dlvorg Holidays, loose ends, etc. ...

Subject: dlvorg Holidays, loose ends, etc. ...
From: Annie (annie)
Date: Sun Nov 19 2000 - 00:45:14 CST

In this mailing:

List and the Holidays
Loose ends
Tentative schedule
Activity and event suggestions
Web Sites
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List and the Holidays:

We're entering the 2000-2001 holiday season, gang, and I would like to wind
the organizational list down over the next week or so, take a break over
the holidays, and resume planning (and anticipating) in the regular DLV
list in January.

If there's anything you feel the need to discuss on the org list, as
opposed to the main DLV list, now is the (last) time to do it.

Let's plan on next Sunday's being the last regular mailing on the DLVORG
list for this year. We'll have a summary mailing the first part of
December, and from that point on, we'll steer everything to the main
DLV list.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loose ends:

These are a few things we will have to concentrate on right after the
first of the year. Please be thinking about them as you enjoy the
holidays. :)

1. Holes in the schedule.

Schedule looks good for the most part, but we do have to fill in some
holes, particularly on Thursday. We want to be sure we have quality
activities that people will want to do, and not just filler for the
empty spaces.

I want to be sure we have things stable enough that we don't have any
last-minute shuffling of events, which is a major hassle.

On a related note, there are a few "must do" things we have to find
places for. Golfers, please be thinking of what days/times would work
for you. Thursday and/or Friday morning and afternoon might be good
times for that, imao.

2. Volunteers.

We've already got a number of volunteers for various activities and
stuff. Right after the first of the year we need to have a "Call For
Volunteers" to fill out what we need.

Looking ahead, it looks like activity coordinators will be our greatest
need. I've already committed to coordinating a number of them, and a few
others have also committed to doing same, but we don't wanna burn out
anybody with busy work. Everybody wants to be able to enjoy DLV. If
everyone on this list would agree to oversee just one activity or event,
we would be in fine shape on this.

I'd like everybody to be thinking of areas they can help in. If you
have an activity in mind, please say so, and also put your name in
as the person who will see it through.

We'll also need volunteers in other areas, such as ...

. "Big Sisters" There wasn't any real demand for this at DLV 2000, but
we do want to have people standing by in case there is a need (there was
a need in 1999). Those who volunteer for this should be prepared to
answer general questions, give advice on such things as what to wear,
makeup, etc., and be able to give some gentle sisterly support to those
who may be nervous or uneasy.

We've had a suggestion for pre-DLV big sisters who would be able to answer
questions and consult by e-mail or phone in advance of DLV. If you would
like to serve in this capacity, please let us know.

. Drivers. As always, many of our people will be without a vehicle, and
not very many, especially the newcomers, want to use public
transportation. As of this time, I'm planning on driving a van, but we
will most likely need a few other volunteer drivers as well.

3. Official hotel.

Yes, everybody seems to agree that it would be a Good Thing if we could
get at least the majority of our people staying at one place. To do this,
we need room rates that are hard to beat, or else some kind of super
incentive to stay at the official hotel.

I don't see any way we could possibly make it mandatory to stay at any
certain property. Locals have their own places, and regular visitors
get casino rate or comp. It's absurd to think anybody is gonna pay
significantly more if they do not have to.

From past experience, and feedback, I think we can most likely consider
the following to be candidates for our "official" hotel, should we have
one this coming year:

a. Imperial Palace. They've put up with us four years so far. :) We know
they're t-friendly and many of our people are familiar with the
property. Good rates are almost always available, and it's dead center
in the action of Las Vegas. I have a feeling we're gonna have people
staying here whether or not we declare this our official hotel.

b. Sahara. This has a reputation of being t-friendly, and a number of
our people have stayed there and like it. A bit off-center as far as
the Las Vegas action goes, but rates are always very reasonable.

I see those two as the most likely candidates with Palace Station,
Stardust, Riviera, and Las Vegas Hilton as distant possibilities. (As an
aside, in checking rates, Las Vegas Hilton is already listing special
"gouge" rates of $200+ for run of the house rooms for the Monday of DLV,
in anticpation of the N+I show next door at the Las Vegas Convention
Center. All the others mentioned seem to have no N+I adjustment yet.)

