dlvorg Error, activities, etc. ...

From: Annie (annie@geekbabe.com)
Date: Sun Nov 17 2002 - 00:04:46 CST

In this mailing:

Org List
Mailing error on vote results
Laundry List Comments
Another proposal on the table
Air tours, etc.
Straight dance club
Various notes and thoughts
Latest on RHPS
Golf and SO's
Summary Schedule of Activities (updated)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Org List:

This is the DLV 2003 Organizational Mailing List (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Replies to this message will be forwarded to the DLVORG list and not
the DLV-Announce or DLV-Discuss list.

Ongoing activity database appears on line at:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mailing error on vote results:

Slight technical snag on last week's mailing. The length of the mailing
exceeded one of the mailing list processor's limits, and I was unaware
of it until the next morning. The end of the raw votes and the
adminstrivia were truncated. If anybody wants to see the original and
complete mailing, it's on line with the archives at:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Laundry List Comments:

Tina writes:

>>1. Welcome Celebration on Tuesday. Any ideas for a location? <snip>
>>I would suggest Flex, but CGT will be there on Thursday and we have
>>the Farewell Celebration there on Sunday.

>What about the Spotlight an the Commercial Center? It's sort of across
>the street from the Dakota (formerly Keys). I liked it when I was
>there. Plain but friendly. I haven't done due diligence research to
>see what they currently have on Tuesdays yet (their Web site is not
>helpful). Just wanted to make a suggestion to broaden the discussion.

I've driven by this a million times but never stopped there. I don't
have any objection to it, but I really don't know anything about it.

>Another place (never been there) that I've heard about for years is
>Snick's Place (apparently one of the oldest gay bars in LV). Reviews
>I've read of both places indicate they attract an older crowd. That
>certainly was true for Spotlight the time I was there.

I've heard the name, never been there, don't even know where this one is
and I don't even remember seeing it. Anybody been there?

>In the interest of full disclosure to help the planning process, not
>that I would ever recommend the place (Me hold a grudge against a place
>that told a group of DLV girls they couldn't use the ladies room.
>Me??), the Free Zone Web site indicates that they have moved Ladies
>Night to Monday and karaoke to Tuesday (karaoke still also continues on
>Sunday there), so I suppose that is another option for the DLV Tuesday
>Welcome Celbration if we get really desperate.

They tell me (the ubiquitous "they") that Freezone is no longer being
draconian about restrooms. I haven't been there in a couple years, so I
don't know first hand. I have seen Freezone crowded even on the
weekdays, so this may not be the best for us.

>BTW, speaking of Triangle clubs, if you haven't been to Sasha's Web
>site lately at www.sashas.biz you should check it out. I was
>pleasantly surprised by how nice it looked and how informative it was.

I guess I should try it again. I saw it once and there really was not
that much content there at the time.

>>5. Thursday show. Any more thoughts on which one? Aiko?

>I know Aiko made a show suggestion once already. What was it? As show
>organizer, her suggestion should carry considerable weight. Persoanlly,
>I hope we attend something with showgirls, glamour, and glitz.

Consensus was that a "Vegas type" show was wanted. I don't know of any
more plans as to selecting which show. Aiko?

>>8. Daily breakfast/brunch? Is this a dead item? Going once ...

>No, I don't think it's a dead idea. Since we've just decided this week
>on hotels, that obviously affects the planning. Choosing 4 hotels
>didn't simplify it. :-) :-)

>As I said in an earlier mailing, I plan to propose something plain and
>simple about 2 months before DLV after the rest of the schedule is set.
>Something simple along the lines of "I'll be eating brunch at XYZ at 1
>PM every day. All DLV girls welcome in whatever mode you can drag
>yourself out of bed for." (1 PM is just an example.) When we see
>where most people make their reservations, that could affect where XYZ
>is. For example, I probably won't know where I'm staying until January
>at the earliest.

>Meanwhile, if somebody wants to organize something fancy and/or
>complicated. feel free to go for it with my blessing. Otherwise, I'll
>be happy with chatting with whoever shows up for the plain old XYZ

Ok, we'll let Tina run with the ball on this one, unless somebody wants
to run down for a pass. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Another proposal on the table:

Aiko writes:

>A few of us have been e-mailing about possibly adding a "convention
>type" venue. Specifically, we've been discussing the possibility of
>organizing a "class" on feminine mannerisms. Since we have all "walked
>the walk", speaking for myself, I could use help in "walking the walk,
>sitting the sit, and standing the stand" with more grace and femininity.

As everybody knows, I have mixed feelings about things like this. However,
we did set the precedent with the two workshops at GB and HW, and I did
not see any damage to our vacation because of them. :)

I think such a workshop would be helpful to many of our people.

