Compton Cafeteria Uprising

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Compton's Cafeteria ca. 1966
Monument commemorating uprising

This article is intended to be a brief introduction to the Compton Cafeteria Uprising and not an exhaustive report. This event is well-documented on the web and in other media.

Although the Stonewall uprising is considered by many to mark the beginning of the modern LGBT movement, several similar less publicized incidents occurred in prior years, one of which was the Compton Cafeteria Uprising in August of 1966, almost three years prior to Stonewall, in San Francisco, California, US.



In 1966, crossdressing in public was, technically, illegal in San Francisco, although the statute was only occasionally enforced at the time. A branch of Compton's Cafeteria in the Tenderloin District, near the intersection of Taylor and Turk Streets and in the immediate vicinity of many alternative bars, became a popular hangout for drag queens, FI performers, TG street workers, and some casual crossdressers.

For the most part, the staff of Compton's tolerated these individuals as customers.

The Incident

Late one evening the TG customers allegedly became disruptive, and the staff summoned police, who allegedly handled the issue in a less than professional manner. An ensuing picket of Compton's was then organized. Things appeared to settle down and on subsequent days groups of TG people again patronized Compton's.

A police call was made, alleging disorderly conduct, and one individual allegedly became confrontational and abusive when told to leave. The mild scuffle erupted into a full-scale riot with considerable damage to the Compton's property, adjoining properties, and police vehicles. Compton's then instituted a "No TG" policy.

The local LGBT community organized pickets of the cafeteria on subsequent evenings, one of which again turned confrontational and became a second full-scale riot with damage, again, to the property.


The 2005 documentary Screaming Queens tells the story of Comptons and the police actions which led up to the uprising in August of 1966.

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