[dlvorg] Survey - Good Job Gang! Various feedback ...

From: Diva Las Vegas organizers (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Date: Wed Jun 02 2010 - 07:50:07 CDT

In this mailing:

Org List
Various follow-up items
Very good showing
First-person hospitality feedback
Vendor feedback
Church, Bahama Breeze, etc.
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Org List:

This is the DLV 2010 Organizational Mailing List (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Replies to this message will be forwarded to the DLVORG list and not
the DLV-Announce or DLV-Discuss list.
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Various follow-up items:

This mailing contains some various items, some in response
to the last threads of conversation and one from the attendee
survey which has just concluded.

Additional feedback from an organizational perspective would
be appreciated, particularly any high spots and low spots
from your activities.

A big "Atta-Girl" (and an "Atta-Boy" to Bob) is in order for
the most excellent report card on our latest event!
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Very good showing:

As most of you know, the survey closed last Monday. The
preliminary reports are posted in the DLV Discussion Forum
so I won't repeat too many details, just a few summary
items and conclusions.

Surf here, if you don't have the link handy:

We had 105 mostly-complete responses, the highest number
of survey responses we've ever seen.

I'll focus most of the attention here on the enjoyment
ratings of our activities.

We tracked 68 activities this year! This compares to 52
for DLV 2009.

This year's enjoyment ratings are very high, the highest
overall that I can remember of any DLV year.

Out of the 68 activities we tracked this year, 42 of them,
or 61% of them, placed 4.5 or greater on the enjoyment scale!
60 of the activities, 88% of them, placed 4.0 or better on
the enjoyment scale! 65 of the activities we tracked, 95% of
them, placed 3.5 or greater, and NONE placed lower than 3.0!

This, ladies (gentlemen) is absolutely outstanding! :)

This shows us that we're doing something right, in putting
on an event which was enjoyed and valued by the attendees.

Looking into a few items of interest ...

For our two major maximum-attendance gatherings, the HH,
Dinner and Welcome Celebration at Firefly, which we tracked
as one activity for rating purposes, scored 4.52 with 67
responses and the HH, Dinner, and closing Social at Bahama
Breeze scored 4.75 with 65 responses.

Both of these are excellent! I consider an enjoyment score
of 4.5 or greater, particularly when enough responses have
been recorded to give an unquestionably significant sample,
to be about as close to perfect as we can get.

Another item of particular interest this year are the hotel
get-togethers which we tracked as normal activities.

The Sahara Hotel Get-Togethers scored 4.35, 4.30, 4.40, 4.66
and 4.50. The Imperial Palace Hotel Get-Togethers rated 4.0,
4.60, 4.50, and 4.25. Very good showing, particularly for a
first-time "experimental" set of activities.

There were really no "losers" this year, enjoyment wise.

All who coordinated activities deserve a big round of thanks
and congratulations! Good job, well done!
. . . . .

As far as the rest of the survey, there were very few items
of a negative nature. As long as the "derogs" can be kept
in the low single digits for the most part, I would say we
are doing exceptionally well.

I'll be making some more comments on the survey over in the
Discussion Forum.

I'll also be bringing up some of the written comments here
in a near-future mailing.

Please don't feel bad about any written comments which may
appear negative. I know one has generated some discussion,
and IMAO, it was a very clear case of somebody ignoring
some very clearly-stated instructions.

Comments, gang?
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First-person hospitality feedback:

This is one particular item of first-person feedback from a
newcomer's perspective. It does point out one item regarding
hospitality which we perhaps overlooked. This is from the
perspective of someone new to DLV and to public exposure in
. . . . .

Cindy writes (first-person, no quoting):

I want to comment on the last AOI: "meeting and greeting".

Saturday Los Palmas was my first "out" ever, and there was
absolutely no one at the door there to greet me when I came
in except for one of the LP employees, and when I was directed
to the round table where everyone was sitting, I had to
introduce myself because no one saw or recognized me; needless
to say, I was freaked.

This is why I jumped at the chance to work the door at Firefly
on Monday evening: I wanted to make sure that everyone was
"recognized" as being someone special, and not just another
body in drag.

About fifty percent of the girls I greeted at Firefly were
genuinely appreciative of it and greeted me back, about
twenty percent asked me what they should do next and I
directed them to the inside table - they were genuinely
lost and needed direction.

About ten percent actually stopped to talk to me and swap
looks and banter and or hugs - that was the real pay off!,
another fifteen percent smiled and zipped on by - confident
returnees, I'm sure; and a final five percent didn't even
bother to look or notice.

