dlv Feedback, makeup, buffets, etc. ...

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dlv Feedback, makeup, buffets, etc. ...

Postby External Poster » Wed May 23, 2001 9:33 pm

In this mailing:

Feelings on DLV
Making Faces
Lotsa feedback feedback
Commercial Center, Goodtimes, Dermablend
More of the burning answers
Limo tour
Makeup in LV
Buffets and more feedback
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feelings on DLV:

>I hope I can find the right words. I can really relate to those that
>are new. Fear is a powerful influence. Its still very much part of me.

>But that is what makes DLV so special!. DLV has provided a opportunity
>to go out enfemme in the safety and support of a group, that is breaking
>down the fear in me.

>The events have been carefully and thoughtfully planned so that
>beginners and those more experienced can have fun together in relatively
>safe surroundings, or challenged to go to do more 'risky-er' things or

>No one is forced to do anything. Its all up to the individual to decide
>at their own comfort level. I did alot of 'first' time events this past

>My fear in the beginning was strong enough to get me to cancel doing
>anything at DLV. But I knew that I wouldn't grow or improve by letting
>my fear take control. So I didn't let it, along with the help and
>encouragement of many attendees and big sisters of DLV. Many were
>probably tired of hearing me whine (and justifably so).

>Right now for me, DLV is my best way to go out and do things in public
>and to meet others like me. By watching and learning from the more
>experienced, I'm finding alot of my fears don't exist or isn't as bad in
>reality. Alot is only in the imagination of the mind. I've found for
>myself that I've gotten better and more confident by doing things with
>others more better or experienced. I've meet new friends at DLV from all
>over, which would not have been possible without DLV. I have alot more
>to go with alot things I see I can improve on.

>Sorry to hear about the Kerr show. That and not having Bob for the Dam
>Tour ... next years DLV will be different without them.

>Reading the emails it seems that we need a venue that has a ambiance for
>conversation...to allow DLV attendees to 'mingle' and get to know each
>other, and have food and drinks available.

>That pizza place was great for that, but it might be too small of a
>venue for our growing group. Goodtimes had the room size, but I didn't
>try anything in the food area, other than drinks. Keys was also good,
>but our group size may be too big, and IMHO the food was great!. I can
>understand the concern about the surroundings at the locations, but I've
>never seen anything that would alert to me that I would be in danger

>The place I felt the most un-easyness was going to Gipsy. We parked a
>few blocks away and had to walk. There was a comment in the parking lot,
>from a bunch of (what looked like college type) guys that was going to
>Gipsy as we were getting in our car to leave. Other than that, it was
>OK. My ears were still deaf from the music so I didn't hear all of what
>they were taking about, other than that one bad comment.

>I also think you did your best in advising all of us going to DLV about
>how to select what to wear at DLV events, in your newsletters and
>providing big sisters. If there was anything to suggest I would say to
>send it out earlier, just in case some need time to purchase items or to
>change what they are bringing to wear.

I would like to thank you for this most excellent and personal review.
It appears DLV has made a difference in your life, and as I've said many
times, it shows us we're doing something right.

I would encourage you to continue in your growth throughout the year,
and of course return next year to share that growth with the others.

It seems like you have quite a few observations which can become ideas
for DLV to come. Please keep these in mind and share them when we get
going with the planning for DLV 2002 (and beyond).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Making Faces:

Wendy writes:

>Making Faces
>by Kevyn Aucoin

Tango Uniform! :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lotsa feedback feedback:

>Lotsa feedback:

>There was, wasn't there? Very informative.

uh-huh, yes. :)

>>+Female impersonator Kenny Kerr quietly folded his dress at the New
>>+Frontier, packing in his gowns after Saturday's show instead of trying
>>+to move beyond a three-month contract.

>To be honest I was wondering how long he/she would survive. If you
>removed the DLV group you would have been left with about a dozen people
>for the show. Hardly a roaring success. I'm sure there's NOT A TRANS
>group in every night either!

Ya know, as I think back to the times I've seen Kenny's show before, I
have to admit this one was far weaker. Looking back over many years, at
the Stardust (I first saw Kenny there, right after the Silver Slipper
was torn down to build the DI Arterial), then at the DR, and of course
at the Plaza, those shows had much more energy and they really grew on
you. Kenny played then to mostly full houses, and the type of show they
did then -- the typical FI revue with mixed live voice and lipsync --
always worked.

