[dlvorg] Final date mailing - additional discussion - we will vote shortly ...

From: Diva Las Vegas organizers (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Date: Fri Jul 31 2009 - 14:21:07 CDT

In this mailing:

Org List
Final mailing on dates
Date discussion
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Org List:

This is the DLV 2010 Organizational Mailing List (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Replies to this message will be forwarded to the DLVORG list and not
the DLV-Announce or DLV-Discuss list.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Final mailing on dates:

There's been no second received on yesterday's additional
timeframe nomination.

Time to vote!

The floor is now closed for 2010 date-related items and a
Call For Votes is now in progress.

Those of voting status can expect a special ballot e-mail

We're "flushing the queue" of the date comments, which
appear below.

We've also received several activity-related items, and
those will appear in a subsequent mailing.
. . . . .

A typo in the latest mailing was reported:

Kimberly Komplin writes:

>>>I would like to nominate for Ballot measure 2.
>>> Six-day. Begin Monday, end Saturday

>>3. Six-day. Begin Monday, end Friday. (Nominated,
>>pending second.)
>Per the nomination Ballot measure 2, option 3 should be;

>3. Six-day. Begin Monday, end Saturday (not end Friday)

You are correct. This is my typo. Sorry.

However, I honestly do not see this typo affecting the
outcome of the date selection process in any way. The
correct set of days appeared correctly in both the
published copy of your nomination and in my response.
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Date discussion:

Kat writes:

>I am unsure if I can even vote

To clarify who can and cannot vote, If you are on record as
coordinating or assisting with at least one scheduled DLV
activity in either 2008 or 2009, you have voting status.

For those unclear as to if you have voting status, there
are two ways to check.

1. Look at the "Our Electorate" list which came out in the
July 22 ORG mailing. If you are listed on this, you are of
voting status.

2. If you receive the special ballot e-mails on the issues
we vote on, you are of voting status.

If you happen to be on the Our Electorate list but don't
get the ballots, something is wrong and we need to know
about it.

If you think you qualify for voting status but aren't on
the list, write in, list the DLV activities you coordinated,
and we'll update the list.

>but if I can I would cast a vote for ballot measure 1 as
>beginning April 18th And for Ballot measure 2 seven day

>I agree about leavings due to price increase as we do that
>as well for the same reasons

I'm not really sure if I understand your logic here, Kat.

On one hand you appear to be in favor of the longer DLV,
terminating on Saturday, and on the other you seem to be
saying that you've been leaving early due to the room
rates, and not able to fully participate in that 7-day
. . . . .

Ginger writes:

>Here is something to think about.

>We need to make sure we can fill the days we advertise with
>meaningful activities.

Agree 110%!

Those voting for a certain-length DLV need to realize that
they are voting to commit all volunteers, collectively, to
just that.

If the gang here is willing to put forth the effort toward
a longer high-quality DLV, I'm all for it.

However, AFAIC, the strategy of intentionally watering-down
and weakening the schedule in order to stretch it out is
not an option. We have a 13 year history of a quest for
excellence, and I refuse to let this morph into a quest
for mediocrity! "Not on my watch!"

>Rather than promise more than we can deliver, it seems to me
>there is always an "unofficial" pre-activity day or days and
>a post-activity day or days. In the past, I've usually stayed
>over and found people to do things with on a smaller scale
>perhaps, but as much or more fun.

This is very true. We almost always have Pre-DLV activities
and we have in the past had Post-DLV activities as well.

One option which we have placed on the table twice but never
taken advantage of is to have the option to extend a day,
which we can do by a simple majority vote, that decision
coming in the late fall, before most of the attendees have
their hotel and air locked down.

That can be an option this year as well, and requires no
formality other than a motion to extend at the appropriate
. . . . .

JoAnn writes:

>Ballot Response thoughts--- I see it somewhat simplistic -- the
>"cats seems to be willing to head into this direction-----

>Measure #1- Chose a Week---Nominate the week of April 18th

>Measure #2-Chose the Days---Nominate beginning Sunday and ending
>on Friday evening event.

>Await a Ballot!!

>After Ballot Suggestion --- For those who wish to continue
>through Saturday--- have a Post Event pending having a
>volunteer chair, the event being name that has "value added
>to the week", and an minimum potential enrollment for the

Thanks, JoAnn.

An echo of some of Ginger's remarks. (Second verse, same as
the first. I'm Hen-er-y ...) :) There's always the option to
informally extend in either side of DLV. This has happened
at times over our history. This can be done very easily, and
does not strain the commitment of the volunteer force.
. . . . .

Kimberly Komplin writes:

>>>I would like to nominate for Ballot measure 2.
>>> Six-day. Begin Monday, end Saturday

>>I am opposed to this nomination for two reasons.

>Should the nomination pass, I see no difference between
>Ballot measure 2 option 2, and Ballot measure 2 option 3,
>so far as ending on Saturday, your same argument about
>departure on or before Saturday holds.

Yes, and I am convinced that Saturday is a Bad Day for DLV
in either the case of a six-day DLV or a seven-day DLV, with
the optimum being to end with an uptick on Friday.

>As far as not allowing for six-day participation on weekday
>room rates taking into account that historically pre-DLV
>(unofficial) activities have been somewhat of a tradition
>taking place the day before the official start of DLV.
>people wanting to take advantage of any six-day room
>rates could still do so.

Yes, they have the option to come early and/or stay late.

Our planning, at least from an official standpoint, needs
to concentrate on the official scheduled DLV dates. Any
informal extensions need to take a second priority.

>I just feel that the option for the official starting
>day of DLV to be on Monday instead of Sunday should be
>available and then let the group decide what they want
>by way of vote.

It was nominated by you, and presented to the group as a
whole for consideration.

>>2. It acts as a "spoiler" for the Sunday-Friday option
>>which has been nominated and received multiple seconds.

>So far as it acting as a "spoiler" for the Sunday-Friday
>option, that I'm not sure about and only putting it to a
>vote can we really know how others feel about it.

True, only an actual vote can show how the others feel on
this particular case, but we did have a possible spoiler
situation in one round of votes last year, and Michelle's
motion was intended to reduce the effect of spoilers.

Were I not to face the wrath and scorn of those who want to
move the date selection process along, I might introduce an
addendum to Michelle's motion, expanding the ballot measures
to three:

1. Calendar week of the event.

2. Length of the event in days.

3. Start day of the event.

This would eliminate the spoiler effect between any two
similar but not identical options.

However, I do not want to find myself being murdered under
very questionable circumstances (some may go as far as to
say justifyable homicide in this case), so I will refrain
from introducing such a motion. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2010 organizational list.

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlvorg@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

Diva Las Vegas 2010
Dates to be announced
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Archives of this list appear on the web at:


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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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