dlv Announcements, feedback, etc. ...

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dlv Announcements, feedback, etc. ...

Postby External Poster » Sun May 26, 2002 12:02 am

This is the general Diva Las Vegas 2002 mailing list.
List removal instructions are below.
Replies to this message will be forwarded to: dlv@geekbabe.com
Submissions/questions should be sent to: dlv@geekbabe.com
Abuse/complaints should be sent to: abuse@omahug.org
. . . . .
In this mailing:

TG Guide to LV
Survey clarification
Delmar history
Feedback and Another Thank You
Ursula says hi
JoAnn Marie writes
Cute little chicks
Mall Crawl
T-girl road party
Monday LV support meeting
SO lunch
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Participation survey ... Thanks to all who took the time to take this
survey. So far about 1/3 of the attendees at DLV 2002 have taken it,
which is a very good response for this type of thing. It will remain
open for about another week. If you attended DLV 2002, even if for a
brief period, and have not yet taken this, please visit the URL:


E-mail directory ... An updated DLV 2002 e-mail directory will be sent
out toward the end of this week. If you want to be listed, please send
in your name, the way you want it to appear, your e-mail address, and
optionally your web site URL. Mail to dlv@geekbabe.com or just reply to
this mailing.

Clarification: Last year's entries will not automatically carry over to
this year. If you were in there last year and want to be listed this
year, please send in a quick note and say so.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TG Guide to LV:

I'm getting ready to make updates to our TG Guide to Las Vegas
(http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/lvthings.html) and I would like input
from everybody who has something to add.

If anybody has any experience, positive or negative, with any Las Vegas
area merchant, hotel, restaurant, bar, club, whatever, please write in
and say so.

In particular, if you are recommending something that is not already on
http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/lvvendors.html we would like to know about

Please include anything you have about the perceived or actual t-
friendliness or lack of same, and comments about the products, services,
prices, value, etc. If you have a particularly favorite salesperson,
waiter, etc., please say so.

Also, things to do. For example, I will be adding a note about the Club
Girl Talk every Wednesday, and the Monday support meeting mentioned
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Survey clarification:

>I started to take your survey, but I stopped due to I'm not sure what
>difference you mean by 'TV' and 'CD'. What's the difference, I mean
>what difference do you mean there?

I don't define these, we want the label you, personally, most closely
identify with. Yes, some people consider these to be synonyms, others
defensively insist they are not.

The survey will remain open for about another week, so do please fill it

>Also, is there any reason for
>the different 'DQ' and 'DQ with attitude'?

LOL. That was just something I put in on a whim, actually taking that
from somebody on the IRC channel who uses that term. If you look at the
underlying code (how you do that is an exercise for the student, but is
trivial) you will see the two DQ boxes return the same result. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Delmar history:

Aiko writes:

>Just a note to remind you about possibly relating in the newsletter why
>the DelMar is such a joke. I really don't know the story, either. Alot
>of the girls inquired during the Limo Tour, and I said it was an inside
>joke for Annie to tell. Anyway,....

Ok, ... :)

We don't really intend for it to be an inside joke or anything, it's
just part of the history and lore of DLV, you know, part of the "good
old days" that we will look back upon tomorrow. (Funny how the "good old
days" often contain memories of the most embarrassing incidents. :)

It was Tuesday evening of DLV 1999. DLV99 began with the Pre-DLV
get-together on the previous Thursday, and was ending with a Post-DLV
bar-hopping thing for those who were still in town.

We had originally planned to spend the evening at Keys, but Margeth
wanted something a bit more "lively" so we ended up in the Triangle

The remainder of the group (I, Densie, Margeth, Cassie, a few others)
were at Angles & Lace (now Icon). Densie and I were sitting down talking
and Margeth began playing pool with a male bar patron. They played pool
for a while, and sat down and talked. Margeth approached us, and the
conversation went like this.

Margeth: Say, do either of you know where the Delmar Motel is?

Annie: Uh-huh.

Densie: {giggle}

Margeth: What's it like?

Annie: It's a fornicatorium.

Densie: {tee-hee}

Margeth: Whadaya mean?

Annie: It's a sleazy by-the-hour motel, why?

Densie: {giggle}

Margeth: This guy I met wants to take me there.

Annie: No!

Margeth: {walking away} Ok, I thought I would ask ...

