dlv 2004: my summary

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dlv 2004: my summary

Postby External Poster » Wed May 12, 2004 8:56 pm

This posting is from: Denise McCracken

...but first...the Galiano Challenge (spelt right) results!

Annie at the Spotlight (I think):

Flunked (as usual) Could not assert that the drink had Galliano in it.
Suggested that it might have been made with gin instead of vodka. She
also drank the Galliano, which is an automatic 'F'.

Michelle, at Goodtimes:

Flunked. She drank a Harvey Wallbanger, knowing that it was a Harvey
Wallbanger, and said that there was no Galliano in it. Later, she said
that she could taste the Galliano, but her answer had already been
recorded. She also drank the Galliano, which is an automatic 'F'.

Ginger, at Goodtimes:

Flunked. She provided the Harvey Wallbangers for herself and Michelle.
Voluntarily drinking Galliano is an automatic 'F'. In fact, Ginger said
that she prefers Galliano, which puts her in with Margeth...neither of
them are eligible to take the Galiano Challenge anymore. There were
some more interesting comments from Ginger, at a late-night dinner
(breakfast?) at the Sahara Coffee Shop. I was too drunk to remember
anything she said, or even to understand what she was saying, so I wrote
it all down. I remember that she was telling some stories and I kept
asking how Galliano fit into them until I was politely asked to shut the
h*ll up.

The transcript, as I recorded it, at the Sahara Coffee Shop:

"(2) Ginger @ Sahara Coffee Shop voluntarily drank Galiano prefers
Galiano will stho MOZO/w if Galiano is unavailable

(3) Ginger (move) Mogen David is a fine wine Moon pies are good RC Cola
some exp with Goobers Wheels, but denies involvement with Goober Wheels.
60's to 70's flower children drank Galiano for world peace, lubricant
that brought society together.

(4) Ginger - everyone was black in the dicy part of town. Bought
toothbrush. St. Louis area, Ginger drank Galiano w/black people."

Well, there you have it. Now you remember as much about that evening as
I do.

Sunday, May 2:

Tony took the plane up, but I drove the hearse. It was about an 8-hour
drive, taking it nice and easy, and everything went well until I was
driving up the strip and an air conditioner hose went "BSPHIZZZH!",
right in front of the IP. It was kind of fun seeing people freak out
and run for cover, but a little too warm to be driving without A/C. I
pulled into the Sahara big-vehicle parking just as Tony was getting out
of the cab on the other side of the hotel.

I'm sorry to say that we missed the 10am church service.

Ok, I'm not sorry. Religion is boring.

When: 5:30pm What: Happy Hour Where: Freezone

We met up with Annie and went to this, but we didn't stay very long
because we wanted to get to Milano's in time to get a table.

When: 6:30pm What: Pre-DLV Dinner Where: Milano's

Food was good, as always, and we filled the place to capacity.

When: 8:00pm What: Pre-DLV Gathering Where: Spotlight Lounge

We had a few drinks here. Annie rounded up some people to sing Happy
Birthday to Tony.

Monday, May 3:

When: 10:00am What: Side trip to Rhyolite (authentic ghost town)

This was great, if you're into side trips like I am. We stopped off for
food in Parumph first, which was uneventful. There was a little
confusion when one of the cars took a different route and we drove back
to Parumph to look for them, then we stopped off to see the ruins of a
cement plant, so everyone was gone when we got to Rhyolite. There is a
house there built entirely of bottles, which was open for viewing, so we
stopped in there and signed the guest book. We were all getting a
little burned out by then, so we made the rest of it a driving tour.

When: 6:00pm What: Happy Hour Where: Hamburger Mary's

We passed on Hamburger Mary's. I remembered the bad service from last
year and didn't want to do it again.

When: 8:30pm What: Welcome Celebration. Where: Flex

This was great. Eric was there, doing the karaoke. I don't have much
of a singing voice, so I always do some funny tunes like Clarence Carter
and Afroman.

