Pinkfest 2017 working schedule as of September 8 ...

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Pinkfest 2017 working schedule as of September 8 ...

Postby annie » Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:23 am


I've filled in the blanks on about everything that looks like it will fit, for which there was a suggestion or at least no objection. :)

Please look it over and comment, particularly on anything that looks unworkable. We'll cover the remaining blanks in the next iteration.

Thanks gang! :)

Tuesday, September 26:
12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (TBA) - ms
8:00pm: Quality Social Time (Big Chicks) - sv

Wednesday, September 27:
12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (Malnati Oak Park) - ms
2:00pm: Kelly Inc Open House (Kelly Inc) - sv
6:00pm: Happy Hour (Winberies) - ms
7:00pm: Dinner (Winberies) - ms
9:00pm: Quality Social Time (Hamburger Mary Oak Park) - sv

Thursday, September 28:
12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (Ann Sather Belmont) - ms
6:00pm: Wine Tasting (Taste Food and Wine) - ms
9:00pm: Quality Social Time (R Public House) - ms

Friday, September 29:
12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (Billy Goat Tavern Navy Pier) - ms
1:30pm: Navy Pier (Navy Pier) - ms
4:30pm: Happy Hour (Lawry's) - ms
5:30pm: Dinner (Lawry's) - ms
7:30pm: Taming of the Shrew (Chicago Shakespeare Theater) - ms
9:30pm: Quality Social Time (Drake Coq d'Or) - ms

Saturday, September 30:
12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (TBA) - ms
5:00pm: Happy Hour (Italian Village) - ms
6:00pm: Dinner (Italian Village) - ms
8:00pm: Motown The Musical (Cadillac Palace Theater) - ms
10:30pm: Quality Social Time (Sabatino's) - ms

Sunday, October 1:
12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (Appellation on Clark) - ms
6:00pm: Happy Hour (Twin Anchors) - ms
7:00pm: Dinner (Twin Anchors) - ms
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Pinkfest 2017 working schedule as of September 8

Postby External Poster » Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:01 am

This posting is from: Stefani C

There is a great INDIAN resturant across from phoebe's, It byob, but
phoebe can handle that and may get the owner to come over ahead of time
and talk about the menu and phoebe could make the beverage pairings. My
be different and fun.

I can't make it, but I have done the above several times

(This posting was entered by Stefani C, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Pinkfest 2017 working schedule as of September 8

Postby External Poster » Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:05 am

This posting is from: Stefani C

You could do a Sunday matinee at Raven 3 pm start. You could take clark
street bus back down town for happy hour.

(This posting was entered by Stefani C, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Pinkfest 2017 working schedule as of September 8 ...

Postby Valerie » Fri Sep 08, 2017 7:47 pm

There are no tickets available for the Motown musical on Saturday night. Nothing available until Oct 3.

I want to go see 1984 at the Raven Theater West Stage. It runs Mon, Thu, Fri, and Sat at 8pm and on Sun at 3:30. Tickets at $22 with fees. I suggest this for Thu night after the wine tasting. Perhaps the wine tastng could start a bit earlier to allow time for dinner between (or we could just arrange to eat at the wine tasting).
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Re: Pinkfest 2017 working schedule as of September 8 ...

Postby Valerie » Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:23 pm

I like Amanda's Pleasant Home tour idea, but it looks like the regular tours are only Thu-Sun. (see Private tours are available but you have to have groups of 6 or more and they require 2 weeks advance notice. No chance of herding this bunch of cats in time for that.
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Re: Pinkfest 2017 working schedule as of September 8 ...

Postby Valerie » Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:00 pm

Spamilton looks interesting. Possible replacement for Motown on Saturday night.
It is at the Royal George Theater on Halsted
Last edited by Valerie on Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pinkfest 2017 working schedule as of September 8 ...

Postby Valerie » Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:29 pm

Seats are going fast for Taming of the Shrew. I'll front tickets, but you need to contact me soon. Less than a third of the seats are left and options for sitting a group together are dwindling.
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Re: Pinkfest 2017 working schedule as of September 8 ...

Postby Valerie » Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:51 pm

Two comments about Lawry's.

First, is there time to eat at that place and still make it to the theater for The Taming of the Shrew? I don't recall the place being one where you get in and out quickly.

Second, is the group really sold on the place? Personally, I don't like prime rib and I've never encountered a steak that was worth fifty bucks. Face it, I'm cheap and hungry. I prefer some of the smaller (and less expensive) restaurants. We had a couple of great places last year. If the group wants an evening of elegant dining, I'm not going to complain any more than what you read here, but (and maybe I'm just unrefined) I really don't see the point.
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Re: Pinkfest 2017 working schedule as of September 8 ...

Postby annie » Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:35 pm

> Second, is the group really sold on the place? Personally, I don't like
> prime rib and I've never encountered a steak that was worth fifty bucks.

I'm not married to it. We don't have to do it if you (and others) are not gonna enjoy it. If you want to suggest another place, we can very easily change it.
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Pinkfest 2017 working schedule as of September 8

Postby External Poster » Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:23 pm

This posting is from: Laura Wright

There are a lot of other nice restaurants in the area. Do we want a
traditional steakhouse type place or something else?

We really need reservations with a firm headcount for the nicer
restaurants - including the Italian Village - or we will end up like
Petterino's last year.

Do we want to try Petterino's again with reservations this year?

(This posting was entered by Laura Wright, an external user of MyDLV.)
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