dlvorg Vote results, Tramps, dancing, guns ...

From: Annie (annie@geekbabe.com)
Date: Tue Oct 07 2003 - 09:41:55 CDT

In this mailing:

Org List
Vote results
Tramps, Dancing, Fiscal Responsibility
Production Show
Guns and RHPS
HW Open House
Raw votes
Summary schedule of activities
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Org List:

This is the DLV 2004 Organizational Mailing List (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Replies to this message will be forwarded to the DLVORG list and not
the DLV-Announce or DLV-Discuss list.

Ongoing activity database of proposed and scheduled activities on line:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vote results:

I'm considering this to be "tentatively final", pending any error
reports or missing vote reports.

As you will see from the totals below, this is very close. Vote totals

Aye: 10
Nay: 10
Abstain: 8

Last vote was received on Saturday at 10:45am

Polls were closed Sunday at 10:45am

One vote had to be clarified (outcome would not have been affected) and
no votes were discarded for being late.

I counted this one carefully, multiple times, once as the votes came in,
another time with a concatenation of the received votes all at once, and
several times in review.

Since this is so close, and one vote could alter the outcome, what I
would like everybody to please do is carefully look over the raw votes
below and see if your vote is in there. If you don't think your vote is
there, please write in and let me know, as this is very easy to check.
If no missing votes are reported by Friday morning, let's consider the
count to be final.

Raw votes appear below with the left-hand side of the message-ID.

According to the commonly-accepted definition of majority, being "half
plus one" or "more than half", the motion fails.

Personally, I'm a bit surprised. I expected this one to carry, since
many seem to always be in favor of a longer DLV. My hunch is that the
significance of the length of the increase (50%) contributed to the
number of NAY votes.

For those who are disappointed by these results, I see a few options.

1. The floor is now open for any additional or similar motions. They
will, of course, be considered in the order received. If they receive a
second, they will be advanced for discussion.

2. We have already decided on an optional one-day extension (Sunday) in
our original vote on the dates. All we need to do is decide to exercise
this option by consensus, requiring little formality. This would give
those who need to take off by Saturday a full 6-day DLV, plus it gives
one "real Sunday" for such things as High Tea and MCC.

I have one forward-looking motion I wish to present, to avoid things like
this in the future, but I will defer the floor to any others who wish to
move at this time.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tramps, Dancing, Fiscal Responsibility:

Tina writes:


>>How is Tramps doing? Does it appear to be stable, meaning it will be
>>around in May of 2004?

>>How is the food?

>Samantha Sheer's wedding reception and dinner was at Tramps in July
>2003. It was quite nice. The food was better than before and was
>quite adequate (you know how much I usually hate restaurant food).
>Drinks were nice and strong. They have moved the stage by 90 degrees
>and the new setup works much better. Basically the same drag
>performers that we saw in May, and they remembered us.

>Gotta watch those steps though in the big seating area (still split
>level back nearest the bar). One girl tripped and really got

Hmmmm ... the only place I remember people tripping is Goodtimes.

>It's always been a very nice staff there (looked like the same
>bartenders anyway) and the valet parking is what really works.

Thanks, Tina. Everybody please be sure to compare this report with the
one below.
. . . . .

>Dance Night??

>>>or dancing at Gipsie's.

>>Tina, if you won't be there Friday evening, do you want to schedule
>>this for some other night?

>Ooohhh, I'm so confused. :-)

>I don't know what my schedule or the DLV schedule is going to be yet
>(polls remain open according to the headline just received).

Still not final, but ...

>After running it 4 or 5 years, I had expected that Dance Night could
>run itself (meet at Gipsy at 11 if you want to dance, look for other t*
>girls, then dance), so I didn't worry last year when personal injury
>forced me to just sit down and stay at Goodtimes after the Mixer and
>rest. But I was wrong, and it cratered. Some went elsewhere, some
>showed up and didn't see anybody and left right away. Just a mess.

Things don't run themself unless there's a fixed plan and everybody
decides to stick to it. There was a fixed plan, but some decided to go
elsewhere, so those who did show up according to the published plan did
not find the main part of the group.

>Another girl had organized a dance thing for that Tuesday (Adam at SRO)
>and few went to it, although there had been enthusiasm online.