I think there would be a demand for this, and yes, I think it is badly

I would most likely add outfit selection to the curriculum if I were
calling the shots on this. :)

>Considering the number of first timers last year, simply holding this
>type of class may be very popular.

>The business we solicit could be a modeling school, a dance school, or
>perhaps, Hidden Woman or Glamour Boutique, and I would like to present
>this idea to the girls for discussion.

I would suggest starting by querying GB and HW. To be fair to both of them,
I suggest making the same proposal/request to both.

Speaking freely, I think our "credit rating" is somewhat higher with HW
than it is with GB due to the no-shows for the makeup demo thing last
year. (John was p*ssed, but he asked me to say nothing to our people.)

If they don't want to do this, there are countless schools in LV who train
wannabe-models and booth bunnies and such.

>I do hold firm that DLV shoudl be a "vacation, not a convention,
>however, since we did hold a wig styling session last year with good
>success, this idea may be that far off.

I'm probably the most adamant about not letting DLV morph into yet
another clone of FF/SCC/TT/FH/whatever. A couple years ago I was far
more concerned about this, and yes, I would get defensive when people
suggested meeting rooms and such.

After DLV 2002, however, I got the impression that people appreciated
the non-convention aspects of DLV. I really heard no calling this time
for convention-izing DLV.

I have a feeling that something like this (workshop on comportment,
carriage, and outfit selection) would be in demand, and I think that if
it is self-supporting and held on the sponsor's premesis, it will not
be contrary to our vacation-not-a-convention model.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Air tours, etc.:

Densie writes:

>>2. Air tours. We have this scheduled for both Thursday and Friday.

>Let's do the signup thing again this year. When we count up how many
>passengers we'll have, we can decide if we both need to fly both days.
>If anyone is interested now, you can let us know at any time.

We'll start the activity signups in March. We can put two entries in
there, one for each day, and see what the demand is. We can then adjust
depending on demand.

>>Karaoke attracts a small but significant number of our people who are
>>very much into it. I kinda tag along with them since I enjoy their
>>company and have had a good time listening. (I know Tina is trying to
>>get me to take a turn at the mike, but I learned the hard way a few
>>years ago that it's not such a hot idea. :)

>Why not? The whole idea is to have fun. Talent is not a requirement,
>if that's what you're worried about.

Well, assuming you can at least carry a tune in a locked steel
container. :) :) :) I can't even lip sync in tune!

>>The side trips have never been heavily attended, and twice we've
>>scrubbed them on the spot due to lack of interest. Quite honestly, you
>>will probably have a better turnout doing it Monday with the few who
>>are in early than to have it either on a DLV weekday or on Sunday.

>I'll do the side trip. We had a Good Time <tm> last year.

Yes, those who go always have a good time, it's just that the turnout
for them has been lower than other activities. I think last year is the
first time we've had more than one vehicle on one of those.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Straight dance club:

Vickie writes:

>>9. Straight dance club. There's been quite a bit of chatter regarding
>>this on the discussion list. Do we want to consider this as an
>>alternate-track activity some evening, or just let those who want to

>I think this should be alternate-track activity who ever wishes to go
>can. I'm thinking either Friday or Sat after the regular event. 12:00,
>1:00 or 2:00 is not too late to begin this activity.

There are some comments and discussion below (above?) regarding my
concerns about this, however ...

We don't have a late-nite activity after the show on Saturday, so this
could be one of the options for that.

It could also be an option for those who want to go dancing after the
Annual Mixer on Friday but for some reason do not want to do Gipsy.
Tina, any comments on this?

If this is to happen, we do need somebody to adopt it and decide on
exactly where, when, etc.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Various notes and thoughts:

Anya writes:

>>1. Welcome Celebration on Tuesday. Any ideas for a location? Not a

>Sice dinner is at Hamburger Mary, continue the welcome celebration at

Does HM actually have a room for something like this? I'm sure there's
not enough room by the bar for the number of people that will attend.

I don't seem to recall any non-restaurant area at HM's, but I've only
been there once. This would eliminate the need for a move on Tuesday
evening between Happy Hour/Dinner and Welcome Celebration.

Anybody know for sure?

Do those of you who have been to HM's more than I have think that it
would be appropriate for our Welcome Celebration?

Any other comments or concerns about using this for the welcome thing on
. . . . .

>>9. Straight dance club. There's been quite a bit of chatter regarding

>I have a feeling this will end up as a do it on your own activity. I
>haven't found many who desire to visit mainstream establishments. I
>hope I'm wrong on that count.

I'm gonna speak very freely here. While I'm all for the mainstream
aspect of DLV, I have some significant reservations about encouraging
our people to go en masse to a mainstream singles club.

What I don't think will work is a medium to large group made up
exclusively of t-girls invading a place that avowedly-het males have
marked as their mating ground.

