Preliminary DLV 2003 survey results ...

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Preliminary DLV 2003 survey results ...

Postby External Poster » Wed May 21, 2003 1:45 pm

This posting is from: annie

This is the preliminary report of the DLV Participant Survey given to
those who attended Diva Las Vegas 2003. Thanks to everybody who
participated in this survey.

The verbal comments will be reported within the next few days.

58 responses were received, which is an excellent response rate for this
type of voluntary survey, covering more than 50% of our participants.

1. Attendance history.

22 respondents stated they were first-timers. 18 stated they had been
once before, and 18 stated they had been two times or more previously.

Very good mix.

2. Travel.

Average approximate distance traveled was 1748 miles. Seven respondents
were local. Two indicated they traveled 10000 miles or more.

Modes of travel to DLV were as follows:

Private vehicle: 28
Commercial air: 24
Private air: 3
Rental vehicle: 3

3. Length of stay.

Average length of stay was 5 days. 29 respondents came on Tuesday or
earlier. Only two respondents were weekend-only participants.

This is a definite shift from previous years. People are staying longer
at DLV.

4. Age.

Average age was 52.7 years, a slight increase from last year. Lowest
reported age was one entry 20-30. Three reported being over 70.

5. Public exposure.

Five respondents stated DLV was their first public exposure. Three
indicated a year or less. Eight reported 1-2 years, 17 reported 2-5
years, 13 reported 5-10 years and 7 reported 10-20 years. Four stated 20
years or more and one stated the question did not apply.

6. Self identity. Reported as follows:

CD: 32
TG: 8
TV: 5
No-op: 4
Other: 3
Pre-op: 3
DQ: 2
Friend of community: 1

This is about the mix we were expecting.

7. Groups.

27 said they currently belong to a support group. 11 said they have
belonged in the past, and 20 said they have never belonged.

8. Conventions and other t* community events. Weighted number of
attendees of the following:

SBS activities: 27
South Comf: 14
Colo Gold: 13
Texas T: 9
Pinkfest: 8
Calif Dream: 8
FanFair: 7
Fall Harvest: 7
Holiday Enfemme: 6
Paradise Poconos: 3
Be-All: 2
Esprit: 0

As with last year, there was significant "scatter" to this chart, showing
that none of our people "did the circuit" of t* events.

9. Sign-up procedure.

Most found the sign-up methods to be easy and convenient. Three found
them a bit confusing. Nobody stated they were not easy to use. Only one
report of technical or ergonomic difficulties when using the screens.

10. Hotels, satisfaction.

Sahara: Definitely satisfied: 7
Mostly satisfied: 7 (one discarded)
Neutral: 4
Not really: (One report, discarded for inconsistency)
Definitely not: 2

Somewhat of a slippage from last year for the Sahara.

San Remo: Definitely satisfied: 8
Mostly satisfied: 1
Neutral: 0
Not really: 0
Definitely not: 0

This is a very good report for the San Remo.

One comfort report for IP was received but discarded for inconsistency.
No Tropicana reports were received.

Other hotels were noted as follows, average satisfaction rating, one
report unless otherwise noted 5=highest, 1=lowest:

Blair House: 4
Boardwalk: 4
Budget Suites: 2
Clarion: 4 (2 reports)
Fitzgeralds: 5
HoJo: 4
LV Hilton: 5
Main St Sta: 5
Olympian: 4
Riviera: 3 (2 reports)
Stratosphere: 4
Westward Ho: 4.5 (2 reports)

11. Hotels, comfort, 5=highest, 1=lowest.

Sahara: 3.71 (17 reports)
San Remo: 5.0 **DING** (9 reports)
Imperial Palace: (2 reports discarded)

No reports for the Tropicana were given.

Other hotels as follows:

Blair House: 5
Boardwalk: 4
Budget Suites: 3
Clarion: 5 (2 reports)
Fitzgeralds: 5
HoJo: 3
Main St. Sta.: 3
Olympian: 4
Riviera: 4 (2 reports)
Stratosphere: 5
Westward Ho: 4 (2 reports)

One report for Palace Station was discarded for inconsistency.

