Julie's comments...

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Julie's comments...

Postby External Poster » Sun Oct 05, 2003 9:57 pm

This posting is from: Julie Carter

Hi all,

First let me say from the first DLV I've attended (1999) the issue of
Mother's Day has become into the disscussion. In the "after action
reports/disscussion" or in the planning stages of an upcoming DLV. I,
myself, have had to modify my attending based on several factors, and
yes Michelle I too have had to miss one of the Golf outings (bummer
huh?). It was my decision alone to attend for multiple days or in one
year, only one day. It was dissapointing to me not being there when I
wanted, but it was my decision to attend or not.

If we, dlvorg, after healthy and sometimes lengthy disscussions vote to
have DLV on certain days so be it. I know there is no pleasing
everyone, and I also know if we try to please everyone nothing will be
accomplished. So, once the decisions are made, stand firm. I may not
agree or not be able to make the events I would like, but I will stand
by the decisions once made.

Now on to another thought... DLV is unique. This is the only vacation
in the tg/cd/ts/dq/gay community. We are not like the many conventions
we all know about. But one thing about our planning should be the same
as the multiple conventions. That is to let the vacation organizers do
their job and plan the events and post the appropriate data to all who
are interested. Those who can make it, if only for one day or event,
will be there.

We are growing, there is no mistake about it. But if we continue to
open the debate to all who may or may not attend, we will see more and
more objections and ultimatly the deterioration of our vacation.


(This posting was entered by Julie Carter, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Julie's comments...

Postby External Poster » Tue Oct 07, 2003 9:06 pm

This posting is from: Monique

Dear Sisters and Friends,

Girls, I've been monitoring this thread about Mother's Day and the dates
for DLV'04, and I just have a few comments;

>There is no one single date that will work for each and every one of
>us. Like DLV'03, the calendar is not working for us again this year for
>DLV'04 w/ respect to Mother's Day I respect those sisters that have
>family obligations for Mother's Day 2004 And not to be a bitch, we put
>this up for a vote some 30+ days ago with the DLVOrg committee Sorry
>girls, ya'll had your chance to vote.

Bottom line, there will not be a week that we decide upon in April, May,
June, etc., that everyone will agree upon. IMHO, it's up to each one of
us that wants to attend DLV just how much time we can be there and yet
fulfill family obligations. I'm sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, for
it is not meant to be, however, we had a choice of votes of dates, and
majority rules. While we may miss some of you @ DLV'04, your own
personal priorities rules over DLV, IMO.

Let's hope that the calendar for DLV'05 is more favorable to us all.

With Love and Respect,

Monique Danielle Monet

(This posting was entered by Monique, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Julie's comments...

Postby External Poster » Thu Oct 09, 2003 8:43 pm

This posting is from: Hollye

Hey! I have an idea! :) Let's just say that DLV is hapenning around the
beginning of May and runs for about a week, or so.... Then anyone can
come when they want and join in when they get there!

What a concept!

Hollye (aka: Margeth the simpleton piglet)

(This posting was entered by Hollye, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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