dlvorg Activities and such ...

Subject: dlvorg Activities and such ...
From: Annie (annie)
Date: Sun Sep 17 2000 - 10:34:31 CDT

In this mailing:

First draft DLV registration form
Rock the night
Tentative schedule
Activity and event suggestions
Web Sites
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
First draft DLV registration form:

I've been playing with the idea of a click-and-fill-in form for DLV
registration, to be used as an option to the customary mail-in we've
been using since DLV began. It asks the usual questions, and a few
more that aren't too personal in nature. I'd like all of you to
please help critique the form and shake down the inner workings.


It's in the very preliminary testing phases, so please look for things
that don't work properly, try to generate errors (leave things blank,
bad answers), etc. Nothing anybody puts into it at this phase will be
considered an actual registration.

Please also look for anything important that has been left out of the
form and should be asked.

If this works ok, I see this as an option to the blind e-mail, as more
point-click, and less compose from scratch, that being easier for the
person registering.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

>How about getting together for breakfast some morning?

I suppose something could be arranged, if somebody wants to put such a
thing together. This should be very easy to do, especially at some
hotel buffet or coffee shop.

>How about picketing the Free Zone?

Uh, you're kidding, right?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rock the night:

>> We've had suggestions of rock concerts before ...

>I would think that rock concerts would be a tricky thing to handle
>en-femme, depending on the act and the crowd composition. For instance,
>I saw RuPaul in Washington DC back in 98. Obviously, no problems there
>when I went dressed. On the other hand, I saw a couple of shows of the
>Rolling Stones Bridges to Babylon tour back in 98-99. It would never
>have occurred to me to go dressed to those shows.

>Regarding LV, Texas Station has that big outdoor stage (or used to), and
>I have seen Robert Palmer there. Are they still booking acts in there

Looking at their website (www.texasstation.com) it doesn't mention
anything about outdoor shows. Thinking about their property, I don't
know where it would be. Maybe it was where the parking garage is now.
They did mention several upcoming acts in the Armadillo Lounge. :)

>I've seen bands (Moody Blues, Huey Lewis, Tanya Tucker) at Caesar's
>Circus Maximus show room. The Blues and Huey attracted middle-of-the
>road types, and I would consider dressing for that type of crowd. Tanya
>Tucker was there in December a few years ago during that LV Rodeo, so
>there were a lot of cute cowboys and cowgirls. Now, I'm a cowgirl from
>Texas myself, and love to put on cute girly western duds for the Houston
>Rodeo time; but, I will admit to stereotyping C&W fans as being (on
>average) a little less accepting of T* people.

Well, up until a few years ago I would have agreed, but I admit
there is one local C&W place that is very t-friendly and great for

Coincidentally, I was in Las Vegas last year during the rodeo finals. I
stayed at the Riviera, which was crawling with cowboy types. I didn't
have a bit of trouble, and spent an hour or so each evening before I
went to bed at the casino downstairs.

Yes, the casino sound system was nonstop Charlie-Whiskey, and the drone
of the slots was occasionally interrupted with a "Yee-Haa" whoop, but
overall it wasn't bad at all.

>The most obvious suggestion for attending a rock concert is to schedule
>something at the Hard Rock in LV. I seem to remember a discussion
>thread in the past where some people questioned how T* friendly the
>crowd (as opposed to the staff) there might be. Well, we didn't have
>any trouble there at the coffee shop in 98 around 2 AM.

Well, IMAO, the service sucked, but I have a feeling anybody there at
that time would have gotten equally sucky service.

>Has anybody
>gone there dressed during the early evening?

I've been there a few times, afternoon and evening.

Yes, I was <quote>dressed</quote> but not screaming "tranny" if I could
help it. :) No problems at all. Hard Rock is a nice place to go play and
people-watch. They have 9/6 VP, and the drink service is quite regular.
Casino is not nearly as large as most, and it is somewhat out of the
way. I would think from their location, they would see some semi-regular
GLBT business.

Never had a bit of trouble with either the crowd or the staff. All I
noticed when the whole group was there a couple years ago were some
curious glances, but there were some attention-getting outfits that

Margeth and I had a drink at the HR Cafe (separate building, out by the
corner) one year without even a sideways glance that I could see.

>The biggest problem I see with trying to schedule a rock concert is that
>they often aren't schedule until just 2 or 3 months before the actual
>concert date. Even a lot of headliner acts at showrooms don't firm up
>their full schedule until around that time frame. So, it would seem
>that we would have to analyze including either type of act as a late
>schedule addition debated, discussed, and voted sometime around
>March-April 2001. I like the idea of looking at it again then, perhaps
>as an addition to (rather than replacing some other component of) the
>schedule that we firm up during Q4 2000.

I tend to agree. A rock concert is not gonna appeal to all. Perhaps an
option for some nite.

>An alternative to a rock concert might be the late-night dance party at
>the Rio. I've never been to it, but I saw some TV coverage of it a few
>weeks ago. It looks like great fun for dancing, and could be an
>alternative to repeat visits to Gipsy and Angles/Lace.

>Has anybody on
>the list been to the Rio to this particular dance party?

Are you referring to the one at the top of the new hotel tower? (No, I
haven't been to it.)

>How do people
>on the list feel about going to a straight dance club?

Personally, I don't have any problem with it, assuming that's what I
wanna do that nite.