12. Activities, enjoyment, ordered by rating, 5=highest, 1=lowest.

Mt Charleston trip: 5.0 (7 responses) **DING**
Showgirls Of Magic: 4.91 (32 responses, 5 no-shows)
Golf: 4.83 (12 responses, 3 no-shows)
Thursday air tour: 4.8 (6 responses, 2 no-shows)
Jubilee show: 4.79 (28 responses, 3 no-shows)
Carluccio's dinner: 4.75 (36 responses, 1 no-show)
Friday air tour: 4.75 (5 responses, 2 no-show)
SBS Garden Party: 4.75 (28 responses, 5 no-shows)
High Tea: 4.75 (9 responses, 5 no-shows)
Sasha's Dinner and show: 4.68 (38 responses, 4 no-shows)
Hamb Mary Thursday: 4.6 (15 responses)
Annual mixer: 4.56 (38 responses)
San Remo HH and dinner: 4.55 (31 responses)
Prim Valley Mall shopping: 4.55 (12 responses)
Farewell gathering: 4.53 (17 responses)
Goodtimes Karaoke: 4.52 (31 responses)
Hamb Mary pre DLV din: 4.52 (32 responses, 2 no-shows)
Limo tour: 4.52 (32 responses, 3 no-shows)
Welcome Celebration, Flex: 4.41 (36 responses)
Spotlight happy hour: 4.4 (14 responses)
Hidden Woman open house: 4.33 (22 responses)
Area 51 trip: 4.3 (16 responses)
Milano's dinner: 4.27 (16 responses)
Dinner Drag Divas, Sasha's: 4.21 (38 responses)
Glamour Boutique open house: 4.2 (24 responses)
Dance night: 4.11 (11 responses)

SRO ADAM Mixer: 3.0 (2 responses)

SO's get-together: (2 responses, 2 discarded for inconsistency)

This is a marked increase from next year. Note that almost everything
placed very high on the scale. Only one placed less than 4 on the scale!
Looks like most everybody enjoyed most everything! Good show, gang!

Note that most all of the smaller activities (air tours, golf, Mt Chas.)
placed at the very high end of the enjoyment scale.

13. Activities, comfort. Ordered by rating, 5=highest, 1=lowest.

Mt Charleston trip: 5.0 **DING**
Thursday air tours: 5.0 **DING**

Goodtimes karaoke: 4.92
Golf: 4.91
Garden party: 4.89
Sasha's dinner and show: 4.85
Dinner Drag Divas, Sasha's: 4.84
Annual Mixer: 4.83
Glamour Boutique open house: 4.83
Showgirls Of Magic: 4.81
Welcome celebration: 4.81
Spotlight HH: 4.8
San Remo HH and dinner: 4.78
Carluccio's dinner: 4.76
Hidden Woman open house: 4.76
Hamb Mary Pre DLV: 4.73
Primm Valley shopping: 4.73
Limo tour: 4.72
Jubilee show: 4.71
Hamb Mary Thurs: 4.71
Milano's dinner: 4.7
Farewell gathering: 4.69
Area 51 trip: 4.67
Friday air tour: 4.67
High tea: 4.67
Dance night: 4.33

SRO ADAM mixer: 3.0

Again, significantly higher than last year. Comfort level was extremely
high for almost everything.

14. Time crunch.

31 stated they had no time crunch issues. 25 reported occasional time
crunch issues, and 2 reported frequent time crunch issues.

15. Local transportation.

Private vehicle: 30
Rental vehicle: 14
Another's vehicle: 9
Taxi: 4
Bus or shuttle: 1

Only two reported any difficulty getting a ride. Six did report difficulty
finding activity locations. 45 reported that the maps and photos were
helpful, 5 said they were not, and 7 did not know that these existed.

RTFMailings. :)

17. Finding the group.

One report of difficulty finding the group at activities.

Two reported difficulty contacting volunteers. Most (32) said they did
not ever attempt to contact, but 21 had no difficulty. Three said they
never received phone numbers. Is this a technical error, or another case
of failing to RTFMailings? :) Three reports of difficulties identifying
the DLV volunteers.

18. Friendly and inclusive.

Average score on this was 4.83 on a scale of 5. Results were
overwhelmingly tilted toward the "5" answer with only one neutral
and no negatives were reported.

This says a lot about our people, and everybody deserves kudos for this!
Yes, we have a friendly and inclusive group!

