Different Hotels

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Different Hotels

Postby External Poster » Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:35 pm

This posting is from: Sami Cocheta

I was wondering about staying at Treasure Island or New York New York? I
know they are not on the list, but was wondering if anyone has stayed in
those hotels and if so if they are TG friendly. If the Casino was
accepting if you dress and act like a lady. I ask becasue AA has some
package plans for those places.

Just wondering. Thanks for any help in this regard


(This posting was entered by Sami Cocheta, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Different Hotels

Postby External Poster » Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:55 pm

This posting is from: annie

We've had people stay at both TI and NYNY occasionally over the years
with no negative reports.

We also took a medium size group on a tour which included NYNY a few
years back (we did ask them to split up and not congregate in groups)
with only positive reports. Some of the people took the roller coaster.
(Or as they say in Indiana, rolley-coaster.) :) :)

However, one of our few significant incidents in DLV's history occurred
last year at Treasure Island. There were extenuating circumstances, but
I would suggest that NYNY or any of several other hotels would be a
better choice for DLV 2004 than TI would be.

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Different Hotels

Postby External Poster » Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:14 pm

This posting is from: annie

> I was wondering about staying at Treasure Island or New York New York? I

Another thing about NYNY for DLV is that if you don't have a vehicle, or
if you're a bit shy about driving, it's an easy walk from NYNY down to
the San Remo, which will be the rendezvous point for several activities.

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Different Hotels

Postby External Poster » Wed Mar 24, 2004 12:21 am

This posting is from: Tina Tawdre


Although I'm not attending this year due to schedule conflicts, I have
been to the 5 previous DLVs. And, I used to travel 35 weeks a year on
business. So, be warned that I'm very opinionated about hotels. :-)

I used to stay at the TI a lot in the mid-90's (2 or 3 times a year),
first on business and later by choice (switching away from Caesar's due
to cost). I could get comps for my level of play at the TI that I never
qualified for at Caesar's.

I never had any problems of an obvious nature, but it was a hell of a
long walk from the elevators, by the edge of the casino, past the open
side of the buffet, through the mini shopping court, past the theater
(and the boarding area for little mini-tram to the next-door Mirage) to
get to the parking garage.

Exposure better not bother you. Kids everywhere (although not as bad
as at the Sahara). The last time I was there (98??), they had closed
and were tearing out the big swimming pool (which used to be very nice)
to make way for expansion. I have heard that they are emphasizing the
family business less. Very nice, very big rooms and courteous staff;
lots of security guards and actual security chains/clamps on the doors
(unlike the Sahara, meow); but, I agree with Annie that you can find
places that are more t*-friendly for gambling and physically easier to
enter/exit with less hassle.

Personally, I had very good experiences in summer 2003 at the Las Vegas
Hilton while there on business, see the comments on our DLV vendor pages
at http://www.geekbabe.com/cgi-bin/dlv/readcomment.cgi?vendor=9. We've
had DLV girls going in and out of the Hilton for years because they like
the StarTrek ride there so much. They have a wing that's completely
away from the StarTrek (which is actually pretty adult-focused), and
it's the same wing that's 50-75 steps from self-park, so ultra-handy.

Relatively remote elevator that's not close to the pool either. You
don't see many kids in this wing (it's the North wing, IIRC). It was
secluded enough (this wing is also furthest from the conference rooms
and balllrooms) that I felt safe coming and going dressed even though
several thousand fellow employees where there for a conference
(something I would ordinarily never risk). Prices there (never cheap)
are already up to $79 weeknight and $109 weekend on their Web site (can
be as cheap as $59), not using any special promotion. They go to over
$200 the following week due to that computer conference.

Re NYNY, I have never stayed there, but have had horrible experiences
navigating it the times that I have visited. It seems like most newer
casinos are designed to trap you and confuse you about how to exit
(although I didn't find the Venetian or the Monte Carlo to be that bad).

My vote for most claustrophic and confusing undoubtedly goes to NYNY. I
absolutely hate it there.

See, I warned you I had strong opinions. :-)
YMMV (your mileage may vary)


-- Tina Tawdre

(This posting was entered by Tina Tawdre, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Different Hotels

Postby External Poster » Wed Mar 24, 2004 12:51 pm

This posting is from: Denise McCracken

> the San Remo, which will be the rendezvous point for several activities.

If it's still standing.

(This posting was entered by Denise McCracken, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Different Hotels

Postby External Poster » Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:23 pm

This posting is from: Sami Cocheta

Thank you Annie and Tina for the information.

The only reason i mentioned TI was it was suppose to be changing from
family to Adult. But you are right about the long walk---

Tina you have opinions and that is exactly what i was looking
for---Thanks---It helps to know what others think about these things



(This posting was entered by Sami Cocheta, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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