Most of our people are not ready for anything like this, and those who
are, IMAO, are close to asking for trouble if they do it.

I do think it could work with a smaller group of our younger, more
confident, and more mainstream-appearing people, if diluted with a good
mix of gg's and people in boymode.

It was also brought up in a recent off-line conversation that
demographically, even if gender factors are not considered, our people
still do not fit the profile of those who go to most of the straight
dance clubs.

 From a personal standpoint, I haven't really been interested in the
loud dance clubs for the past 15 years or so. Therefore I would most
likely skip this.

If we do put a trip to a <quote>straight</quote> dance club on our
schedule, I do want to be sure everybody knows that this is uncharted
territory, and that it may or may not be an enjoyable evening.

Yes, I realize this may sound strange coming from somebody who has over
and over campaigned against having "safer" activities and venues for
DLV, but, IMAO, this could be one of those "more guts than brains"

I also want to be sure this is in addition to, and not in place of,
our planned dance night(s) in the places we know are friendly.
. . . . .

>>10. Retro Night? Going once

>Sounds good to me, House of Blues on Saturday nights.

What (I think) was intended for this was to designate one evening for
a DLV get-together where retro dress was encouraged. All evenings are
now full, and there really has not been any enthusiasm for this since
June or so.

This could most likelt be adjunct to about any other evening, but
again, there does not appear to be support for it. Going twice ...
. . . . .

>>>Not to be too far ahead of the scheduling of venues, but IMHO, we leave
>>>the limo tour for the Thursday nite last venue after a glam/production
>>>show and Karokee at Goodtimes has historically been on Wednesday

>I am in agreement here.
. . . . .

>>>As for the SBS Garden Party, I would like to tenatively suggest that
>>>this should be on Saturday afternoon. This might have to be
>>>two-tracked with the 'traditional' mall crawl, which BTW, I've not

>That might work. I haven't seen too many go to the mall crawl.

For the past couple years, daylight mainstream activities on Saturday
have not been well attended. In 1998/1999 and even in 2000 we had good
turnouts for such things as exploring the Strip and crawling to malls.

In 2001 we had a very low turnout for a planned "shopping and hopping"
thing on Saturday afternoon (some said that it was because the Friday
evening things lasted until daylight) and we only had a fair turnout
for the mall crawl in 2002.

>I have a feeling that
>something like a SBS Garden Party will get a better turnout.

>I think a party could do well, be sure there is food.

Oh yes, I'm sure there will be. Mindy and the SBS girls do know how
to throw a party. :)
. . . . .

>I kinda like the idea of having one afternoon to focus on the various
>vendor open houses, but I dunno if the people at GB and HW would like

>Perhaps we should eliminate the open houses this year. People can
>always shop on their own time.

Hmmmm ... First time I've heard that opinion. I'm not married to having
these, but I think they would benefit both our people and the vendors.

Since both of them were crowded to the point of being near their legal
occupancy in 2002, I would have to say that our people like them.

>>I've always wanted us (DLV) to treat both GB and HW fairly and equally,

>Again another good reason to dispense with the open houses.

Ok, so noted. Are there any others who share the opinion that we should
not do open houses this year?

>>A third factor in this equation is Vegas Girl Wigs. Susan said she is

>I think DLV needs to stay away from the retailers and concentrate on
>being a vacation.

When I'm on vacation, I often find myself going shopping for some of the
time wherever I am. I know others do as well. Look at all of the out of
state tags in the Belz parking lot. :)

I daresay that a good percentage of GB/HW's walk-in clients are on
either business or vacation in the LV area. Many areas don't have
anything like these shops, so when people are in the area, they are
going to want to stop in there.

Our people like the shops, the shopkeepers like our people. Looks like a
match made in Vegas to me. :)

. . . . .

>>From another angle, many people go ga-ga over the press, showing them
>>obsequious deference. I've even seen self-appointed t*-community

>I think we should refrain from media coverage. I'ts nice to have
>articles written about our event, but privacy is paramount. I wouldn't
>want to be unknowingly put on the national TG media. This is a
>vacation, and we should keep our vacation private.

I have very mixed feelings about media coverage, as you can probably
tell. On one hand, I don't think we need it. Our current methods of
spreading the word will get us enough people until either our model
breaks down or we reach a saturation point. On the other hand, I think
that some supportive exposure in the GLBT media would be an asset to our

I do share your concern about privacy. If coverage is to happen, it has
to be on our terms and they must respect the wishes of those who want
their participation to be their business only. This comes from somebody
who found her picture involuntarily on the front page of _FI_News_
(anybody remember that one?) several years ago.
. . . . .