Densie: We are NOT letting her take off with that guy!

Annie: NO WAY!

Turns out that Margeth's friend was a recently-released ex-con. One
version of the story says it was his first night out of the joint.

Anyway, Margeth did not leave with the guy, but the story quickly spread
on line, and she took considerable kidding about it. (But not as much
as I did about the Galiano {sic} incident the year before.)

Fast forward to DLV 2001. Limo tour. We had just finished watching
Folies at the Tropicana and the limo was stocked with refreshments.
We were deciding where to stop for a couple photo-ops, and somebody
jokingly suggested Delmar. I then turned around and asked our driver
if she had heard of the Delmar. The conversation went like this:

Annie: Do you know where the Delmar Motel is?

Driver: Yes.

Densie: {giggle}

Aiko: What the ...

Annie: Oh you do?

Driver: {chuckle} Yes, I used to work the desk over at {forget exactly
where} and on the busy weekends we would occasionally send some of our
overflow over there.

Densie: {tee-hee}

So here we are, pulling this big black limo into the Delmar in the
middle of the night. We park it dead center in the parking lot and
everybody piles out. I swear this was the first time a limo ever
pulled into such a place.

This was about two hours into the three hour trip, and nobody was
feeling any pain. Some of the people walk out to the Strip and wave at
passing cars, others pose for photos by the various signs, still others
do so by the (closed) pool with the icky rusty water.

Whoever was in the office (Desk Clerk? Manager?) was totally spooked.
He turned out the lights and vanished. :)

In 5 minutes or so, long before the cops could get there :) everybody
piles back in and we head on down to the Four Queens.

A record of this memorable journey appears on the web at:


For those who want to do some independent study of the Delmar (I guess
it is officially listed as Del Mar) you can start here. Note that the
language in some of these items may be a bit strong. :)

(You may have to do some cutting and pasting, as I'm sure wordwrap will kill
some of these links.)








And, archived for all posterity, is this one: :)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feedback and Another Thank You:

SharonAnne writes:

>I can't believe its almost three weeks since DLV! I'm still on a high
>from it. I was going to write feedback from a first timer but you
>captured virtually everything in the survey. I also sent some pictures
>but you had to relabel them, sorry. They are split into a couple of
>the preview galleries.

Renaming is actually done by the software that generates the thumbnail
images and the skeleton of the page containing the images. What it will
do is identify any images that don't have browser-friendly names and if
it finds them, it will rename all images in that directory. Netscape,
for example, does not like names containing spaces, so any name with a
space will trigger the renumbering.

>The e-mail directory is great and I've already
>contacted several of my new friends.

>One thing I do want to mention was how everyone lived up to the DLV
>'standards' described in the newsletters. Everyone was so friendly and

I'm glad you remarked about this. It's quite often reported.

>I had to laugh at myself after parking at Hamburger Marys and trying to
>see other girls going in then realizing where I parked I couldn't see
>the entrance.

>When I did go in several girls congradulated me and told me if I hadn't
>come in they were going to come out and get me. And I never saw any of
>these people before! By the end of Wednesday evening (my first evening)
>I knew I was with good people. I only wish I had signed up to do more
>things. Next time you won't be able to get rid of me. I arrived alone
>and left with many new friends, that was the best part of DLV!

>Thank you and all the others again, to quote an old song, "I had the
>time of my life and I owe it all to you..."

You are very welcome. Remember, though, you are the one who allowed
yourself to have that good time. I and the others just cheered you on a
bit. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This comes primarily from a thread on the DLVORG list. Tina wanted to be
sure all DLV people were aware of this issue. Further information or
comments are welcome.

Tina writes:

>>At the Boardwalk, things are unclear to me, I've heard several versions,
>>but have not talked to the person involved yet. I was told that one of

>Well, on Thursday night after LaFemme, 3 of us (Cat, Samantha and I)
>were arriving at Boardwalk and we met another DLV girl coming out. I
>had to go, so I left the other 2 to talk with the DLV girl while I
>asked a bellman where the restrooms were. I followed his directions to
>the 1st floor restrooms on the far side of the casino, where I used the
>ladies room without incident. When I came out, I walked around for
>awhile looking for my friends (Cat and Samantha). I did see a security
>guard trailing along after me for a few minutes talking on his radio.
>I didn't think anything of it at the time. I didn't even notice him
>until after I had done at least one circuit of the 1st floor casino
>area (it's not that big). Don't know when he started walking behind
>me, but he didn't hang around long. Didn't seem threatening or

>Anyway, after I located Cat and Sam, I heard the story about how the
>other DLV girl had been told not to use the ladies room. That was the
>conversation they had held upon our arrival while I had rushed off to
>the ladies room. So at some point relatively soon after this DLV girl
>had been told not to use the ladies rooms at Boardwalk, I went and used
>the ladies room.