Tuesday, May 4:

When: 10:30am >>SHARP<< What: Lake Mead Boat Cruise

I'm sorry we had to miss this. I had to take the car to a shop to get
the air conditioning fixed, which turned out to be a nightmare.

When: 6:00pm >>SHARP<< What: (Night of Soiled Doves)

This was great! How many people knew what it was?

We took a trip to the Chicken Ranch Brothel, dressed in our most
outrageous costumes. I'm still laughing about the one with the panties
on the outside. I dressed as a nun, and Annie, Tony and I rode in the
hearse. We went inside, got some free champagne and souvenirs and posed
for pictures. The ladies there were very nice, and we milled around and
talked to them for an hour. I never thought that a prostitute would
tell me that she was happy to finally meet someone who was as twisted as
she was, but I took it as a compliment.

Wednesday, May 5:

I think we played video poker most of the morning, then I picked up my
car from the air conditioner shop. They had put the old worn-out belt
back on and it wasn't working. Tony and I bought some tools and
replaced the belt, then took the old one back to the shop and told them
what they could do with it. As it turns out, there were more problems
with the work that they did, but that's another story.

When: 6:00pm What: Happy Hour Where: Hard Rock CAFE

Really professional staff at the bar, except for the one who didn't
bring me back my change. Drinks were kind of expensive.

When: 7:00pm What: Dinner Where: Hard Rock CAFE

OK, not bad. Not worth $26 though.

When: 10:00pm What: Karaoke Where: Goodtimes Lounge

Hi, Eric. We're baaaaaaack. Tony said that the security guard thought
that I was a little unbalanced, but I get that reaction a lot on karaoke

Thursday, May 6:

When: 9:00am What: Golf Where: Desert Rose Golf Club

I had intended to play golf, but we didn't have clubs. We had bowling
balls. I wonder how that happened.

When: 7:00pm What: Ovation, The Show (contemporary LV variety show)

We hadn't originally intended to do this, but we decided at the last
minute that we would. It was a great show, like all shows I have seen
in Vegas. It looks like they rounded up all of the side acts from the
other shows and put them together. I liked the juggler who has "issues"
and the guy with the four face masks.

When: 8:50pm What: Limousine tour

I'm looking forward to seeing the pics from this one. There was a guy
passed out in a stairway at the Four Queens, and some of the girls stood
around him and posed for pictures. I was hoping that he would wake up,
see himself surrounded by crossdressers and have a manic episode, but he
was out cold. We did some group photos and I only saw one bystander
jump into the picture this time. In past years, we've usually had two
or three. A wino with an army shirt on came out of the casino and I
tried to set him up on a date with Annie, but she was busy hitting on
the guy in the stairway.

Friday, May 7:

I caught a cold and didn't feel like doing much.

When: 5:00pm What: Happy Hour Where: Carluccio's

Went to the happy hour and dinner. I had the veal and it wasn't very
good. It was freezing cold in there. I borrowed Ginger's sweater out
of Annie's car, but it was still too cold so I went outside for a while.
I wasn't into going to Goodtimes, so Tony and I hitched a ride back to
the Sahara in Anya's car.

Saturday, May 8:

When: 9:30am What: Claude Hall Gun Show

I don't know what happened to this. I had wanted to go, but I think I
slept in.


Yes, we did get to do Rocky. I dressed up in the nun's habit again and
got some compliments. Aside from a female Rocky, the show cast was
really good and had great costumes, especially Eddie's.

Sunday was time to hit the road. The trip back was uneventful, aside
from some problems with the air conditioner (sigh), and my cold, which
the dry weather made really miserable. I stopped off at Wal-mart in
Kingman and bought a humidifer, which I plugged into the AC power on the
hearse, and it made the atmosphere a whole lot nicer. In fact, the
weather was so dry that it actually cooled the air.

Synopsis: Despite a couple of glitches, another great DLV trip! This
was my 7th, and I plan to do it again next year.


(This posting was entered by Denise McCracken, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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