(Side trips)

>>>Due to the amount of time involved, this (Ale-Inn) may not fit into
>>>the actual time structure of DLV, but we could make it a pre-DLV
>>>option for the early arrivals on the Monday prior to the official

>>If you don't do it Sunday, I'll then propose some kind of a shorter
>>side trip for that timeslot. Maybe a drive around Lake Mead, maybe a

>Good idea, keep the side trip under a half day.

I agree that a shorter side trip is more appropriate. Even though they
seldom get a huge turnout, they are a lot of fun for those who go on

>>It might actually be better to have it on the Monday before DLV, as

>I would do a side trip on a Monday too, it's my day off.

Monday would be the most appropriate for any day-long activity.

>My two cents worth.

And worth every penny. Thanks. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kate writes:

>Although I would love to do a production show along with the Limo Tour
>I fear I would most likely back out at the last minute and regret it
>for the rest of the year till next time around at DLV as I don't think
>I could bring myself to stand in a lineup for an extended time period
>of time with hundreds of tourists, so I agree with the lady who
>suggested to have two demarcation points for the limo tour, One from
>the prod' show and the other from Club girl talk.

I do understand your concern here. Let's see if I can maybe ease it
a bit. :)

For the shows that have reserved seating, there is seldom a line, and
if there is it will be short and will move quickly. Most of the larger
production shows have gone to this kind of seating, as we saw with
La Femme in 2002, Folies in 2001, and Splash in 2000.

For our Saturday show, Showgirls Of Magic, it is the old Maitre'd
seating, where you stand on line and brib^H^H^H^Htip the captain for the
good seats. What I indend to do is to talk to the showroom staff and $ee
if I can per$uade them into blocking off a $ection of table$ for u$ and
then let our people go directly to the Maitre'd desk to be seated.

But back to your point, having a dual pick-up for the limo will let
the non-show people socialize and then join us later.

>As long as we arrive at the same places at the same time for social and
>group photo opportunities.

>The shopping trip could go Wednesday afternoon if it is agreeable with
>the feverishly keen shoppers among us, Same format as before, times to
>be decided by all who are interested!

As of this day, hour, minute, and second, nothing has been scheduled for
Wednesday afternoon. I'm penciling this in to hold the place. It may be
two-tracked against the vendor open houses, if those happen, and it
would most likely be possible to end the trip to Primm by swinging by
the t* shops.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Latest on RHPS:

Tina writes:

>For the RHPS fans, there was an update in Bill Here's LV Newsletter:

>TRANSYLVANIA THEATER AND TEA ROOM: >The Rocky Horror Picture Show every
>1st and 3rd weekend (both Friday and Saturday) of the month. Do the
>Time Warp again!!! Full information at: http://www.divinedecadence.org

Thanks, Tina. I just pulled that up, and I'm surprised that they are
doing it in such a small hall. I wonder if it's an actual film or really
just video. I doubt they could show 35mm in that building. Oh well ...

Since it's the first and third weekends, if it's still going on, and on
that schedule, it won't work for us.

As you probably know, there is a second cast in the area, and last I
heard they were still trying to get a full-size theater.

>Per their Web site, this weekend is/was Bikini Shaving Cream Night.

Uh, say what? Are they maybe running out of ideas for theme nights? :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Golf and SO's:

Mindy writes:

>sorry i am computer hell.. diane is up for doing the SO thing again and
>she will put together a proposal..

Thanks. Please let us know what day/time so we can get it penciled in
on the schedule.

>golf is set for fri at 9 am (this could be changed) and a shotgun start.
>this will get us all off the course around 1:30 or so..

Sounds great. Thanks Mindy.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary Schedule of Activities (updated):

Date Day Time Activity
========== ========= =========
Apr 22 Tue
             5:00pm Pre-DLV Happy Hour/dinner (Hamburger Mary's)
             8:00pm Welcome Celebration
            11:00pm Dancing (SRO)

Apr 23 Wed
            Aft Primm Valley Mall shopping
            Evening Red Shoe Night
             5:00pm Happy Hour (Sasha's)
             6:30pm Dinner with entertainment (Sasha's)
            10:30pm Karaoke (Goodtimes)

Apr 24 Thu
            Morn Air tours
            Noonish Buffet lunch (Bellagio)
            Eve Happy Hour (Flex)
                       Club Girl Talk
                       Dinner (?????)
                       Production show
                       Limo Tour

Apr 25 Fri
            Morn Air tours
            9:00am Golf
            5:00pm Happy Hour (Carluccio's)
            6:00pm Dinner (Carluccio's)
            7:30pm Annual Mixer (Goodtimes)
            after Dance Night

Apr 26 Sat
            Aft Southern Belle Society Garden Party
             7:00pm Happy Hour (San Remo)
             8:00pm Buffet dinner (San Remo)
            10:30pm Showgirls Of Magic

Apr 27 Sun
            Aft High Tea
                       Side trip
            Eve Farewell Get-together
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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