>Now, that's the 1st thing that makes me mad. That someone dressed as a
>woman who is not causing a problem is denied use of the women's
>restroom. I know this DLV girl casually and I have a hard time
>believing that she would do anything to create a commotion. And I
>always follow Ann Landers advice: use the restroom of the gender you
>are dressed as.

>Now we come to the 2nd thing that makes me mad. This DLV girl (as I
>have heard the story second hand from Cat and Sam) had been told (by
>whom I am not clear) that arrangements had been made with Boardwalk
>management to encourage DLV girls to use the 2nd floor ladies room. As
>I understand the situation, this DLV girl was denied access to this 2nd
>floor ladies room. If these are indeed the facts, and I would strongly
>encourage a discussion of them here online including any type of
>response that Boardwalk management would care to give, let me try to
>explain why I am angry, beyond the basic fact that DLV people were
>denied use of restroom facilities.

>It is the fact that we were apparently to be segregated to the use of a
>particular restroom that disturbs me. Yes, I personally choose to
>often use out of the way ladies rooms when convenient, but that is my
>personal choice to avoid my personal embarassment. If I am in my own
>hotel, I will simply ride the elevator to my room and use the restroom
>there to ensure my own privacy. Again, my personal choice. But, when
>I have to go, and time is of the essence, then I will use the ladies
>room that is closest. I'm not interested in causing a fuss and I
>don't make a scene, but I do go. And I by God will not set foot into
>any establishment that wants to restrict me in that regard.

>Now, before I climb any higher on my soapbox, I would like to invite
>anyone formally associated with the Boardwalk to address the issue of
>where this 2nd floor restroom "suggestion" came from and what form it
>originally took. I certainly never saw anything about it online before
>DLV started, and I would like to understand more of the history behind

>Obviously, some folks had problems at Boardwalk this year. It doesn't
>take much to kill a place's reputation with DLV girls when it comes to
>restroom issues. Perhaps other DLV girls had positive experiences at
>Boardwalk that they might care to report online here.

Personally I had no problems at the Boardwalk, although I was in there
for maybe 45 minutes total. I spent most of my time in the bar/show
area. I found the bar staff to be friendly. I did use the restroom, the
one just to the east of the showroom. I wandered about, briefly to the
gift shop, and around the casino. I didn't get the feeling I was being
watched. (And I was dressed up for the show.)

I was told that there was a miscommunication in their security
department, and that possibly one officer had taken it upon himself to
give one of our people some extra attention.

If we are to enter into negotiations with the Boardwalk (or any
property) I would like to see restrooms be a non-issue, meaning we are
treated like every other group that uses the facility, I mean, I highly
doubt that a hotel's contract for the Steamfitters Union convention or
the Phi Zappa Krappa reunion stipulates which restrooms are to be used.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ursula says hi:

>I read your mails enthusiastically and regret as I was unable to attend
>any of the meetings in the past years. Maybe I can make next year. Thank
>you for your continuing efforts in DLV.

You're very welcome, and yes, we do hope you can make it again soon. Yes,
you will see some familiar faces next time you get to DLV.

For those listening in, Ursula was our first European DLV person, coming
from Switzerland to join us for DLV 1998. Unfortunately she has not been
able to make it back since. We hope to see her again at DLV 2003.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JoAnn Marie writes:

>Annie--Thanks so much for all of your efforts and energy to make all
>this happen. I sent a response to your survey with comments.

>Your event me feel great; especially when I attended LeFemme and as I
>walked past the slot machines next to the main lobby to the showroom, I
>saw out of the corner of my eye a "40 something- women" look me up and
>down as the "girl competition" Felt great!!!!

>You and your Diva organizers are now entering the next level---taking a
>great format and working the details to it grows as a great vacation

>If you did not receive a copy of my survey response let me know.