IIRC, ADAM was originally no cover, but a steep cover was imposed
with little notice, and the word was passed at Flex that evening,
discouraging many of our people from attending.

>One thing we have to keep in mind. DLV skews older every year.

>Personally, I'm 5 years older now than the 1st time I organized Dance
>Night (as a 2nd track on a Saturday to RHPS, IIRC, the only time we
>tried it on Saturday). It's hard mentally for middle-aged t* girls to
>get out on the dance floor, even in a group. It takes courage, so its
>never been for everybody. And it takes the right kind of atmosphere.

>Gipsy has always been welcoming ... and loud.... and the stabbing
>lights so bright and flashing that you were always half-blinded and
>couldn't see or hear anyway if someone disapproved. And in 2001 and
>2002, the years we had over 20 girls there each time, we actually met
>many cool people who mixed well with our group.

>At the risk of starting the annual debate (it is Oct 1) on straight vs
>gay clubs, straight dance clubs just don't work for our demographics.

Hmmmm ... I see somebody finally noticed ... or finally admitted. :) :)

>For those who are thin and younger and can get away with it, head over
>for Studio 54 at the MGM, but if 20 clones of me went with you, then we
>would all be miserable.

>I've always thought that the LV Lounge is a fun place to dance: loud,
>dark, easy access to the bar. I've danced there in the early AM hours
>after the professsionals give it up for the night. I think more people
>would, but they're initmidated by the young t* girls who "work" there.

>Interestingly, some nights when I was in town this summer, a lot of
>non-pro but sort-of street trans people would come piling in around 3
>or 4 AM for social dancing. Mostly late 20's, lots of energy. People
>in DLV either love or hate the LVL, so I doubt that suggesting having
>Dance Night there would work..

My major impression of LVL this past year was that the condition
of the property had really gone downhill. To call it a dump was an
understatement. The ladies room was gross! It was also my observation
that the amount of booze they put in the one drink I had there was so
little that I actually sobered up from it. :)

If somebody wants to plan a dance thing there, I'm not gonna try to
fight it, but I think there have to be better places for it.

The one thing I want to keep my distance from is the entire "street"
scene, and the complex intertwined web within it. I'm sure others feel
the same way.

>Personally, I think we should try another night besides Friday in order
>to shake things up. I've read that Gipsy is open 6 or 7 nights a week
>now after their remodeling, so I think another night would work better
>for the stay-out-really-late dance-till-you-drop girls. Maybe that
>first Sunday night if it goes to 2 weekends? That sounds like fun and
>then sleep on Monday morning. If you're not going to Rhyolite.

That would work for Sunday if we exercise our option to extend to that

>But maybe a different place than Gipsy. I was intrigued by the
>following comment from Leah:

>>Goodtimes will also have a DJ on the weekends starting late.

>Leah, what time on what weekend days? GT has that wonderful dance
>floor in the back that always goes to waste and they have all that
>front room for the socializing and talking that everybody says they
>want. All I ever see are girls with their faces down in video poker.
>No names, please. :-)

Yes, Leah (anybody), by "weekends", what do they mean by days and times?

>A Sunday Night Dance (as opposed to dance night) with the main lights
>low and the fluorescent tubes gleaming, and particularly a DJ that
>plays danceable music we all recognize and like at a comfortable
>volume, could be a lot of fun. Even if it had to be on a Tuesday
>night. Eric, the karaoke DJ, also does regular DJ work, as do several
>hundred others in LV, plus bars like GT and Flex and Spotlight always
>have house DJs they can refer you to. So arranging a special night,
>if necessary, wouldn't be hard.

>If we had to organize a special dance on a non-music night (NOT their
>Monday night beer bust night), we could simply charge $2 or $3 cover
>charge to get a dance floor ticket to cover paying the DJ. The bar
>would get theirs from the increased liquor sales.

>(Logistics problem: Only Ladies RR at back of dance floor, such
>problems can be fixed with further thought).

>Since we're paying, we get to choose the music.

>Advertise a little via free channels (Web announcements, LV GLBT
>postings, flyers at GT) and we might get enough strangers to make it
>really interesting. If we have money left at the end of the night, we
>start buying bottles of champagne until the money's gone.

>Hmmmmmmmmmm...... maybe........ let me think about it for awhile and
>also see what others think.

Comments, ladies? (gentlemen?)