Vicki has volunteered to do some "Hotel Shopping" around the first of
the year. Let's see what response and rates she can get.

Mindy is now associated with a travel agency. I've asked her to please
look into rates for the group.

Our people from Hawaii got some very good rates at the IP for some of
our group last year. Let's ask and see if they can get something similar
this year.

4. Meeting room. Although it's been mentioned this time, I don't see the
need or demand being demonstrated. Unless there's something new brought
to the table that would require something like this, I would like to put
this (non)issue to rest. Comments?

5. Spreading the word. I think everybody agrees that DLV will best serve
the community if the word of it gets out far and wide. Each year, like
clockwork, we've had people write just after DLV who would have liked
to have gotten the word just a few weeks earlier.

It looks like we're already on most of the big t* events calendars, a
first for us, and they are already giving us countless web hits and
several newbees on the mailing list. It's not too early to start asking
people to spread the word in such things as t* group newsletters, local
GLBT papers, personal web sites, etc.

6. On-line web registration. I would like to launch this to the public
in December. I think we gave it a good shakedown a couple months ago,
and it seems to be stable and asks all the right questions. If anybody
has not seen this, please check out:


Please feel free to shake it down with bogus information using the "Just
Testing" button. Actually, if anybody wants to register for real, it
should be ready to go. Maybe we should have a door prize for the first
person to register for DLV 2001. ;)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tentative schedule:

Asterisks (***) denote suggested/nonfirm items.

Wednesday: 5:00pm Dinner Someplace casual
May 2 8:00pm Pre-DLV thingy LV Lounge?

Thursday: Morn
May 3 Aft
             After Keys ***

Friday: Morn
May 4 1:00pm Matinee movie ***
             5:00pm Din-din Buffet
             7:30pm Welcome Goodtimes
             11:00pm Dance Night Gipsy, et. al.
             2 AM Late Night Gambling Location tba

Saturday: Aft
May 5 Eve Kenny Kerr Show {new venue}
             Midnite RHPS Paradise 6
             After Barhopping

Sunday: Aft Dam tour
May 6 Eve 10 PM Folies Bergere ***
             After Limo Tour of Strip ***

Monday: Morn
May 7 Aft Side trip - Rhyolite ***
             Eve Bibi get-together
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity and event suggestions:

Those not already on schedule.

Please feel free to suggest others, and to suggest times and specifics for
any of these, either on the main DLV list or the DLVORG list.

In no particular order, what has been suggested.

 * Official group photo(s)
 * Golf (Michelle's personal fave :)
 * Shopping
 * Mary Kay open house
 * Sight Seeing
 * Liberace Museum
 * Strat tower
 * Casino Hopping
 * Comedy club
 * pedicures
 * massages
 * shopping for shoes
 * dancing
 * costume parties
 * live music
 * gaming supply stores
 * Jewelry shopping
 * Caesar's shopping mall.
 * Star Trek ride at the Hilton.
 * neon sign junkyard.
 * Mock wedding
 * Monday Night Football - cheerleaders
 * Makeovers
 * Wig shopping
 * Late Night Gambling
 * Grand Canyon
 * SO get-together
 * "straight" dance club
 * Symphony concert
 * Rock concert
 * Group breakfast
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web Sites:

DLV main page http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/

Michelle Jenkins http://www.idis.com/mpj
Tina http://home.att.net/~tinatawdre/
annie http://www.geekbabe.com/annie/
Julie http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Park/9289/
Rickie's Place http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/rick121
Margeth http://www.geekbabe.com/margeth/
Melissa's Magic Realm http://www.geocities.com/melissa_t17
The Cactus Rose Club http://www.geocities.com/crc_az
Debbie Sage http://intermind.net/~sage/
Vicki's Little Page http://hometown.aol.com/vickits44/myhomepage/index.html
Mindy http://www.fortunecity.com/village/freedom/785/
Bea http://BeatrizZ.tripod.com/
Lorraine http://members.tgforum.com/lorraineadams
Julie Anne http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Chelsea/8576/

Any others? If so, send them in (just hit REPLY).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2001 organizational list.

Diva Las Vegas 2001
May 2-7, 2001
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlvorg@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

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list, as the list processor will not properly handle them. If you want
to send photos and the like, mail to: annie@annie.net

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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