IMAO, the new format just did not work.

Yes, I found the show enjoyable. However, it didn't have the magic a
Las Vegas production show needs to sustain itself.

Kind of a sad way to end the longest run of a headliner in Las Vegas. :(

>>>> 8. Would you prefer a more structured or a less structured schedule
>>>> of activities for DLV 2002?
>>> I like the fact you don't have to sign up and pay for everything,
>>> like you do at all the others. I like that you can pick and choose
>>> what you do.

>Good point. I agree with this.

>>> Also, can I make a request? Is there anyone who knows a good book
>>> on basic makeup? I'm still learning.
>> One very good book is _Making_Faces_ by {mumble .. forget the author}

>In my very, very humble opinion I provide considerable good advice on
>all manner of things at my web site include links to some other sites.
>www.idis.com/mpj. under Attributes of Cross Dressing.

>>> One thing I'm still accommodating to is how to dress in public like
>>> a real woman. When you dress in private, you go for things like
>>> tight dresses and evening gowns. I was really surprized to see Gina
>>> and the others wearing pants. It does look more natural and passes
>>> a lot better.

>It may be that some of the information that needs to be handed out
>should include "How to dress casually in Las Vegas" by I M Boring. :-}

>>> As I say, I don't usually do buffets, but Yvonne treated me to lunch at
>>> the Bellagio buffet, and that was simply wonderful.
>>> <<BOP!>>

>> Let's maybe keep this in mind for an excursion next year. I know it's
>> a bit pricey, but probably not out of line.

>I'd be in line for that. I like Bellagio. Been there's lots when dressed
>up both casually and more glammy. Had one problem with a young guy two
>years ago saying "Hello, Sir" but otherwise no problems.

Yes, the dreaded "s-word".

>Always wanted
>to go to some of there classy restaurants but I've never bad the
>opportunity. Maybe next time?

Definitely possible to get a group to go either to their buffet or to any
of their restaurants. Just takes a little planning and coordination.

We've just about outgrown Milano's, huh? :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Commercial Center, Goodtimes, Dermablend:

>Saw in today's RJ that the commercial center behind the LV Lounge is
>getting a major facelift in the next year or so. There were some
>problems with gangs hanging out in the parking lot etc. but on the
>weekends they have regular police patrols and no incidents have been
>reported in some time so it is relatively safe to enter LVL from the
>back parking lot. The merchants pay for the police patrol.

>Apparantly the shopping center was once THE place in Vegas but it is 40
>years old so a new look is in order. Hopefully it will improve the area
>a bit and make everyone feel a little more comfortable.

They tell me (the ubiquitous "they") that what we know now as Commercial
Center began as an Urban Renewal project in the 60's and took its
present form in the 70's.

>The Goodtimes area is fine......I admit it may look a little dicey at
>night but it is safe. I have yet to see or hear of anything bad
>happening in the area and I have lived here for 7 years.

>I can understand the concerns of the visitors but Goodtimes, Keys, and
>LV Lounge are in the older sections of town and although they may appear
>to be in bad areas I think it is just that the buildings are older and
>more worn perhaps, giving it a run-down appearance.

>About makeup shopping.....I have found that all of the cosmetic reps are
>extremely helpful and I have only shopped in male mode. You recommended
>Dermablend to someone.......they should be aware that because of the
>many shades available it is almost certain that the rep will figure it's
>for them. It's just not something a wife sends a husband for unless
>they have the exact shade number so they should be prepared for the
>dubious question "Is this for you?"

>It was scary for me when I first bought some and I was taken off guard
>by that question.....had no idea it came in different shades. Well, to
>make a long story short after answering "yes" I came away with other
>things I needed at the suggestion of the salesperson and had a good time
>listening to her explain things to me.

>These representatives are in business to sell their wares and quite
>frankly I don't think they care less who buys it. It may be different
>in a clothes store with wanting to try something on but the best bet if
>anyone is nervous is to shop in the morning or other off hours when the
>stores aren't as crowded.

One thing to keep in mind, is that same as with selling lingerie, any
salesperson who has sold Dermablend for any length of time has most
certainly had t* people as customers, and knows very well what it is
used for. You will be nothing new to them. :)

>Also, and I believe it was the same person with concerns about being in
>public......I agree with you about running into someone at one of the
>gay bars from work who might recognize you. That, at the worst, will
>form a new bond between you and IMO is nothing to worry about.