From a newbee's perspective, I think it would be traumatically scary.

Even from the perspective of somebody who has been to groups and t*
events, I would think it may be uneasy.

From a practical perspective, I get this sneaky feeling such a place
might be ok for a (somewhat passable) individual, or maybe for a very
small group of such, or for a couple where one is in boymode and the
other is in girlmode, but I can imagine a group of 20-30 t-girls
attracting a lot of unwanted attention. Think Riviera after the show,
except in closer quarters. Granted, there will be a lot of noise and
distraction, but it ain't gonna be Gipsy.

If we do put something like this on the slate, we're definitely gonna
have to have a safe[r] alternative as well.

>Anyway, I read in the paper last week that the Circus Maximus was being
>closed. Does anybody know if it is just being renovated, or is it being
>torn down? If the latter, is Caesar's replacing it with something else?

They tell me (the ubiquitous "they") that the area of the CM Showroom is
being rebuilt as yet more high roller suites. This was being discussed
a while back on the alt.vacation.las-vegas newsfroup.

I guess if I wanna get one of those, I had better play something there
besides quarter VP, huh?

>I have a hard time thinking of Caesar's without big showroom
>entertainers. Of course, I was equally shocked when the Desert Inn
>closed recently. I spent my 2nd honeymoon (same wife) there back in 84.
>Boo hoo :-(

I hate to see the DI go as well. That was the place I heard Rita Rudner
tell the blonde wig joke. :)

Yep, the DI as we know it is gone. It was smaller than most and simply
could not compete for the high-rollers (its target market) with some of
the newer properties. But don't worry, it will be back, although it may
not be called the Desert Inn, and it will certainly be unrecognizable
as such, but look at any of the Strip hotel-casinos that were there in
1984. They've all expanded and changed, or else gone out of business.

Gone are Dunes, Sands, Hacienda, Castaways, Silver Slipper, old Aladdin,
DI, and Continental. Soon to go are Frontier, El Rancho (Thunderbird),
Boardwalk, but we have the Bellagio, Venetian, Mandalay Bay, Treasure
Island, and the new Aladdin. Soon we will have the new DI, Terrible's
Town, and a handful of others. Some will make it, some won't. Treasure
Island was a definite hit, Debbie Reynolds laid an egg, Stupak almost
laid one, Maxim and Burbon Street hang by their thumbs, and nobody ever
saw the fruits of Starship Orion, Countryland USA, and the WWF.

(Update: El Rauncho is to be imploded October 3.)

The only constant in Las Vegas is change. :)

ObTrivia: Anybody remember the Moulin Rouge?

Oh well, enough world.according.to.annie for tonite. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tentative schedule:

Asterisks (***) denote suggested/nonfirm items.

Wednesday: 5:00pm Dinner Someplace casual
May 2 8:00pm Pre-DLV thingy LV Lounge?

Thursday: Morn
May 3 Aft
             After Keys ***

Friday: Morn
May 4 Aft
             Late aft Din-din Buffet
             Eve Welcome Goodtimes
             2 AM Late Night Gambling ***

Saturday: Aft
May 5 Eve Kenny Kerr Show ***
             Midnite RHPS Paradise 6
             After Barhopping

Sunday: Aft Dam tour
May 6 Eve 10 PM Folies Bergere ***
             After Limo Tour of Strip ***

Monday: Morn
May 7 Aft
             Eve Bibi get-together
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity and event suggestions:

Those not already on schedule.

Please feel free to suggest others, and to suggest times and specifics for
any of these, either on the main DLV list or the DLVORG list.

In no particular order, what has been suggested.

 * Official group photo(s)
 * Golf (Michelle's personal fave :)
 * Shopping
 * Mary Kay open house
 * Sight Seeing
 * Liberace Museum
 * Strat tower
 * Casino Hopping
 * Comedy club
 * pedicures
 * massages
 * shopping for shoes
 * dancing
 * costume parties
 * live music
 * gaming supply stores
 * Jewelry shopping
 * Caesar's shopping mall.
 * Star Trek ride at the Hilton.
 * neon sign junkyard.
 * Mock wedding
 * Monday Night Football - cheerleaders
 * Makeovers
 * Wig shopping
 * Late Night Gambling
 * Grand Canyon
 * Trip to Rhyolite
 * SO get-together
 * "straight" dance club
 * Symphony concert
 * Rock concert
 * Group breakfast
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web Sites:

DLV main page http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/

Michelle Jenkins http://www.idis.com/mpj
Tina http://home.att.net/~tinatawdre/
annie http://www.geekbabe.com/annie/
Julie http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Park/9289/
Rickie's Place http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/rick121
Margeth http://www.geekbabe.com/margeth/
Melissa's Magic Realm http://www.geocities.com/melissa_t17
The Cactus Rose Club http://www.geocities.com/crc_az
Debbie Sage http://intermind.net/~sage/
Vicki's Little Page http://hometown.aol.com/vickits44/myhomepage/index.html
Mindy http://www.fortunecity.com/village/freedom/785/
Bea http://BeatrizZ.tripod.com/
Lorraine http://members.tgforum.com/lorraineadams
Julie Anne http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Chelsea/8576/

Any others? If so, send them in (just hit REPLY).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2001 organizational list.

Diva Las Vegas 2001
May 2-7, 2001
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlvorg@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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