[dlvorg] Early mailing -- Hotels, community service, etc. ...

From: Diva Las Vegas organizers (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Date: Sat Dec 04 2010 - 15:51:01 CST

In this mailing:

Org List
Early Mailing
Hotel Scoreboard
Community Service thoughts
More community service thoughts
Dining and various topics
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Org List:

This is the DLV 2011 Organizational Mailing List (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Replies to this message will be forwarded to the DLVORG list and not
the DLV-Announce or DLV-Discuss list.
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Early Mailing:

Lots of traffic has come in so this is an early mailing covering
the topics at hand.
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Hotel Scoreboard:

Harrah's: Nominated, seconded.
Imperial Palace: Nominated, seconded.
MGM Grand: Nominated, seconded.
Paris: Nominated, seconded.
Rio: Nominated, seconded.
Sahara: Nominated, seconded.

All nominated hotels have been seconded. Last call for hotel
discussion. We vote later this coming week.
. . . . . . . . . .

Holly writes:

Things are changing at the Sahara, and not for the better :o(.

People who know me know that I am a longtime supporter of the
Sahara so this is particularly painful for me to write. My wife
and I stayed there two weeks ago and the service is declining
even further.

The Caravan Cafe has been closed. The only places remaining to
eat on-site are, The NASCAR Cafe, House of Lords, and The Grind.

The NASCAR Cafe's food is mediocre at best and most certainly
overpriced. As there are several large screen TV's in the room
showing various sporting events, having a conversation with your
meal mates is challenging at best.

The House of Lords is an upscale dining facility but honestly,
for the money, you can do better... and they are not open every
evening. They do not serve breakfast or lunch. Although The
Grind is designed to be more of a, "grab-n-go" type of facility,
it does have limited seating at very small tables. It is in a
VERY public setting with little to no privacy. It is not an
area where I believe a freshman DIVA would feel comfortable.
Unless you plan on getting your meals off site, I would think
long long and hard about choosing this venue.

In other service related things, during the week days we were
there, there was only one valet on duty in the rear parking
area. This made both dropping your car off and picking it up
challenging at times and you would need to factor in additional
time to get to other venues to allow for the delay in getting
your vehicle delivered to you. The back parking garage was
CLOSED so self-parking was not an option in the area closest
to the registration desk and room towers. When my my wife and
I were ready to leave, we tried for over an hour to get hold
of the bell staff, both by phone and in person at the bell
desk. We finally gave up and took our own luggage down stairs
and checked out.

It is very sad for me to see this property slide further into
the abyss. If it hasn't already, it will soon reach the point
of no recovery. You can sense the despair in the staff and it
is translating into poor customer service. Both my wife and
myself have serious doubts if they will survive through next

Yes, the cost is still somewhat reasonable but in reality,
with the economy struggling and hotels scrambling for occupancy,
you can get deals at other, much nicer properties for essentially
the same money. My wife and I are looking for another place to
stay when we go to Vegas to play. If all you are going to do is
use your room to sleep, don't mind eating all your meals off
site, carrying your own luggage, and waiting for your car, the
Sahara may very well work for you. If not, you may want to
consider other alternatives.
. . . . .

Thanks, Holly.

These points will need to be considered by all when we cast
our votes.

Should the Sahara be approved as a suggested hotel, comments
such as this might be appropriate in the DLV Discussion Forum
when our suggested hotels are announced.

We have six hotels nominated and seconded this year and the
group will have to decide how many of these are to be our
suggested hotels for DLV 2011.

On another note, Darlene has clarified that she did intend
to second the Rio and MGM Grand, so those have been noted as
seconded and will appear on the ballot.
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Community Service thoughts:

Rosada writes:

>I would like to discuss how such activities might fit into the
>DIVA theme that "this is a vacation not a convention or 'fund
>raiser event'".

That's a fair question JoAnn, and after thinking about it over
the last few days, I feel that this project, as worthy
as it may be, would probably be to be deferred to a separate
group of Diva gals apart from the actual DIVA week, perhaps
some of those gals that already reside in Las Vegas and have
the time to get involved in it, develop it, and make it fly
during another part of the year.

I wish I lived in Vegas full time, or even part time because
I would certainly jump on this opportunity, and make it a pet
project to show Las Vegans that we can be concerned about the
welfare of others, whether it be saving horses from the glue
factory, rescuing battered TG women, helping others in the GLBT
community, raising toys for needy children or whatever it may be,
and not just be focused on our own welfare or our need to have
fun and party. Thanks for at least considering it as a possible
activity. Hugs, and see you in April...
. . . . . . . . . .