>I like the idea of maybe trying some of the other places in town and
>during the next year I will be venturing out to a few and testing the
>waters for friendliness. I will keep you posted.

>The Voodoo Lounge at the Rio is a definite. Have been there many times
>in male mode and it is the most spectacular view in town I think.
>Problem might be there is generally always a line for the elevators and
>they jam you in so some might not go for that. They also have a big
>outside balcony in case anyone doesn't want to stay inside with the
>crowd. It might be a place to go to early to avoid the late crowds.
>They also have an excellent restaurant on the floor below and their
>buffet is good too. It is a dressier place for those who enjoy putting
>on the ritz.

>Enough rambling from me.....sorry. Thanks again for pulling this all
>together......I had fun the couple of times I was able to join the

You're very welcome, and thanks again for the feedback. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
More of the burning answers:

>>1. Of the activities you attended, which did you most like and why?
>>Which did you least like and why?

>I got there late and missed everything up to the dam tour. It was great
>having an insider show us around. It was also a good chance for a
>first-timer to meet like-minded folks without the constraints applied
>when you wonder if your wig is on straight or makeup is appropriate. I
>don't know if it was more difficult to walk up and introduce myself in
>boy-mode or if it had been a girl-mode event. I'm glad I was there and
>thanks to everyone who accepted me even though I had not been to any
>previous event.

The dam tour has always been en eye-opening experience. I admit, I still
go thru the photos and don't recognize many of the people.

One thing I think is very important about this annual event is to show
people that it's "ok" to do boymode, and yes, you *can* have fun and
enjoy life in that mode.

>I was at the goodbye gathering at the Las Vegas Lounge. I'm still trying to
>figure out how I feel about it. It was my first time dressed in public with
>other t-folk, so that was good.

>The post-op transexual lapdancers kind of
>took the classy edge off the experience.

Post-op? Uh?

>Not that they weren't interesting,
>but it did mix messages in a pretty confusing way. But that's my head,
>probably not yours. The music was loud and the crowd broke up before I had
>much of a chance to really get to visit as many people as I would have liked
>to. I know, if I'd been in town a couple of days earlier that would not be
>an issue.

Yes, I agree that probably was not the best venue for our evening
activities this year.

>>2. Of the activities you chose to skip, why did you do so? Was it lack
>>of interest, schedule conflict, time crunch, too public, etc.?

>I skipped the Folies because I was doing this on a shoestring. I don't know
>if I was ready for that kind of exposure this year. However If I'd had a
>ticket, I'd probably have gone. I did try to meet up with the group after
>the show, but my room clock was off by an hour and I ended up winning about
>$40.00 at video poker near the Trop entrance. Even I win sometimes, but I
>would have enjoyed everyone's company.

We can discuss this in depth on the org list, but looking back, I think
one thing we should do is have at least a planned general meeting place
during the evenings of an optional activity, especially one that is a
bit on the pricey side. I think it's important we keep DLV affordable
for our people.

>>3. Did you patronize any of our recommended vendors? If so, are you
>>satisfied with their products and services? Are there any vendors that
>>should be added to our list?

>Went to Las Vegas Girl and used my new $40.00 for a new wig. They were
>wonderful people. Be careful, they will flatter you to make the sale. I
>really don't think my eyes are that pretty without makeup.

That's what a good salesperson does. Seriously, they have a very good
selection and will take the time to find something that works for you.

However, I did see a night/day difference in your pictures beforehand
and the look you had with the new hair. :)

Another thing I like about Vegas Girl is they don't try to push you into
a new wig by prematurely telling you that your old one(s) are not work
cleaning and styling anymore. I know of other shops who do just this.

>>4. Did you visit any clubs and bars that were not covered by the DLV
>>activities? Would you recommend them for a group activity?

>no - I did go to Gordan Birsch (boy-mode) to watch the NBA Playoffs and
>have wings and a beer. (They don't have any ales. Can someone direct
>me to a brewpub in L.V. that has a good IPA?)

>>5. Did you do anything on your own that you would recommend we consider
>>as a DLV activity?

>not really.

>>6. How were your hotel accommodations? Would you recommend your hotel
>>to other DLV people?

