue idea. Only one thing girls, be prepared to
>break a nail or two and no high heels <sigh>. Perhaps our local Vegas
>sisters can suggest a time and place.

Tony (see above, or is it below?) has volunteered to coordinate this.

>>Side trip(s)? Alie-Inn (area 51) was suggested. Is this gonna happen? I
>>know Aiko was interested in this at one time. Any other side trip ideas?

>Again personally speaking, I cannot attend, as much as I would like to
>(cause I have to travel back home on a Sunday)

>>Retro night? This would probably work as an adjunct to any of several
>>things. Do we want to pursue this?

>Retro nite. I like the idea. How do we fit it into the schedule.

Any one evening could be designated as Retro Night, kinda like last year
we had Blonde day/night. I can see almost any evening working but one
of the non-dress-up evenings would probably be best.

>>Red Shoe Night? Ditto. I know Tina is hot on this one.

>Fine by me, however I won't be participating. Monique looks just awful
>in anything red (which I tried a SCC'02). LOL

... And before DLV 2002 I thought I looked awful as a blonde. :) ... To
rip off a line, Excellent, under the circumstances, red shoes are to be

Tina has kinda designated Wednesday as Red Shoe Night (see above).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
San Remo:

Monique writes:

>I plan on staying at the San Remo for DLV'03. Why? I was treated very
>well at the San Remo during DLV'02. Plus, somethihg different having
>tossed this red hair at the Sahara for the past two years.

>As for the RR issue, Mindy, sounds like it was handled well and the
>staff at the San Remo was quite understanding and cooperative.

Yes, I think that was handled tactfully, and it shows that they (San
Remo management) do value our business.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Michelle (NZ) writes:

>Kia Ora

Hafa Adai! (10 trivia points)


>>Imperial Palace
>>San Remo

>Personally I think this has gotten off the original point. Hotel choice
>is MORE of an issue for newcomers not frequent (D)Lvers. As Annie has
>pointed out returnees often have their favourite hotels and will use
>them irrespective of the groups recommendations.

>The original intention was for new comers to be given one, two or few
>places where they could stay and be easily assisted in the event of
>"issues". Quite a few for example experience stuck hotel room doors
>that have difficulty opening and allowing the occupant out! :-)

>By expanding the list we are diluting the original conceptual intent.
>We should simply list all the hotel in Las Vegas, eliminate the
>unfriendly ones and save everyone the trouble of either nominating or
>voting. Someone can then rate them all! :-) ....note NOT ME!!!!!

>OTOH and IMHO the better way is too choose 1,2 or perhaps three
>locations and make these the recommended locations for new comers. As I
>said returnees will do what they want anyway.

>As far as the list is concerned at present I think they're all fine
>establishments for their given price points. In reality I suspect that
>IP or Sahara will be the top of the list simply because Annie and other
>regulars use these places as the preferred residence!

The ideas surrounding the hotel suggestion process appears to be another
set of items on which we will have to agree to disagree. There are
multiple views on what we should do.

It appears to me that the only item we agree on is that the hotel
suggestions are intended primarily for newcomers.

We have all kinds of varied ideas regarding how many hotels to suggest,
which ones, what scale, and which geographic locations. Some of us want
to apply various litmus tests such as known to be t-friendly, and no
restroom restrictions.

Yes, I agree that we are spending quite a bit of our discussion energy
on this issue.

The upcoming vote in November will decide how many, what areas, and
which ones, and after that vote there will be no need to further
hash and rehash this item.

One thing that I do want to see this year is that the decision we make
in November is final. We don't want to add to any confusion by adding
or removing in the middle of the stream.
. . . . .

>>Side trip(s)? Alie-Inn (area 51) was suggested. Is this gonna happen?
>>I know Aiko was interested in this at one time.

>Sounds like a kewl idea. I'd be interested if it doesn't clash with
>something more interesting!!!!

>>Swimming: Mindy, any thoughts to which day will work?

>Mindy, please look at the long distance weather forecast and consider a
>day that is hot but not too hot, with a balmy breeze but not too strong
>a wind.:-) Obviously we don't want a day with any rain forecast nor
>snow for that matter. I kind of doubt that either will be a major issue
>in Las Vegas in April or May.
. . . . .

>>Trivia: Ok, I give. What *is* the name of the bar at the Sahara? :)


Casbar Lounge (bad pun, I admit) is the enclosed bar to the east end of
the casino that has a band most evenings.

The one I think we're referring to is the one in the casino on the north
end kind of adjoining the sports book.
. . . . .