I think this initial greeting confrontation by a hostess is
of utmost importance - conveying that all important "first
impression" - for the ultimate morale and success of an event;
it can spell the difference between folks hanging around for
extra rounds of drinks and camraderie, or bailing out early
for private parties.

I didn't get greeted at Friday Bahama Breeze either, but by
then my confidence level was high enough for me to "go it

You asked for comments; these are my thoughts on this, I
hope they help.
. . . . . .

Thanks, Cindy. Yes, these do help. This is exactly the type
of feedback we're looking for.

I do admit that we did not pay any real attention to any
formal greeting and hospitality at our pre-DLV gathering.
This was, of course, not an official part of DLV, but in
the eyes of a newcomer, things like this are perceived
to be part of the program.

The Pre-DLV Gathering is a good example of a "no-host"
function. On the books, there's nobody whose responsibility
it is to be sure that newcomers (and everyone) is welcomed.
This was one of my points when discussing "no host"
activities in the last mailing. However, I admit I did not
think of informal Pre-DLV gatherings when writing that.

This (the informal Pre-DLV activities) is something that
we'll need to discuss and consider when we review and plan
our forward-looking hospitality strategy.

I want to thank Cindy for bringing this to our attention.
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Vendor feedback:

This came in from Paula Sadler, proprietor of Harmony Nail
Spa, shortly after the survey closed. I think it's most
appropriate to send it here so the ORG group can get some
very good feedback from the vendor's perspective.
. . . . .

Paula writes (first-person, no quoting, slight editing):

Dear DLV,

I am a vendor and now first time attendee. I enjoyed being
at the opening night at Firefly, and the closing night Bahama
Breeze. It was nice to see an event in old downtown. The Firefly
was very nice the food the ambiance. The Plaza is looking so
nice these days great choice! I would recommend next year if
Firefly is chosen for them to arrange the tables between isles
in a long row so people could better talk with each other and
ease of serving.

Bahama Breeze was great, great food, music and fun. A
delightful space and atmosphere so close to the strip. I
enjoyed meeting so many wonderful people.

I hope Diva 2010 was a big success for you. Thank you for
all your help. I had a grand time and enjoyed doing services
and holding an event. I hope our wine and cheese open house
were enjoyed, I wonder if anyone will make comments about that.

Thank you for your patronage.
. . . . .

Thanks, Paula.

Paula reflects on one item which I noted, and that was the
observation I made that things could have been more conducive
to active mixing and circulating at Firefly. I'm glad somebody
else noticed this as well.

I think that Firefly Plaza is an excellent candidate for our
2011 opener (it ain't broke, it don't need fixed!) and I do
believe that we could make a good thing even better by some
simple adjustments, such as room arrangements, to allow the
attendees to mingle more conveniently.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Church, Bahama Breeze, etc.:

Eileen writes:

>I am not sure if I said so, but I would like to host the
>Church services again next year.

Thanks, Eileen.

Please hold that thought. By tradition, those who coordinate
an activity have "first refusal rights" to do a repeat
performance the next year.

>Also if there is some other place I can be of help let me

In about a month, when we get the new ORG members added to
the list, we'll post the survey's activity suggestions and
you can "adopt" one of them if you like.

Otherwise, stay tuned and listen for requests where help
in particular areas are of need.
. . . . .

>Also I do want to say I thought the BB was just a perfect
>way to end our time in Vegas and the follow up at the Paris
>was also great!

I agree that Bahama Breeze was the clear winner this year!

This is now the sixth year we've used Bahama Breeze, and
the third year we've used it for our closing dinner. Of
all of our Bahama Breeze activities over the years, I
believe that this was our best one overall for a number
of reasons.

As I've noted before, this year we had that strong ending
which we've hoped to have for several years!

One very significant reason, IMAO, is that we ended on
Friday, and those who would have bailed early on Saturday
were with us for the closing activities.

Our crowd lingered longer than any other year at BB. They
danced, socialized, and enjoyed many adult beverages. I
see this (crowd sticking around) as both a cause of and
an effect of the success. Kind of an inductive process.
In previous years, it was obvious that the crowd thinned
out just after dinner, and others vacated as well.

In any case, I admit I was a bit concerned about the BB
this year, and I'm glad that I didn't have anything to
worry about. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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dlvorg@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

Diva Las Vegas 2010
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

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