Annie responds:

I would like to share some thoughts on community service
projects in general, and some specific suggestions for some
win-win results, for both DLV and for the causes which have
been mentioned in the previous weeks.

I also want to be very sure that we're not overlooking one
specific VERY worthy cause which deserves a high level of
our support! :)

If we look at our stated mission for DLV, it's extrememly
narrow in scope - one event "Vacation Not Convention" per
year, period. That's it! Over the years we've rejected a
number of suggestions to expand this scope. Most of those
have been along the line of expanding the number of events
per year, or expansion into other geographic areas, but
there have been some along the lines of the group becoming
more sociopolitically active and more closely aligned with
other GLBT organizations and such.

With our current mission, a community service project, in
and of itself, is out of scope for us. We do one thing and
we do it very well, as our level of participation and growth
indicates. There are also other organizations whose purpose
is just that, community service, and they do their jobs
quite well, all within the bounds of their missions.

As you say, I think it's best if we let those inclined toward
community service projects take them on and give them their
full attention.

However, if we look at our mission, there are many things we
have the potential of doing, well within our scope, which serve
both us and any of several other concerns.

A good example here might be a side trip to visit the Shiloh
Ranch during DLV. IIAC, it's near Sandy Valley and an easy
drive from Las Vegas. We've been looking for destinations for
side trips lately, as previously we've done all of the obvious
ones, some multiple times, but we've never done Shiloh Ranch.

That would be a win-win! Our people get a nice daytime side
trip, and Shiloh gets the visitors, and I'm sure donations
from those who attend. It's well within our scope, and would
benefit the Shiloh project as well.

(Update: Rosada reports that Jill Curtis is receptive to just
such a visitation from us.)

Another example of such a win-win would be some kind of a
jointly-organized social activity in cooperation with The
Center, whose mission includes many projects directed toward
the GLBT community.

Of course if any of these are to happen, one of us will need
to establish contact (as Rosada has done with Shiloh) and plan
such an activity.

Now, I want to be sure that we're not overlooking one very
worthy cause here, in perhaps a "can't see the forest for the
trees" situation.

This "worthy cause" is, of course, Diva Las Vegas. If anyone
feels a need to "give back", please consider giving back in
the form of helping out with DLV, in kind, by helping us
coordinate and implement the various activities which make
up DLV as a whole.

There should be no question that we have been significant
in the TG community. Although our mission may appear to be
somewhat hedonistic, as our many alumnae can testify, we've
literally changed lives and positively impacted their
self esteem.

If you feel like $$$ really $$$ giving $$$ back, :) there
is an opportunity here too. We have a number of out of pocket
expenses which are often times unreimbursed, such as the cost
of name tags, the cost of duplicating the map and schedule,
and a number of other things. If you feel a need to give back
in this way, please consider underwriting the name tags for
2011, or getting the map and schedule duplicated. Just ask if
you want further information on things like this.

We return you now to your regular program, already in progress.
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More community service thoughts:

Kumiko writes:

I'll ask the always troublesome question of fund raising,
if this event is to raise some sort of funds for deserving

Two questions or areas

First the problem with the details in the collection of
monies for donation for specified organization(s).
The accountability, bookkeeping, and depositing of
funds received, if any taxes due to the amt of
public monies received, and underlining costs of
having such a public event if any, bank accts, etc.

I'm not sure of DLV status as a public
organization or non-profit organization or does
that need to be declared or other hoops needed
or required to handle monies in this manner of
collection and event, and would that involve a
tax statement, federal or local.

Who holds the money, who collects the money and
who keeps the books straight on monies received
and who donated, and running tally of monies
received so there is no backlash or if problems with
the IRS investigations or allegations against the
DLV leadership and attendees directly involved
with money collection.

Is this rattling a hornets nest?

The second question would be the possibility of a
very visible public exposure, esp if the local media,
particularly local television or news somehow hears
about this public awareness/fund raising and gets
involved and interested and sends a reporter with
a camera crew (pics or video) and wants interviews.
It can go national for this event as a story with
pictures or videos taken of attendees. It may not be
front line news but its very high public exposure close
up. How many attendees want this type of attention?

I know Annie can explain the details,
. . . . . . . . . .

JoAnn responds:


JoAnn here. If it cannot be simple, then I agree, we should not do it.

So let me try to define _*"simple"*_ , and set it up as a trial balloon
if others wish to add to the discussion, or see something I'm missing.