>Happy New Fiscal Govt Year (how many $$ is a Trillion anyway?)

A billion if you're British. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Production Show:

Aiko writes:

>Hi Annie,

Hewwo :)

>Haven't heard from Mindy about changing the golf outing from Friday
>a.m. to either Wed or Thurday a.m. Even so, I would like to schedule
>the production show on Thursday evening, for either a 7 p.m. or 9 p.m.
>start time.

Ok, I'll get this on the calendar for Thursday.

>If the organizers of the limo tour would like to change from Wed to
>Thurs and follow the production show, I feel that would make a good

>If the limo tour stays on Wed p.m., some of the DLV participants would
>have to make a choice between Karaoke and limo tour. If the limo tour
>is on Thurs p.m., the only "conflict" would be getting up early for
>golf on Fri a.m.

I agree that the combination of show-limo works well, and that having
the two together would most likely increase the turnout for both. I'm
hoping everybody will work together on scheduling here so we won't
have major conflicts.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guns and RHPS:

Densie writes:

>>Does anyone who is planning to attend DLV 04 or resident in the LV
>>area, and going to the gun show, also have a FFL (Federal Firearms

>Are you sure we need that? My understanding was that you only had to
>go through an FFL if you were having a firearm shipped. Do they no
>longer allow them in checked baggage on commercial flights?

I recently flew on Untied and their baggage administrivia said that
firearms in checked baggage were allowed if declared and unloaded.

>>We only have
>>THREE opportunities to do RHPS at DLV this coming year. I hope that's
>>enough Absolute Pleasure<tm> for you. :)

>I dunno, we might have to go a week earlier or stay a week later. You
>got my hopes up for four showings and now you're letting me down hard.

Well, it looks like we may have a maximum of 2 RHPS showings now,
assuming the cast does still have the Friday show.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nora writes:

>In answer to this question let me relate an experience that we had 2
>weeks ago. I had out of town friends in and we decided to go to Tramps.
>I had been telling my friends that the food was good and the show worth

>We arrived there at 9:30 for the 10:30 show. The place was fairly empty
>and yet the service was non existent. They were out of a several items
>on the menu.

>The waitress was nowhere to be seen. She did make an appearance at the
>end to "Tell" us how much we owed. Yes, tell us she could not find a
>check or a piece of paper to give to us itemizing our purchases.

>We finished our meal and waited for the 10:30 show. There was a lot of
>running around backstage before the show but 10:30 came and went and
>still no show. We waited until 11:45 before we finally left. No
>announcements were made nor was there any concern for the patrons.

>I would be very hesitant to go back and if there is a similar venue
>that can be found somewhere else I would strongly suggest going there

Thanks, Nora. This is in contrast to the report above. Everybody in LV
please keep an eye on this one if you can.

This appears to have happened a couple months after Tina's report above,
so maybe things are slipping. I know some places intentionally delay the
show to get more booze time in, but over an hour with no announcement
shows something is wrong somewhere.

Any additional observations?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HW Open House:

Leah writes:


Hey there, hi there, ho there!

>Hidden Woman will definitely have their Open House again and would like
>the Weds. afternoon time slot. Actually 11:00am til whenever. It will
>most likely be at the Sahara as well.

Ok, it's on the calendar. :)

>Before I approach this new vendor, I was wondering if a quick census
>could be taken to see if anyone is interested in a bra fitting? The
>Bra Boutique is located on Jones just north of Sahara.....it is a small
>shop but they have some nice looking things in the window. I would
>imagine they sell premium bras at around $25-30 each but I haven't gone
>in yet.

Comments, ladies?

They might even take Michelle's business away from the Maidenform
outlet store. :)

>Not even sure if they would welcome us but I can certainly find
>out...... just wanted to see if there was an interest first. Wouldn't
>want to approach them and then no one is interested. Maybe we can set
>a day and time if there is enough interest.

If they are indeed interested in getting more t* business, we can put
them on our Big List of recommended firms in LV. Please let us know
if/when you make contact.
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Raw votes:

(In no particular order.)

Message-ID: <65.1a2815bd.2cb04509@

Message-Id: <200310032315.SAA09160@

Message-ID: <BBA308A6.BD6C%????????.????????@
3. ABSTAIN Actively refrain from casting a vote either way.