>Except for the crickets in the room (which I vanquished), the room in
>the garden terrace at the San Remo was just fine. I didn't interact
>with the staff, so I can't comment beyond that. They, The San Remo,
>are having a promotion in mid-June asking for folks to come and be free
>with how they behave and what they wear. They may be thinking people
>will show up as cowboys or in 70's polyester, but it sounds like an
>invite to T-folk to me.

Uh ... /me says somebody on their staff is one of us. :)

>>7. Would you attend another DLV? Why or why not?

>I'll try. It was good to be with folks who can skip over all the

>>8. Would you prefer a more structured or a less structured schedule
>>of activities for DLV 2002?

>This worked out for me.

>>9. Do you have any suggestions for other activities that you think the
>>group might enjoy?

>The Rhyolite trip fell through. Annie and I used the chance to do a
>little shopping. I was in boy-mode and that was fine. For those of us
>relatively new to the experience of being out in girl-mode, this was an
>excellent chance to be with someone comfortable in their own skin and
>clothing of choice.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

>>If a cow-orker surprised

>That is a typo, right? ROFLMAO~!

Maybe. :)

Do an Alta Vista search for "cow-orker" sometime. Maybe look for that
term in the newsfroups. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Limo tour:

>When I saw the DelMar and Four Queens photos, I couldn't help but laugh
>and cannot remember when I've had such a good time. Need another limo
>tour for sure in 2002. Thanks for everything.

Looking back, this has to be my favorite activity for DLV 2001! The
combination of the show and the limo made it a nite to remember.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Makeup in LV:

>>Also, does anyone know a place
>>around here that's more discrete than the big stores for buying

>Don't forget your local Mary Kay Consultants. There's nothing more
>discrete than a personal appointment. Also, our try-before-you-buy
>policy and our 100% satisfaction guarantee make our products the best
>value in town.

>Anyone who is interested here in Las Vegas can e-mail me at
>rolandad@earthlink.net . Anyone from out-of-town can shop on-line at my
>website: www.marykay.com/rdaniel1

>Sorry I wasn't in town this year for the big event. I was soaking up
>the sun and surf in Hawaii instead.

>See you all next year, I hope.

>Ronnie Daniel, your local Mary Kay Beauty Consultant

For those who don't know Ronnie, she's been a friend of DLV for a few
years now. We were planning another Mary Kay open house this year, but
Ronnie got sidetracked on her own vacation. Hopefully we'll have another
one of those at DLV 2002. Those in the area can contact Ronnie at the
address above.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Buffets and more feedback:

>I'll second the writer who opined that the Imperial Palace buffet is one
>of the 13 worst in Vegas. I ate there twice (only because it was
>convenient as I was in a hurry and had some free chits to use). The
>food selection was poor, and wasn't very appetizing. I do not recommend

While I do enjoy reading BillHere's reviews, I often disagree with him
on what is good and bad. I've been to a few of those on his worst list
and don't find them bad at all. I think a much more objective buffet
rating page in on the www.a2zlasvegas.com site.

However, it also ranks the Imperial Palace buffet at the bottom. Those
in the red (unacceptable by feedback ratings) on a2zlasvegas include:

Imperial Palace
Westward Ho (This buffet is TOXIC, I speak from experience!)
Primm Valley
Whiskey Pete's
Lady Luck (Been there, done that, agree it's not the best.)
Binion's Horseshoe

Those at the top 10 of the a2zlasvegas are:

Orleans (considered by some to be NOT t-friendly, however)
Sams Town

As you might guess, many of these are on the high $ide. Rio's, which
used to get rave reviews, is very seldom on a must-do-buffet list

IMAO, any casino with Station in its name will have a good buffet. I
ate at Palace Station with Margeth last DLV, and at Sunset Station
alone one nite.

It looks like there is enough demand to put on of the more upscale
buffets on the agenda for DLV next year.

>I want to take back what I said about Goodtimes being smoky. I guess
>what I meant to say was that I found the air inside the club to be
>stale. I don't go into a lot of small clubs exactly because they often
>have that stale tobacco odor lingering over everything. I much prefer
>the upscale clubs with better ventilation systems.

>And I used to smoke for 13 years until I had some related health
>problems. After being clean for almost 10 years now, I find tobacco
>odors distasteful.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Diva Las Vegas 2001
May 2-7, 2001
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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