_First_, what is the amount of dollars that might get donated? If the
Event Coordinator received $500 in donations from the DIVA group then I
would be pleasantly surprised. So the money is insignificant and should
not be the issue, but rather the thought and the fun of the activity.

_Second_, this is a "pass the tin can" cash only collection. If you
want an IRS receipt, don't donate. But if you give a $100 or more than
write a check and the receiving organization will give you a receipt
directly which can be traced when the donor gets the tax write-off.

_Third_, we will have to implement the "trust system" whereby we who go
on the activity and make any donation accept the Coordinator as an
"honorable person" for the good of the event and the cause they
presented is carried out their planned activity like all other
activities are carried out as approved by the Org Committee. I realize
that maybe this concept is hard to accept as possible in today's
environment, but I have not given up on the "goodness" of this group.
and if we cannot trust us--- considered "the disenfranchised" by many
other in our society ---then who can we trust?

Let us not take the fun out of it. Its purpose is to be a fun activity,
not a fund raiser. Also this is an activity no different than another
DIVA Event, including the Limo stop at the Bellegio with all of its
"visible exposure"!

And, yes, Kumiko, your questions need to be asked. However, in the
"context" that we are discussing, I believe, we all have a higher chance
of getting run over by a taxi crossing Las Vegas Blvd. than this
becoming "troublesome" as the activity, if approved by the Org
Committee, and given the 'ground rules' I previously introduced.

. . . . .

Annie responds:

I'll try to answer these as best I can.

Our legal standing is that of an "informal association",
which is the term my attorney used when I discussed a few
DLV matters with him. It's a catch-all term for organizations
which have no other legal standing.

The answer to the money handling issue is to stay out of the
money-handling business, period. If a donation is to be made,
it should be made directly from the donor to the recipient
using the tin can for aggregation, if necessary of course. :)

An example might be one Pinkfest attendee's fund-raising
effort a few years back. She accepted donations on behalf
of {mumble - forget exactly which one} a local non-profit
and was authorized by that organization to issue a receipt
in the name of the agency for any significant donations.

As for publicity, so far the media have left us alone, and I
kind of like it that way. Let's face it, we're really not that
newsworthy, particularly for Las Vegas. We're one of thousands
of groups of our size, many with unique purposes, which invades
Las Vegas annually, and many other groups contribute to local
causes as well. Yes, a number of our people prefer a low profile,
both personally and in terms of the event as a whole.

Unless we do something very spectacular, (in a positive or in
a negative way) I doubt if we will be the target of unwanted
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Dining and various topics:

Densie writes:

>>* Dinner at a true Mexican restaurant
>I'm positive this would be a popular choice, and there are
>some great options.

Be sure to find one with a Mariachi band. To me, the only thing
more satisfying than a dinner of beans and tortillas is a blast
of good Mariachi music.

>>* Hoover Dam tour
>I've definitely wished for this one in prior years. It would
>be fascinating but if I remember correctly there are some
>logistical challenges reported by someone who tried to organize
>it in a prior year. I can't seem to find the message in
>question, though. Does that ring a bell for anyone?

I used to love the dam tour. Deb was an employee at the dam,
and so we got to go to a couple of places where the regular
tour didn't go. Unfortunately, after Deb retired, the Dam Tour
as we knew it was no longer possible.

I suggested that we might do the regular tour, the one that
is open to the general public, you know, the poor folks, the
scum... but that idea was met with some dirty looks. I felt
like maybe I was violating the sanctity of the Dam Tour by
mentioning that we could do most of it without Deb, and I
didn't want to step on any toes, so I dropped the subject.

If anyone does pick up the dam tour idea and run with it,
I will sign up.
. . . . .

>Hotel Hostess Program:


Maybe the hotel hostesses could meet in the conference room,
and wear a different colored name tag with the name of their
hotel? Then it's on to the rubber chicken banquet.

>1. Giving to homeless shelter that serve


Vacation in Vegas is not the time for giving and charity, it's
the time to be self-indulgent, have a good time, and drink too
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Gabi writes:

I see references to May Kay and bare minerals here. I'm curious
if any girls have used Arbonne skin care.

I have found it to be a miracle after electrolysis and laser.
. . . . . . . . . .

Annie responds:

If you (or anyone) would like to make contact with a local
(or transient) Arbonne representative and make arrangements
for something like an Open House or Demo, I'm sure it could
very easily be worked into the schedule.
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This is the Diva Las Vegas 2011 organizational list.

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
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dlvorg@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

Diva Las Vegas 2011
April 3 - 8, 2011
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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