[dlvorg] Activities, schedule, etc. ...

From: Diva Las Vegas organizers (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Date: Wed Aug 23 2006 - 08:47:50 CDT

In this mailing:

Org List
Dates for DLV 2007
Ending Activity to DLV 2007
Fremont Street Experience
High Tea
Summary schedule of activities
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Org List:

This is the DLV 2007 Organizational Mailing List (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Replies to this message will be forwarded to the DLVORG list and not
the DLV-Announce or DLV-Discuss list.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dates for DLV 2007:

This was addressed to the DLV main address:

Grace writes:

>Thanks for putting my latest pics in the staging area and for the
>latest update including the dates for DLV2007.

>I notice that the dates for 2007 do not include the Sunday. I think it
>is good that the finale should be on the Saturday but I particularly
>enjoyed the Sunday this year. It was very important to me to go to the
>MCC for the church service - me, as Grace the female, and it meant a
>lot to me to be accepted by the community there and by Jesus in this
>mode. There is just so much hypocracy and prejudice around me and this
>made me feel important and wanted and has made the usual problems as a
>TV in society seem less hurtful.

>I wonder if it is possible to add the last Sunday as an "Afterglow Day"
>and I would be prepared to add my name as a volunteer to make this
>possible. The morning would be taken up with the church service, the
>afternoon at somewhere like the Venetian in the piazzas and the evening
>doing something retro. This year there were various acts like the
>Platters, Drifters and Coasters in the Sahara and a take-off of the Rat
>Pack in, I think, the MGM Grand. One of those entertainments after
>dinner on Sunday evening could be possible.

>My profession is as an organist - recording and playing live for
>weddings, funerals and at the crematorium but my main love is the
>theatre organ - the mighty Wurlitzer, Barton etc. I would love to give a
>mini concert for the attendees at Diva if I could find a suitable venue.
>There used to be the Wurlitzer organ from the New York Roxy in the Roxy
>Pizzaria in the Fiesta Casino but that has now closed. There is a
>theatre organ in the MGM Grand and two or three in private residences if
>I could get my hands on one of those. Could you help? I will, of course,
>continue looking for possibilities.

>Anyway, if that last Sunday could be included I am prepared to organise
>the events.

Since the current schedule is not full, I'm hesitant to put anything on
the schedule for church that either precedes or follows the official DLV
dates. As in the past, I'm sure that there will be those of us who show
up a day or so early, and stay a day or so later than the schedule. If
anyone wants to attend church on either Sunday, we can discuss that
here, and post it in the DLV discussion as a non-official DLV activity .

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Ending Activity to DLV 2007:

Diana Colizzi writes:

>Just my thoughts on a stronger finish for DLV'07. We all know it's a
>long week and people are a bit tired by Fri.-Sat. and some are leaving
>those days so that certainly has to be considered overall. Perhaps DLV
>will never get a strong finish based on these two observations?

>What I would propose to try is just have evening events scheduled
>those last days only....no daytime activity. The SBS social was a
>success but I could envision someone being tired out for the evening
>after a nice afternoon event, especially if they had a few drinks and
>may not feel like going through the effort to get ready for night
>events. We know that no one 'has' to attend everything but I think we
>also know that most try...... just check with Tootsye for confirmation
>on that. <g> Believe me, I've been pretty tired in the past towards the
>end of the week and even though I dragged myself to these final events
>I left early to get some sleep. Just some thoughts from an old broad
>who doesn't have the stamina of a 30 year old anymore.... even though I
>try to look like one!!

Diane (AZ) writes:

>Good Afternoon,

>As being one of the people who do not make it to the weekend - /I wont
>add my .02./

>/2 questions:/

>/1. Was there enought of a turnout for the boat tour on Tuesday - to
>do a repeat ? If so, I will co-cordinate it w/ someone./ The /beach
>(mostly stones)/ sunbathing (pre boat) /has had a lousy turnout the
>last two years - so I wont offer to do this again.../

>/2. I'm willing to co-cordinate another dance lesson and actually be
>there for an early Wednesday or Thursday afternoon. Will this fly
>again ? /

>/I'm willing to handle the roommate matching again this year./

Thanks for volunteering as the Roommate Matching Coordinator. In
previous years, the Boat Tour has been a popular activity and is now on
the schedule.

Any volunteers to co-coordinate the Boat Tour?

LeeAnna writes:

>Nora, both Suede and Bahama Breeze have good food. I just remember
>arriving at both venues for dinner at the declared hour, right on the
>hour, and not gtetting served food or water at both locations. If you
>are going to have a happy hour and then dinner, some can not make the
>happy hour. I know I am not the only one that this happened to. So,
>please make sure we can get fed if we show up at the appointed dinner
>time. I had not eaten the night of SAuede for 8 hours and I REALLY
>needed food.

>How do I know the food is good at both places if I did not get served,
>I was fed by other girls that felt sorry for me....lol.

Strong ending:

Annie writes:

>>I'd like everyone to enter some type of idea for a strong ending, no
>>matter how "off the wall" it may sound. :)

>Let me think out loud here ...