If you saw the "Thank you. Your responses have been recorded" we
received it. If you signed it in the text comments, I edited that out
immediately, so no responses were connected to any particular person.

>Next year you may want to include two classes that assist with the
>"transition" that a "new-comer" faces. Again thanks...

You're very welcome. Hope to see you again in 2003. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cute little chicks:

>>I was loaded with Peeps (Densie and Tony gave me a couple boxes as
>>well) so I passed them out at Flex that night. Yeah, people thought I
>>had totally lost it.

>Can you please explain to this old out-of sorts lady just what the
>he-double-toothpicks this thing with Peeps is? I haven't seen those
>since our kids were 10-11. Is this perhaps an in-joke I don't get yet?

In all seriousness, Peeps have become kind of a cult food over the past
several years. There's a whole culture, mostly adults, surrounding this

If you're interested, http://www.geekbabe.com/peeps/ will get you
started. :)

And yes, I take quite a bit of kidding at work about my fascination with
Peeps. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mall Crawl:

Tootsye writes:

>Hi Annie, Big hug sis.

Big hug back. :)

>You mentioned in your comments about the group pushing a baby carriage!
>That was Gerri and her daughter and her grandson Tyler! I and Fannie
>joined them for lunch at the mall and then went shopping for a little

>Gerri is the president of the TUG Tri Ess chapter in Las Vegas. I had
>met Gerri several times before and her daughter once and wanted to see
>the new baby.

>I am thinking of starting a new service for new T girls! "Rent a Baby".
>Pushing or carrying a baby in a mall, airport or anywhere else is the
>perfect cover! A baby certainly gives a T girl ratification! Hmmmm.
>Using the baby carriage for holding purchaes is not a bad idea either!

LOL ... I thought that was a good idea. Had I not recognized the people,
I would probably not have noticed they were t-girls. :)

>Thanks again for a great time!

You're very welcome, and thanks for coming. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T-girl road party:

Cat writes:

>For those who are nearby me or can travel and are looking for something
>that is fun, I will be hosting my "2nd Annual Traveling Summertime
>T-Girl Road Party" the first weekend of August.

>Friday August 2 will be in Nashville (with Monique as co-hostess) and
>then Saturday night will be in Atlanta. I will have the web page up
>around the middle of June giving all the details.

Thanks Cat. Please send in the URL for this as soon as you put it up.
Too bad the Road Party will not be stopping in Omaha this year. :(
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monday LV support meeting:

Anya writes:

>Annie per our chat last night, here is the info for the monday tg
>support group i have been to. Meets mondays at 7:15 pm at community
>counseling center 1120 almond tree lane in lv. 702 369 8700. it is near
>the northwest corner of sahara and maryland parkway. You would be
>welcome indeed. I would

>always call the day of the meeting to make sure it is happening.

Thanks, Anya, I will be sure this gets included in the TG Guide to LV
on the DLV web pages.

>p.s. there is a really good mexican restaurant called El Choncho in the
>shopping center on the southeast corner of Sahara and Maryland.

Anya has volunteered to do some reviews of restaurants in the LV area,
concentrating on buffets, and will be making some recommendations for
places to eat for DLV 2003.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SO lunch:

Sandi writes:

>Hi, everyone. Just wanted to put in my 2 cents worth, as an SO.

>What a great idea DLV is! April and I had a wonderful time. We are
>just starting to meet other t girls and I had only met one other SO
>before this. It was terrific getting together with so many at lunch.

>My only suggestion would be trying to find a place to get together
>where we could really talk to each other.

>One wife suggested that maybe some of the SO's who were still
>uncomfortable did not get a chance to talk about their feelings.
>Since I am 100% for my April looking her best, I would have loved the
>opportunity to ease any fears and uncertainties they might have had.

>At the lunch, we sat at a long table so I was really only able to chat
>with those closest to me. The ladies at the other end of the table
>are, unfortunately, still unknown to me.

>We met so many really terrific girls, we can't wait for next year.

>Excellent job everyone!

Thanks, Sandi. We will keep this in mind for DLV 2003 planning. I'm glad
to see the number of SO's we have increasing. Thanks for coming, and
thanks for the feedback.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2002 mailing list.

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
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dlv@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

Please do not send binary attachments (photos, etc.) directly to the
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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