[dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2020 - Dates, hotel info, etc. ...

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[dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2020 - Dates, hotel info, etc. ...

Postby External Poster » Sat Nov 16, 2019 12:35 pm

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2020 announcement mailing list.

If you no longer desire to receive this list, see list removal
instructions below.
. . . . .
In this mailing:

Welcome - DLV 2020 Updates
Dates for DLV 2020 are final
Hotel for DLV 2020 - Booking information
Big Sister update
Things To Come
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Welcome - DLV 2020 Updates:

Welcome to those who just joined our mailing list. If you have any
questions or concerns, please let us know. Just reply to this mailing.

Our "slow season" is coming to an end, and the pace is picking up on the
plans for Diva Las Vegas 2020.

You can expect our general mailings to come out every few weeks or so
between now and the end of the year, and every 1-2 weeks or so, as
needed, between the first of the year and show time.

The latest information appears in the items below.
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Dates for DLV 2020 are final:

Our Call For Comments period has expired and the dates of Sunday, March
29 through Friday, April 3, 2020 may be considered final for our 2020

As always, everyone is free to come early or leave late if they so

We hope that this span of dates is convenient for all who wish to

Thanks to our ORG group for a painless date selection process this year,
and thanks to all who wrote in with comments on our tentative dates.

Hope to see everyone in Las Vegas this March!
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Hotel for DLV 2020 - Booking information:

For our 2020 event, we will be trying an "experiment" regarding hotel

Cami, who is on our Project Management Team, is suggesting that we try
suggesting one and only one hotel for DLV 2020, the Flamingo, to give
attendees more opportunities to interact and to develop a sense of

Over the past several years, the Flamingo has hosted more DLV attendees
than any other hotel, so it is the obvious choice as the subject of this

Discount group rates for DLV 2020 attendees are available and are
bookable now! Available rates for DLV week are $55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 127
for the span of Sunday through Friday. As of this writing, these rates
are about $20 less per night than cold-call and nonpromotional web

To book your room under the DLV 2020 plan, please visit the following


Further details on the Flamingo appear on line here:

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Big Sister update:

This item has been flying under the radar for some time, but it's now
official and will most definitely benefit those who volunteer to be
Big Sisters for DLV 2020 and after.

The ORG group has voted, by a very significant majority, to grant voting
status to those who volunteer to be Big Sisters.

There are some conditions, and these are outlined in the actual text of
the motion, which is on line here:


This means that qualified Big Sisters will have a "say" in such things
as event dates, approval (and removal) of those holding leadership
positions, rules and regulations, etc.

We'll be covering our Big Sister program in detail in coming mailings,
but for those who want general information on Big Sisters, it's on
line in our FAQ here:

https://divalas.vegas/cgi-bin/afaq.cgi? ... as/faq&c=9
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Things To Come:

Later this month, or early next month, we will be sending out details on
the special hotel rates available to DLV 2020 attendees at the Flamingo.
. . . . .

In mid to late December, those who have attended DLV in the past can
expect to receive their express re-registration emails, which will allow
"minimum click" re-registration for DLV 2020.

DLV 2020 registration for new attendees will open on or about the first
of the year, 2020.
. . . . .

We will be discussing such things as Big Sisters, detailed planning
information, activity highlights, activity sign-up, etc. in our coming
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This is the Diva Las Vegas 2020 Announcement mailing list.

This list is limited to announcements and other high-importance items.

Replies to this mailing will be forwarded to: dlv@divalas.vegas
Submissions/questions should be sent to: dlv@divalas.vegas
Abuse/complaints should be sent to: abuse@divalas.vegas

Questions/answers and discussion items are redirected to the DLV
Discussion Forum, which may be subscribed to separately or viewed on the
web. To subscribe to the DLV Discussion Forum, send a brief message to
dlvdisc@divalas.vegas and state that you wish to receive the DLV
Discussion Forum.

To view the DLV Discussion Forum on line, visit the URL:

. . . . .

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, unsubscribe
requests, changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlv@divalas.vegas <--- NOTE: all lower case

Archives of this list appear on the web at:

. . . . .

Diva Las Vegas 2020
March 29 - April 3
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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