> CGT, Sasha's, Flex:
>> recently. (TGs are coming out of the woodwork)

>This is consistent with their emergence from closets and wardrobes I
>guess! Clearly some of us have hidden more deeply than others :-)

>Joking aside... I think that DLV should support CGT in the same way
>that we ask other TG groups magazines etc to support DLV, therefore I
>think the activity list should include the CGT on what ever night and
>make it attractive as an activity.

Yes, we should support Club Girl Talk, as from what I can see it's been
highly successful in reaching out to the LV t* community.

I think CGT should remain on the schedule, even if it changes day and
location again. I would also say, however, that we can't limit our
planning of other activities because of this.

It's probably going to be the case that there are multiple activities
happening many times during DLV 2003.

The only activities that I personally think we should consider "sacred",
meaning we do not allow multi-tracking, are the Welcome (Pre-DLV)
Celebration, wherever it may be, the Annual Mixer on Friday, and the
feature set of activities on Saturday.

>I rather liked Sasha's and felt quite comfortable their on the two or
>three occasions I was there this year. Perhaps Sasha's would be better
>earlier in the week.

Sasha's is a very nice place. We (still) have Sasha's scheduled for
Wednesday, our second evening.

We don't have a place selected for our Welcome/Pre-DLV gathering, but
I think we want a place that allows conversation and does not have
loud entertainment for that.
. . . . .

>>The call to concentrate seems to have come from two issues, confusion
>>and transportation. Just prior to DLV 2002 it was mentioned that it
>>was very confusing to have three suggested hotels. Just after DLV 2002
>>there were comments about the unease of transportation, which did
>>not really appear to be echoed on the feedback survey.

>If I recall I made some comments about transport in relationship to
>number of venues we attended each night and the need for car travel and
>then parking etc. I think this is somewhat alleviated by a focus on
>remaining in or around one location on each evening where possible.

I think we're doing reasonably well in sticking to our principle of
fewer moves. Our Friday and Saturday evenings (the ones where traffic
and parking will be worst) reflect this.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Julie writes:

>This is a reply to the golf inquiries...

>Thursday would be best for me...

>And the Desert Rose course is my prefered choise.
. . . . .

Michelle (NZ) writes:

>>Question 1: Do you prefer Thursday morning or Friday morning for golf?

>Tough question really as both days end in "y" which is always a
>consideration for choosing the best day to do something on! :-)

>Either day suits me at this stage.

>>Question 2: Would you like to play again at the Desert Rose, as was
>>done in 2002, or try someplace else?

>Desert Rose was OK and I played at Mindy's own course, the name of
>which escapes me, the following week, in boy mode. Both were good
>courses and provided appropriate challenges. Desert Rose was quite
>welcoming and we probably didn't do justice to their hospitality by
>rushing away at the end of the game because of the other events
>scheduled for the evening.

>Clearly dollars will be an issue and the availability of Tee times for
>a group of 16-24 people. As previously discussed an earlier start might
>be better to allow after game drinkies. How early may depend on what
>activities are occurring the previous night which may in turn determine
>which is the best day for golf!

>In addition I wonder if it wouldn't be better to have an initial signup
>of those interested in the golf and let them decide the day. In
>particular there are several of the ladies you have ruled one day or
>the other out and I think returning golfing ladies should be
>accommodated if possible.

>>Your input would be appreciated. dlv@geekbabe.com or just hit REPLY

>As a New Zealand Advertisement for beer says to statements that are
>obviously difficult to believe..."Yeah, Right!". :-)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nominated hotels:

This will be an ongoing item until the vote in November.

(In order of nomination)

Imperial Palace
San Remo
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary Schedule of Activities (updated):

Date Day Time Activity
========== ========= =========
Apr 22 Tue
             5:00pm Pre-DLV Happy Hour/dinner (Hamburger Mary's)
             8:00pm Pre-DLV get-together

Apr 23 Wed
            Evening Red Shoe Night
             5:00pm Happy Hour (Sasha's)
             6:30pm Dinner (Sasha's / Milano's)
             ???? Womens Improv (Greek Isles)
            10:30pm Karaoke (Goodtimes)

Apr 24 Thu
            Morn Air tours
            Noonish Buffet lunch (Bellagio)
            Eve Happy Hour (Flex)
                       Club Girl Talk
                       Dinner (?????)
                       Production show

Apr 25 Fri
            Morn Air tours
            5:00pm Happy Hour (Carluccio's)
            6:00pm Dinner (Carluccio's)
            7:30pm Annual Mixer (Goodtimes)
            after Dance Night

Apr 26 Sat
             7:00pm Happy Hour (San Remo)
             8:00pm Buffet dinner (San Remo)
            10:30pm Showgirls Of Magic

Apr 27 Sun
            Aft High Tea
                       Side trip
            Eve Farewell Get-together
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2003 organizational list.

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Sun Oct 13 2002 - 08:33:56 CDT