>Most years, the survey comments include items like this:

>+It would be great to have one event where everyone got together,
>+perhaps on a Friday. It would be great to meet everyone and get a huge
>+group pic.

>There is the desire, well-documented and shared by a great number of
>our people, to have (at least) one very large maximum-attendance
>get-together where most everybody can meet everybody else.

>It's implied that this would be primarily social, allowing mixing and

>We've tried, but it seems like the most we've ever been able to bring
>together at one place at one time is about 70% or so. That's "ok" but
>certainly does not qualify for the Charles Atlas Seal Of Approval<tm>.
>I think we can do better than that.

>Friday and Saturday have historically been the days of our greatest
>attendance. Therefore, if we want a max-turnout thing, it has to be one
>of those evenings.

>Looking back at 2006, our strongest evenings, attendance-wise, were
>Monday and Friday.

>On Friday, we were off to a strong start. My guess is that we had 60 or
>so at the Bahama Breeze over the combined reception, HH, and dinner.

>Our records show that 118 made contact this year. I'm guessing that
>about 100 of them were in Las Vegas on that Friday. That means that we
>got about a 60% total turnout that evening.

>What happened to the other 40 (percent)? (Yes, I know we had a few who
>just went to Zingers that evening, but that's far from all of them.)

>They couldn't have been too tired. Friday's lineup of activities were
>not that intense.

>Was Bahama Breeze too scary or intimidating? (I don't know, I'm

>What do we need to do in order to get this other 40% to join us?

>(I'm still thinking out loud, remember?) ...

>The one thing that our attendees have in common is they like to
>socialize and they like to party. 95%+ fall in this category.

>I daresay that for the majority of our attendees, the opportunity to
>dress is high upon their personal list of reasons to attend DLV.

>Dress and Party?

>Would a big "dress-up" affair (elegant, not trashy) get these 40% out
>with us?

>Would a trashy-flashy dress-up affair get more of them out? (Again, I
>don't know, I'm asking.)

>Costume party?

>A come as you want to be party?

>My hunch is that a "complete early evening", one venue from Happy
>Hour thru dinner thru some kind of a mixer or party of some kind (no
>"moves", no discontinuities where it's convenient to bail), no
>second-track options, with no admonitions to hold back in the dress
>department, would be something that might get us a maximal turnout.

>The venue would have to be "safe" enough for the just-coming-out yet
>open enough for those who vainly profess to be oh-so-mainstream.

>A few other desiderata ...

>Good reasonably-priced drinks. As good as, and close to the same price
>as the drinks at the places those who would be tempted to skip this
>thing would go (to). (A preposition is a great word to end a sentence
>with!) :)

>And then there's the food ...

>No, we don't want the ubiquitous Elmers Glue Salad, Rubber Chicken or
>Leather Sirloin with a side of Technicolor Linguini and Soap-On-A-Rope

>We need food that will not cause our potential partygoers to say
>"eeeww, I'll just eat somewhere else" and maybe skip the whole thing,
>or worse, cause the natural leaders among us to suggest to their peeps
>that they make alternate plans.

>That means a choice of at least a few well-prepared entrees. ("All
>steaks cooked medium" is not, IMAO, well-prepared!) It also means
>options for those who are under dietary restrictions. (And without
>attitude this time!)

>I don't think we need any entertainment per se for this. (Why is it
>that bar managers seem to think we always need a show? Yes, still
>thinking out loud.) I think the opportunity to meet ALL (well, almost)
>of our attendees would be the drawing card here.

>Other drawing cards? Free beer, maybe? (Yeah, get real!) Maybe a
>drawing for a prize(s) of some substance? (more do-able)

>I say give 'em a good happy hour, a good meal, a good party, and then
>give them the option to adjourn to any post-postprandial things (show,
>dancing, etc.) or hang around for more of that Quality Social Time<tm>.

>The only real question I have is: Where?

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Fremont Street Experience:

Annie writes:

>Overall, I think this is a good planned activity, but I do think it
>should be one track (as it is) on a multi-track evening with other
>(spelled s-a-f-e-r) options in the same timeslot as well. :)

>Since we've moved the ABC to Wednesday, I think we're covered here. The
>ABC is edgy enough that it can hold its own.
>>>I later referred to it as the "outreach mission" ...

>>I also was part of this last year, but as someone who did not want the
>>attention, but also to observe what was happening.

>We definitely have two sets of attitude here -- those who do want to be
>"on stage" so to speak, and those who just want to blend in to the

>>Others that were around me at that time kept on walking past me or
>>besides me and none of them gave a glance or the 2nd look.

>This does show that the two factions of our group can indeed co-exist
>at such a thing.

>>The 'crowd' that was attracted formed a circle around our
>>'missionaries' and at times were 10-20 ft thick of them.

>Nothing attracts a crowd, like a crowd. :)

>Seriously, I do hope that our "missionaries" are aware that what they
>envision as the enlightenment of the Teeming Millions can very easily
>come off as an on-the-scene taping an episode of "Sick, Sad World" if
>they are not careful. :(

>({Hypey British accent} Men who think they are women, tonite on ...)