19. Discussion forum.

32 respondents participated via e-mail. 15 said they did not
participate. Due to a technical error, the number reporting web
participation or not knowing about the discussion forum were not
properly recorded.

20. Comfort with the group.

41 respondents stated they were comfortable being seen with the group
most or all of the time. 16 said they were mostly comfortable, and only
one reported frequent discomfort. Again, this says a lot about our
people, and most everybody can take credit for the high marks here.

21. Big Sisters.

Seven said they were Big Sisters and had positive experiences. Two
respondents said they were Little Sisters and found the program helpful.
No negative experiences at all were reported. Two stated they did not
know the Big Sister program existed. RTFMailings!

22. $$$$$

$367 average spent on accommodations.
$184 average spent on food.
$113 average spent on alcohol.
$257 average spent on gaming.
$1236 average spent to attend DLV.

Total of about $72,000 from DLV to the Las Vegas economy this year.

23. Structure.

Two reported that they would prefer a more structured schedule of
activities. Nobody reported they would prefer a less structured
schedule. Most said it was OK as is.

24. Seclusion.

19 desired less secluded venues. Three desired more secluded venues.
Majority said it was fine as it is.

25. Length.

50 respondents said the length was about right. Seven said it was too
short. Nobody reported it being too long.

26. Name tags.

Majority (38) found them helpful. Only two did not like them.

27. Restrooms.

The majority (38) said they were involved in no incidents. Three
reported restroom incidents. Reports will be forwarded to the ORG group.
14 said they seldom or never used public restrooms and one said the
question did not apply.

28. Expectations.

All respondents who answered this question said DLV either met (29) or
exceeded (26) their expectations! Again, a very good showing which
reflects very highly on DLV as a whole!

29. Will you return.

The overwhelming majority (48) said yes, definitely. Seven answered
probably yes. One maybe, and two probably not.
. . . . .

And ...

Last but not least ... Entertainer of the year:

The DLV 2003 Entertainer of the year is .. (Anton, a drum roll please!)
{tat-a-tat-a-tat-a-tat-a ...}

Michael Cagle! {cymbal crash!}

Runner up is Steve "Tiny Bubbles" Daly.

Vote totals are as follows:

Michael Cagle: 25
Steve Daly: 14
Stephanie Williams: 7
Sasha Scarlett: 2

This year was the first we've decided this by popular vote. The past two
years this was named by consensus, making Michael the EOTY for three
years running.
. . . . . . . . . .

Personally, I'm tickled pink at the survey results this year! It shows
that our people definitely had a great time and that those of us who put
this thing together are certainly doing something right!

Thanks again to all who took the survey, thanks once more to the many
people who organized and coordinated this year's event, and thanks to
all who attended DLV 2003 and made it what it is.

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Preliminary DLV 2003 survey results ...

Postby External Poster » Wed May 21, 2003 3:19 pm

This posting is from: Nami

>Lowest reported age was one entry 20-30.

Just one?

(This posting was entered by Nami, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Preliminary DLV 2003 survey results ...

Postby External Poster » Wed May 21, 2003 3:51 pm

This posting is from: Tootsye

Hmmmm. Could be that we are getting a little older each year! giggle!


(This posting was entered by Tootsye, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Preliminary DLV 2003 survey results ...

Postby External Poster » Wed May 21, 2003 4:24 pm

This posting is from: annie

>>Lowest reported age was one entry 20-30.

> Just one?

Uh-huh. It looks like you're the baby of the DLV family ...

... for now. :)

Over the past 7 years it does appear that the peak of the age curve has
been shifting to the right slightly.

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Preliminary DLV 2003 survey results ...

Postby External Poster » Wed May 21, 2003 5:35 pm

This posting is from: Jenice Bay

Well of the 11 people that came as part of the San Diego/Orange County

11 said they had a great time, got drunk...and fell down.

11 said they spent all their money...

All 11 liked the name tags because they were usually too drunk to
remember names.

11 said they will be back next year to party even harder.

Great Job Annie and Team


(This posting was entered by Jenice Bay, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Preliminary DLV 2003 survey results ...

Postby External Poster » Fri May 23, 2003 12:01 am

This posting is from: Monique

That's a hoot Jenice! Glad the SoCal contingent had a great time at DLV!

Keep in touch.


(This posting was entered by Monique, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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