DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day (was No delaying, no, not nun)

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DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day (was No delaying, no, not nun)

Postby External Poster » Sun Sep 14, 2003 12:43 pm

This posting is from: Tina Tawdre

Hi Cindy,

I understand completely. I have the same problem. DLV xxxx included
Mother's Day back in mumble, mumble. My wife didn't say anything at the
time, then waited two months to murder me with it. I think that people
are just waking up to this scheduling problem. After all, May is still
8 months away.

And you make a good point (as Gina did in an earlier post) about being
home for that whole weekend. It sends the wrong message to wifey to
blast back into town at 0-dark-thirty on Saturday night going into
Sunday just so you can technically claim you made it back for Mothers
Day. Her response is likely to be frosty.

And, of course, for me it's a wife, a mother, and a mother-in law all
within driving distance. Like Gina, it's compliated. :-)


-- Tina

(This posting was entered by Tina Tawdre, an external user of MyDLV.)
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DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day (was No delaying, no, not nun)

Postby External Poster » Sun Sep 14, 2003 6:13 pm

This posting is from: LeeAnna

Hi all,

Yes, many are seeing the scheduling of DLV2004 as the "Trap of Death for
Mother's Day" as time gets nearer. As a few have said, the wife that is
supportive to our needs has the right to expect that she be treated
with the respect that she deserves at Mother's Day. Added to that is
our own Mother, Mother In-law, Grand Mothers, and I know I am
forgetting a few that seem to pop up that time each year.

Several gals attempted to point this out at the begining of the planning
for DLV2004, but it was said it would most likely have to be this date.
This was because several would not be able to attend since it is
adjacent to the big Tech Show that they use as their reason to be in
Vegas at that time. If they were to stay without the support of the
show, then it would cost days off and money from their pockets. That is
seeming to be less important to many new people that show up for DLV
since they are not connected to the Tech Show. I think it would be a
safe guess that at least 2/3 pay out of their pocket and take vacation
time off. They do not understand the luxury of being able to combine
business with DLV that the rest do. This is what happens when an event
gets larger and out shadows the original people that started the
wonderful idea of DLV. This is proven out with the fact that the add
hock group has had to hone out dress and actions standards. No matter
how tame and cute the Monster (like Elmo) is, as it grows it sprouts
more tails and heads that need to be fed and paid attention to or it
will eat itself from the inside out and take no prisoners as it does.

I do hope we can all find some time to attend DLV next year. I know
that, if I am lucky, can only make 3 days because of the May dates.
Hope to see all of you there.

Hugs, LeeAnna

(This posting was entered by LeeAnna, an external user of MyDLV.)
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DLV Timing....

Postby External Poster » Mon Sep 15, 2003 11:27 am

This posting is from: Michelle Jenkins


LeeAnna raises a number of points in comments...

It should be remembered that the very reason that DLV started was
because people were going to a "Tech Show" and decided to have DLV at
the same time. That's how it started after all. In that much, the timing
of DLV hasn't changed, in that it is before, after, or maybe even during
the week of N+I.

There are a couple of us (me included) that would find it VERY difficult
to justify attending both if they were separated, not only for financial
reasons, just the reason to be absent and away in the US.

Mothers Day is as an issue that has plagued DLV for many years. It was
raised during the discussion on the dates on several occasions but
ultimately the current dates were selected 'cause they seemed to suit
most ORG members plans.

As I mentioned a couple of times in that discussion none of the dates
that were proposed really suited me but the week before N+I was better
than the other two.

This years schedule is weighted a little more to the start of the week
with a finale if you will on Saturday evening. This approach doesn't
really suit anyone as far as I can see, as many want to stay a weekend
in LV for whatever reasons, including minimising the time off.

I guess in part it comes down to a decision for many as to how much they
can compromise and negotiate between two competing requirements (DLV,
Mothers Day).

ANNIE: Is there enough comments to consider a (dear I say it) a vote,
referendum, or whatever on who is affected by Mothers Day.

The sort of questions might be:

1. Were / Are you DEFINITELY going to be at DLV 2004?
If N0,
Why the hell are you even doing this questionnaire!!!
Cut Neck
Go to end

2. Has the appearance of Mothers Day on the Sunday of DLV week affected
your plans?
If No,
Cut finger
Sign in blood
Return to illustrious leader
Go to end

3. Will it stop you attendance at DLV altogether?
If Yes,
Cut finger
Sign in blood,
Return to illustrious leader
Go to end

4. How much will it shorten your stay in LV or at DLV?
1 Day?
2 Days?
3 Days?
Cut finger
Sign in blood,
Return to illustrious leader

(This posting was entered by Michelle Jenkins, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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