Older lady, first visit

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Older lady, first visit

Postby keriala » Mon Nov 27, 2017 1:47 pm

Good morning, I'm hoping to attend DLV in 2018 but would like some feedback from others who have attended....hopefully someone in their 60's! I'm 64 and have attended Southern Comfort a few times, but always went with someone from my local support group. If I attend DLV, nobody in my group is able to attend so I would be going alone. I know DLV attendees all stay in different hotels, so how difficult would it be to find someone of a similar age group? From what I've seen, the Four Queens seems to be my first choice. I don't golf, but I like shows, shopping and just wandering around. Any insights would be appreciated!
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Re: Older lady, first visit

Postby annie » Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:24 pm

If you want to be in the immediate vicinity of the others, the Flamingo is the place to go. There will be quite a few of your general age group there.

We're not expecting very many of our people at the Four Queens.

Flamingo will also be the place that has our special group rates. We're expecting to announce this very shortly, as soon as some final details are solidified.

Anything else you need, please let us know.
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Older lady, first visit

Postby External Poster » Mon Nov 27, 2017 9:53 pm

This posting is from: Howard Petschel

Hi went to DLV in late 60s playing with idea of going again this spring.
I do not golf either and mostly simply like to shop and see the sites.

(This posting was entered by Howard Petschel, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Older lady, first visit

Postby External Poster » Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:02 pm

This posting is from: Amber Nicks

> so how difficult would it be to find someone of a similar age group?

This is from the survey of 2017 attendees:

What is your approximate age?

18 - 25: 0
26 - 30: 1
31 - 35: 2
36 - 40: 5
41 - 45: 7
46 - 50: 8
51 - 55: 10
56 - 60: 9
61 - 65: 12
66 - 70: 9
71 - 75: 3
76 - 80: 2
Over 80: 1

Approximate average age: 57.75

There's lots more info, including where people stay, what they did, and
how they liked it in the survey report threads in the Discussion



(This posting was entered by Amber Nicks, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Older lady, first visit

Postby External Poster » Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:28 pm

This posting is from: Sarah Charles


I'm rapidly approaching the end of my mid-60's and have been attending
DLV since 2001. I think it's safe to say you are alone at DLV when you
choose to be alone, it's a pretty social group if you want it to be.

The official schedule is like the Pirate's Code, you know, a rule of
thumb or suggestions and a lot of activity never shows up there as
individuals and small groups freestyle through the week.

I only golf when it's miniature golf and find a lot of entertainment in
shopping and wandering around the extravagant and scenic or even the
relatively mundane parts of Las Vegas.

Since it's usually my bedtime when the crowd with more stamina is just
getting started I'm up earlier than they are and end up exploring or
joining in group activities during the day and early evening. Tourist
stuff, museums, short hikes, thrift stores and occasional shows fill my
calendar. And eating, drinking and a little tiny bit of gambling, just
to fill in the corners of the week.


(This posting was entered by Sarah Charles, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Older lady, first visit

Postby keriala » Tue Nov 28, 2017 2:56 pm

This is good information, thank you all. I'll consider the Flamingo if that's where a lot of attendees stay, but I've gotta say I'm not too crazy about the $35 daily resort fee. Four Queens has none, but I'll wait until the negotiated rates are posted before I decide. I'm very much looking forward to attending, I think it looks like lots of fun! I've been to LV on business before and stayed at the Flamingo when it was still a Hilton property, so that's been awhile. Also stayed at Rio when it was new, very nice. I hope to meet some of you there! -Keri
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Re: Older lady, first visit

Postby annie » Thu Nov 30, 2017 3:54 am

> I'm rapidly approaching the end of my mid-60's

I'm not that far behind ya, although I'm in denial. :) :)

> The official schedule is like the Pirate's Code, you know, a rule of
> thumb or suggestions and a lot of activity never shows up there as
> individuals and small groups freestyle through the week.

We're different from the other major TG events in that you can pick and choose what you want to do and what you don't want to do. One big advantage with our model is that you don't pay for what you don't want to do (or don't want to eat).

> Since it's usually my bedtime when the crowd with more stamina is just
> getting started I'm up earlier than they are and end up exploring or
> joining in group activities during the day and early evening.

I tend to be just the opposite. I usually don't get going until around noon and I very much prefer the evening activities.

I do, however, try to stumble down to the morning coffee session once per year, to support it, but for 2017 it just did not happen. :)

> I'll consider the Flamingo if that's where a lot of attendees stay,

We anticipate that, as it's been the past several years, the Flamingo will draw the largest contingent of DLVers of any hotel in the area.

> but I've gotta say I'm not too crazy about the $35 daily resort fee.

Even when nuisance fees are factored in, places like the Flamingo are still lower-priced than equal-scale hotels in most other destination markets.

I spoke to people who stayed at Red Rock and Aliante for DLV last year, and they did feel like they were too far removed from the DLV action. They chose these places because they got casino rates. It's also my observation that one couple who stayed at Sams Town was "out of the loop" as well, due to the travel time and logistics.

If you will not be driving a vehicle, I do strongly suggest that you stay either at one of the three suggested hotels in the center Strip area, or another of your choosing in that general area. Local travel expense can very easily negate the savings of a less centrally-located hotel. If you will be driving and plan on consuming adult beverages I suggest the same.

Lately I've been finding that I actually enjoy DLV (and Pinkfest) better if I do not have a vehicle. The savings on the rental car cost easily pays for the Monorail pass and a couple of taxi rides per day if needed.
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Re: Older lady, first visit

Postby Katie Wilson » Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:39 am

Hi Keriala.

Join the club Sis I won't see 60 again either.
I would say at an educated guess that 70% of us are in that age group or nearing it so you will have plenty of people whom you can relate to.

Please consider at least one morning coffee session with us at The Club Cappuccino. (Monday to Thursday at The Club Cappuccino Cafe. >> Not The takeout)
We usually sit outside on the patio and with DLV being in April, Hence decent weather it is a pretty safe bet that is where we will be every day at 8AM.
Myself and a few others usually stick around for an hour or so till' 9Am then go for a walk in any direction or do some shopping. Ad libbing is my forte!

I think you will find D L V to be just what you might want in a vacation. I know I did.

If you stay downtown it will cost you $20 cab ride or so each way to the Flamingo area. The Cat bus system is handy and very reasonable but it takes 1/2 hour on a good day from Fremont St to the Four Corners area of the strip. And if you rent a car the daily parking fee at Strip Casinos adds to the $$ amount too.
A lot of our activities are in this area anyway or at least the starting point will be from there so a $30 resort fee per day is not be as bad as it sounds.

I look forward to meeting you.

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Re: Older lady, first visit

Postby keriala » Fri Dec 22, 2017 2:55 pm

Thank you all for the insights and suggestions. Yesterday I got the email with the Flamingo rates for the week, and even with the resort charge it looks pretty reasonable. So, I'll be making my reservations shortly. I'm a fan of morning coffee, so I'm in for that! Hope to meet you all there!
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Re: Older lady, first visit

Postby trishpdxcd2 » Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:19 am

I would just second what most have been saying....you will fit right in and as Annie posted the majority of us are close to that age group. I also recommend the Flamingo because it is so accessible to activities and other girls.Sure you are going to have a great time and hope to meet you.
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