This posting is a brief overview of some of the features available to you as a user of MyDLV.
MyDLV is based upon some cooperative social networking extensions to phpBB, which is a very popular on-line forum system.
You will find the following available to you as a user of MyDLV:
* PHOTO GALLERY: You may either upload photos from your own system or easily include most any of the images from the collection of DLV follow-up pages from 1999 through the current year. As of this writing there are over 12,000 images available from which to choose.
* CHIRPING ("microblogging", similar to Twitter): You can very easily send brief text messages to other users in the form of "Chirps" sent to all users, your designated friends only, or particular users. You can read Chirps when on line using MyDLV, have them sent to your e-mail, or have them sent to your text-capable cell phone or PDA. (This is very handy for keeping in touch during the annual DLV event!)
* DLV DISCUSSION FORUM: A very clean and attractive interface to the Diva Las Vegas Discussion Forum, containing all previous postings, arranged by threads. As of this writing there are over 5000 postings, dating from 2002 through the current date.
* YOUR PROFILE: Tells others about you and your activity with the DLV program. This gives others a preview of your Photo Gallery, your Whiteboard, and gives other personal information that you wish to share. (No, you don't have to post your real age unless you really want to!)

* YOUR WHITEBOARD: A "just for fun" graffiti space on your main MyDLV page.
* YOUR BLOG: You can publish your own on-line Blog (weblog). You can keep an on-line diary or journal, or just say what you want to say and show what you want to show. Images and photos can easily be included in your Blog.
* EXPRESS ACCESS - to the Diva Las Vegas registration and activity sign-up screens. No, you don't have to remember any numbers or hunt for e-mails with confusing URLs and such. This will fill in many of the blanks for you!