Message-Id: <20031002.071844.23607.46819@
Subject: NAY

Message-ID: <20031001153346.8674.qmail@

Message-ID: <Sea2-DAV133LiC1h1jY0000045f@

Message-ID: <169.2474c540.2cabb918@
My vote is #2 - NAY. {comments removed}

Message-ID: <6e.328035d4.2cab80e3@
1. Aye

Message-ID: <3F78F650.8000208@

Message-Id: <20030929171649.KZQT4816.fed1mtao01.c??.n??@

Message-Id: <>
<font size=3>nay</font></html>

Message-ID: <3F774C4A.8040102@

Message-ID: <BAY8-F25xqf4rFyuXvr000298b1@

Message-ID: <20030928182952.60374.qmail@

Message-ID: <20030928024716.63401.qmail@
... NAY (NO, AGAINST, etc.) I vote against this motion.

Message-ID: <7b.19c4d1a6.2ca718de@
 I vote NO

Message-ID: <BB9B06DB.1A2%???????@
{comments removed} I vote to ABSTAIN.

Message-ID: <3F75A7A3.A7DE56E4@

Message-ID: <8880-3F753914-26@
Accordingly, {name} abstains (#3).

Message-ID: <195.202952d4.2ca685f4@

Message-ID: <166.26175b27.2ca68143@
> 2. NAY (NO, AGAINST, etc.) I vote against this motion.

Message-ID: <ab.3271a25a.2ca65dd6@

Message-ID: <BAY7-F55OrBLSAQV6uP00003e29@

Message-ID: <32.3e66f6cd.2ca6524e@

Message-ID: <20030927020247.52357.qmail@

Message-ID: <20030927012715.33218.qmail@
I vote in favor of the motion!

Message-ID: <20030927011317.8133.qmail@
> 3. ABSTAIN Actively refrain from casting a vote

Message-ID: <BAY2-F148bBiq2wXaJp00002b2b@
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary schedule of activities:

This schedule is preliminary and is subject to change
without notice.

Monday, May 3:
            10:00am Trip to Rhyolite (Rhyolite)
            1:00pm Lunch with or without Ginger (Sahara buffet)
            5:00pm Happy Hour (TBD)
            6:00pm Milano's dinner (Milano's)
            8:00pm Welcome Celebration (Flex or Spotlight)

Tuesday, May 4:
            12:30pm Boat cruise (Lake Mead)
            1:00pm Lunch with or without Ginger (Sahara buffet)
            1:30pm Bowling (Bowling alley)
            5:00pm Happy Hour (TBD)

Wednesday, May 5:
            9:00am Air Tours (Henderson Executive Airport)
            11:00am Hidden Woman Open House (Sahara (suite))
            12:00n Buffet Lunch (Bellagio buffet)
            1:00pm Lunch with or without Ginger (Sahara buffet)
            2:00pm Shopping expedition (LV Premium Outlets)
            5:00pm Happy Hour (Hard Rock Cafe)
            6:00pm Hard Rock Dinner (Hard Rock Cafe)
            Ev Secretaries Night (HRC)
            10:00pm Karaoke (Goodtimes)
            Ev Limo Tour (TBD)

Thursday, May 6:
            2:00am Charles Bar get-together (Bellagio)
            10:00am Art tour (TBD)
            1:00pm Lunch with or without Ginger (Sahara buffet)
            PM Indoor skydiving (Flyaway)
            PM Glamour Boutique Open House (Glamour Boutique)
            4:00pm High Tea (TBD)
            5:00pm Happy Hour (TBD)
            Ev Production show (TBD)

Friday, May 7:
            AM-PM Golf (Desert Rose)
            1:00pm Lunch with or without Ginger (Sahara buffet)
            5:00pm Happy Hour (Carluccio's)
            6:00pm Carluccio's Dinner (Carluccio's Tivoli Gardens)
            7:30pm Annual Mixer (Goodtimes)

Saturday, May 8:
            10:00am Claude Hall Gun Show (Cashman Field)
            11:00am SBS Garden Party (Mindy's residence)
            5:00pm Happy Hour (TBD)
            12:00m Rocky Horror Picture Show (Highly tentative)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2004 organizational list.

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlvorg@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

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to send photos and the like, mail to: annie@annie.net

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To send material to this list: Send submission as regular e-mail to
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Tue Oct 07 2003 - 17:58:34 CDT