Magnus Hirschfeld

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Dr. Hirschfeld
Publication of Dr. H.

Magnus Hirschfeld (1868 – 1935) was a well-known German researcher, sexologist, and human rights advocate, known for his pioneering work with the sociosexual minorities.

Dr. Hirschfeld oversaw some of the first successful and unsuccessful SRS procedures.

He was a founding member of the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, which is regarded as the world's first LGBT advocacy organization. In 1919 a screenplay by Dr. Hirschfeld and Richard Oswald, Anders als die Andern (Different From The Others) was produced as a silent film. Dr. Hirschfeld starred in a minor role, an un-named physician, assumed to be Dr. Hirschfeld himself.

The life and works of Dr. Hirschfeld is well-documented on the web. We suggest a web search for those seeking further information.

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