[dlvorg] Blue Ox -- But wait! There's more! :)

From: Diva Las Vegas organizers (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Date: Mon Apr 20 2009 - 07:37:27 CDT

In this mailing:

Org List
Kimberly Komplin writes
Holly writes
AJ writes
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Org List:

This is the DLV 2009 Organizational Mailing List (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Replies to this message will be forwarded to the DLVORG list and not
the DLV-Announce or DLV-Discuss list.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Just after I launched the ORG batch first thing this morning I
checked the ORG mail queue and found three additional Blue
Ox items of some significance.

It looks like Kimberly has things either under control or
approaching control. I do believe there was mostly a big
misunderstanding on BO's part WRT what DLV wants and needs.

Please review Kimberly's note below. Is what was stated indeed
what we want?

Let's let Kimberly continue and get things worked out.

Thanks again to Kimberly for handling this.

Enjoy. :)
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Kimberly Komplin writes:

>Ok, I will chime in here. As far as the Blue Ox is concerned
>Danny is trying her best to appreciate our patronage and cater
>to our desires and make the evening an enjoyable one. Probably
>going over board to try and improve upon things that she
>thought were well accepted and enjoyed last year.

>If all we want to have there is a meat and great with no DeeJay,
>and just drinks, and dinner for those who want it, and possibly
>a slot tournament, I'm fairly sure that that can be worked out.

OK, gang. Please review the last paragraph. Is this what we want?

This seems to be the consensus of all of the comments which have
come in over the past few days.

Speak now, or forever ...

>They did fax me a tentative menu for the evening and I can
>certainly make it available for those who may want to see it,
>I suggested one minor change or addition to Skip (The cook)
>that he add some sort of chicken option for those who chose
>to eat leaner meals.

Yes, please send that in, or summarize, as I want to put that
in the general mailing as we did last year.

>Removing the DeeJay from the equation would reduce the overall
>price of the event by about $150.00. Most of the cost incurred
>will be the food for the meal(s).

It appears that the gang is unanimous, or very close to it, in
requesting no deejay. Any objections to this, please speak now
or forever ...

>I know Danny was incorporating some of the price into having
>a door prize or door prizes available for those attending, and
>she was figuring that anyone attending that evening would be
>eligible for winning a door prise. I believe this is why she
>was considering a cover charge, to cover the door prize
>situation and wanted that option to be available to all
>attending, not just those having dinner.

>Here again if this is something that we do not want I'm sure
>that Danny will work things out, or maybe it could just be
>turned into a raffle option for those who wish to participate.

IMAO, if door prizes mean a cover charge, then we don't want
them. A cover charge is a barrier to entry and what we want
here is an absolute maximum turnout.

>Danny does appreciate us and likes having us there. The last
>thing she is trying to do is gouge us. As we found out last
>year, there is no pleasing everyone, so I'm sure that no
>matter what we do some one will find something to complain

I don't remember any major complaints, at all, about the Blue
Ox, food or otherwise, from last year! When compared to Suede
the year before, Blue Ox was a godsend!

Looking at the numbers from the survey, Blue Ox scored 4.49
on the enjoyment scale and 4.81 on the comfort scale out of
5.0 points possible for the opening evening, with 53 responses.
This is excellent! They scored 4.57 and 4.72 enjoyment/comfort
for the SBS Social with 26 responses, again excellent.

If we compare this to 2007 at Suede, the 2007 WC was rated 3.81
for enjoyment and 4.80 for comfort.

Blue Ox had a considerably higher enjoyment rating than Suede
and a roughly equal comfort rating, even though Suede was a
"safe" venue and BO is indeed mainstream.

>I will call The Blue Ox, first thing tomorrow morning, since
>Danny is only available during the week, to see what we can
>work out.

Thanks, Kimberly.

I think the consensus of what the gang wants can be very easily
summarized in the bullet points in the last mailing, and your
remarks above.

>One other point I would like to make that I feel is important
>is that we really continue to try to support local businesses
>that do their best to support and are accepting of us. I feel
>that changing venues at this juncture without trying to work
>out acceptable compromises could taint our relationship with
>the Blue Ox and could extend to and effect us locals as to
>how we are received there in the future.

Agreed. We need to support the vendors which support us.
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Holly writes:

>I also don't see the need for a DJ and would prefer that none
>be scheduled for the Monday event. Why should we pay for a DJ
>that is going to benefit anyone walking into the establishment
>and not just our group? If memory serves ne correctly, music
>would still be available by utilizing the premises jukebox.

>$17.95 for a buffet is too steep IMO. And with the dietary
>needs we're seeing expressed, this may not be such a good idea.

>Also, I think little of a cover... cover for what; The privilege
>of walking in the door? I could live with a one drink minimum
>as an alternative.

>I've been to PT's on east Sahara. I have serious doubts about
>their capacity to handle a group of our size. Our best bet at
>this point is to hang tough with the Blue Ox and let them know
>what we want, what we're willing to pay, and how many warm
>bodies we bring to the party on an otherwise slow night.


We will be able to give some more accurate estimates as we get
closer to DLV-day.
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AJ writes:

>Dear Friends,

>I'm proposing my own radical solution to the Monday night dinner
>issue. I have been giving this some thought. I am proposing we
>move our Monday night gathering to the new M resort and casino.
>Meet for happy hour at the Beer Bar (96 different draft beers).
>dinner at the Buffet, most likely we'll be spread out around
>the room. Evening entertainment in the Revello lounge, band
>starts playing at 8.

>Oh I know this flies in the face of what we've done before. But
>it's time to try something different. The M will be happy to
>take care of our large group. It's a bit of a drive, maybe 20
>minutes south of the Strip.

>And there's a unisex bathroom near the Beer Bar for those who
>feel a need to use it.

>No sign up, just show up.

>I know this is a long shot idea here, but I truly believe it will

Yes, this is a radical departure.

However, it looks like Kimberly thinks she has things under
control, and things will work out our way.

I have two concerns with M. Yes, I've been there, very
shortly after it opened.

It's way out in the toolies! For those without a vehicle, a
taxi ride would run $30! Remember, we have people on that
opening night who have not yet hooked up with a driver.

Another concern, it's a big scary casino. For the opening
night we need something that's comfortable for newbees.
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