>>What also helped is that I was walking alone, so being read by
>>association was minimized. As our 'missionaries' walked up and down
>>FSE, I shadowed them and passed many whose attention was drawn by the
>>'missionaries', and walked right by them without a glance from them.

>Most of our people can, if they want, get away with this.

>IMAO, if there are other groups ("group" being 2 or more) of our people
>in the area, they will probably share the attention whether they like
>it or not, but individuals can get away with a lot more than groups
>can. (Formal proof on request.)

>>So for those that attend, be aware that the 'missionaries' will give
>>the whole area a heighted level of observation to the whole crowd.

>Just so nobody gets carried away and announces to the Great Unwashed
>Masses that there are others in "stealth" mode there and starts
>pointing around. :)

>>It will help if those that attend and want to be in the background,
>>work on their ability to pass, not only in blending clothing and
>>make-up, but also blending physical behavior in posture, and walking

>You know how we put "Good for beginners" on the schedule for some
>activities? I would go as far as to say that we should put something
>like "Not recommended for beginners" on something like this.

>>FSE at night can be from well and brightly lit, to very dark when the
>>overhead light show it going on. Most if not all of the people are in
>>their own world doing their own thing, and will pretty much leave you
>>alone if nothing to give them a reason to look around is distracting

>Most everybody is preoccupied with whatever it is they are doing, but
>we do have a good percentage of the crowd who are people watchers.

>Most of the (straight) guys in the crowd will be checking out the eye
>candy. That's what guys do, one of those tautologies of life, like the
>Pope being Catholic and bird doo falling from the sky.

>These guys of all ages will primarily be eyeballing those who are young
>and attractive. This is where many of our people seem to get in
>trouble. They try to dress like a 21yo 110lb hottie when in actuality
>they are twice that age, close to twice the weight, and quite a bit
>taller than the average twentybopper. They do get the attention when
>the HNGs scan the crowd. Unfortunately the image they present is not
>that which holds the attention and evokes admiration. :(

>Many TGs seem to be totally oblivious to this fact. :(

>>I did have a thought to go into Glitter Gulch to have a drink..... now
>>that would have been an interesting experience...

> LOL! I dare ya!
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High Tea:

Jamie writes:

>I will just say this once!

>We need to be careful about running down any other TG event. I happen
>to have visited, and help organize, the first Eureka Getaway. The
>event has a very good attendance and venue. I have refered to DLV as
>Eureka times 1000. I also live in NW Arkansas, and am very happy with
>the acceptance here. If you havn'e been to a place or event, keep your
>comments to yourself!! There is no need to bias other with an unfounded

>On other business, I would like to add the High Tea, at the 4 Seasons,
>to the Wed afternoon schedule.

The High Tea is an activity that several ladies look forward to
attending. Thanks for coordinating this, Jamie.
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Summary schedule of activities:

Preliminary and subject to change.

Monday, April 23:
            1:00pm Lunch With Ginger (TBD)
            6:00pm Happy Hour (Suede - MV)
            7:00pm Dinner (Suede - MV)
            Ev Welcome Celebration (Suede - MV)

Tuesday, April 24 :
            AM Lake Mead Boat Cruise (Lake Mead)
            1:00pm Lunch With Ginger (TBD)
            PM Skydiving With Or Without Densie (Golf course)
            Ev Night Of The Soiled Doves IV (CR - SV)

Wednesday, April 25:
            AM-PM Diva Las Vegas Invitational Golf (Golf course - MS)
            AM-PM Art Tour (TBD)
            1:00pm Lunch With Ginger (TBD)
            PM English High Tea (Four Seasons)
            6:00pm Happy Hour (Various)
            7:00pm Eating Out Night (Various)
            7:00pm EON Milanos option (Milanos - MS)
            7:00pm EON Blue Ox option (Blue Ox - MS)
            7:00pm EON Nora's choice (TBD)
            9:00pm Alternative Bar Crawl (Various - SV)
            Ev Slot Tournament (Blue Ox - MS)
            Ev Fremont Street Experience (FSE - MS)
            Ev Theater Night (TBD)

Thursday, April 26:
            1:00pm Lunch With Ginger (TBD)
            Ev Production Show (TBD)
            Ev Limo Tour (TBD)

Friday, April 27:
            1:00pm Lunch With Ginger (TBD)
            6:00pm Happy Hour (Bahama Breeze - MS)
            7:00pm Dinner (Bahama Breeze - MS)

Saturday, April 28:
            1:00pm Lunch With Ginger (TBD)
            PM SBS Social (TBD)
            Ev Production Show (TBD)
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This is the Diva Las Vegas 2007 organizational list.

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlvorg@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

Please do not send binary attachments (photos, etc.) directly to the
list, as the list processor will not properly handle them. If you want
to send photos and the like, mail to: annie@annie.net

Diva Las Vegas 2007
April 23 - 28, 2007 (tentative)
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Archives of this list appear on the web at:


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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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