A very fun DLV !

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A very fun DLV !

Postby External Poster » Wed Apr 30, 2003 3:49 pm

This posting is from: Densie

> It's time to consider in all fairness that a registration fee be charged

I am emphatically against that idea, and I don't think that Annie would
ever do it anyway, for the same reason that we don't charge for air
tours. It presents a liability issue.

A donation to Annie for her work, gas money, T-shirt costs or whatever
wouldn't be out of line, but I doubt that she will ever ask for one.

> The Sahara.................stayed there last year, can't figure out why
> I went back ??? I was very confused however (no fault of DLV in any
> manner)about the Buffet there, was I supposed to bring my pet???

They probably would have put it on the grill.

> this. I was
> signed up for the air tour and "finked" out.

You and about 23 others. ;)


(This posting was entered by Densie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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A very fun DLV !

Postby External Poster » Wed Apr 30, 2003 4:58 pm

This posting is from: Densie

Here are a few great moments that I remember from the trip:

Monday, we did the side trip to Area 51. The company was great, but the
food at Ali-Inn was disgusting. I had a hamburger that later did its
best to come back out of both ends. Kept waiting for that lizard to pop
out of my belly and start singing "Hello My Baby" like in Spaceballs.

On the way out of Area 51, a bus full of alien beings sped by us at
about 80mph (on a gravel road!). The staff tried to push the monsters
down in the seats but we caught a few pics anyway. Can't wait to see

I think we did Karaoke that night.


We did the Tina brunch but skipped the Hamburger Mary's thing. Last
year they screwed up my order and I almost didn't get any food at all,
so I wasn't in a hurry to go back.

I remember we did something at Flex. One night was karaoke there and
one night we just hung out and watched Annie drink Galliano.


We did the Sasha's thing. I met Sasha and she seems very nice. Annie
wanted me to sing Sweet Transvestite. I told her that I would do it if
she would drink a Galliano Sour but she was already drinking one, and
besides, Michael did the song.

Met Gina there. It was very good to see her again.

We did karaoke at Goodtimes. Long rotation, but I got two songs in.


Air Tours! Four out of the fifteen people who signed up were there.
Gina and Tony took them out while I stayed at the terminal and waited
for the others to (not) show up. Those who were there really enjoyed
the ride, and we appreciate the contributions for gas.

Bellagio buffet was excellent, as always.

We didn't make it to glamour boutique.

Jubilee was better than I thought it would be, totally overwhelming at
times. Topless girls were tacky though, it would have been a better
show if they had kept their tops on.

Limo Tour...what can I say? It was awesome, as always! Innocent
bystanders kept wanting to get into the pictures. We stopped at a
liquor store in a really bad part of town. Annie didn't want to get out
of the car, probably because someone from the Del-Mar might recognize
her there, so we hijacked a vagrant and brought him into our limo.

After Annie had her way with him, he grabbed one of the radios and
started shouting to everyone to take him back to the liquor store. I
didn't mind doing that, but Annie was feeling a little post-coital guilt
and didn't want to be seen anywhere near the guy, so she hit him over
the head with a liquor bottle and we dropped him out the door.

OK, I exaggerated that last part a little...it was a champagne bottle.


Air Tours! We had two show up this time. Gina and Tony waited eagerly
for the rest of the no-shows while I took them out in the Piper. We had
a nice two-hour trip over the dam and down the west rim of the Grand
Canyon. Once again, we appreciate the gas donations.

Dinner at Carluccio's was OK, as I recall. My memory is a little fuzzy
at this point. ;)

I'm pretty sure we did Goodtimes after that...memory was really fuzzy by then.


I got up early and played some video poker. Tony hit a royal flush on
the progressive machines with a $1450 jackpot. Unfortunately, he only
had four quarters left and he was playing them one at a time to get rid
of them, so he won a whole $50. Ah well, he hit a $500 jackpot earlier
when playing a few quarters five at a time to get rid of them. I guess
it all works out.

We went to the buffet and after a few minutes, I was feeling really sick
and had to go back to the room. I felt like I had the flu but then an
awful pain started over all over. I felt like I was being eaten alive.
Tony took off to Showgirls of Magic while I stayed in bed and suffered.


I was really, really sick and in terrible pain. There wasn't any better
or faster way for me to get to Tucson than to ride in our plane, so we
cleaned out the back seat, I got in and Tony threw the luggage in the
front seat and on top of me. I wasn't sure if I was going to live long
enough to get home and was all set to check out. When we got to town,
Tony drove me to the ER. I thought I had contracted SARS or something,
but it turned out that I had the flu and was badly dehydrated. They
pumped fluids into me through an IV for about four hours and I was back
on my feet. I went back to work today and I've almost recovered.

Aside from having taken ill and missed Showgirls, the trip was awesome
and I loved every minute of it. That makes six that I've been to now,
1998-2003, and I look forward to going back and seeing you all again
next year.

Don't forget to drink lots of water!


(This posting was entered by Densie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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A very fun DLV !

Postby External Poster » Wed Apr 30, 2003 11:55 pm

This posting is from: Monique

I'm in agreement with Denise and many of us that discussed this with the
DLV'02 and DLV'03 org grop. While, yes, many of us organizers do put out $'s
out of our own purse, and sometimes we don't break even, IMO, it is worth it
to see ya'll have such a great time.

While there will be some activities (notice I didn't say 'venues' Annie..LOL)
that do require payment and sometimes pre-payment, most activities are

One thing, speaking for the DLVorg group is that we wish to keep DLV as a
vacation, and not a 'convention'. I don't envision DLV ever asking for a
registration fee, even a nominal fee. There is this ongoing discussion that
if a sister puts down money for a registration fee, then they will show up.

I'll tell ya'll first hand, that I did this for Southern Comfort 2001 ($275)
and I didn't show up. So a monetary down payment does not insure a sister
showing up. FYI.

I do not condone a 'registration fee' for DLV, beit $275 or $1. Just bring
Peeps :)

With Respect-n-Huggs,
Monique Danielle Monet
A Proud Member of the Southern Belle Society, Grande Belle, Colorado
A Proud Member of the Gender Identity Center, Denver
A Proud Member of the Tennessee VALS
A Proud 3rd Year Attendee of Diva Las Vegas!

(This posting was entered by Monique, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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