Dress - Dressing and the weather

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Dress - Dressing and the weather

Postby External Poster » Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:46 pm

This posting is from: Diva Las Vegas

Dress - Dressing and the weather:

(Rewritten and expanded for DLV 2006.)

Weekly, with some exceptions, we will post an item on the topic of
dress, either general or specific, to the DLV Discussion Forum. This
week we cover weather-related issues and dressing for them.

Statistically, we can expect warm (but not overly hot) days, with the
highs in the high 70's and low 80s, and cool (but not cold) nights with
lows in the upper 50's, during DLV. There's quite a bit of variation,
and we've seen cool days and cold nights, and very hot days and warm
nights over our history.

Let's discuss some of the outfits that are appropriate for the inside
and outside climate that we can expect, and think about what will
definitely work, what may work, and what won't work.

In general, you will want to plan your outfits for warm days, cool to
warm evenings, and moderately cool to very cool indoors at all hours.

Your daytime outfits:

Daytime outfits, particularly if you wish to do any of the outdoor
activities, should be comfortable for you to wear in 80-ish degree
weather for several hours.

Daytime in April in Las Vegas is usually short sleeve weather. If you
prefer long sleeves, they most likely won't look out of place enough to
attract attention, but you may be a bit (or quite a bit) warm outdoors.

A few comments about the outfits you're likely to see in Las Vegas
during the day ...

You'll see tank tops, halter tops, and tube tops in Las Vegas during the
day, and even at night. These are quite comfortable in warmer weather,
but they do not work very well for most TG's, particulary for those with
broad or prominent shoulders or large upper arms. Those individuals
should stick with the more traditional blouses, shirts, or pullover

Tube tops and halter tops frequently reveal a lot of cleavage, or more
importantly for this discussion, the lack of it! The image is made worse
if makeshifts such as padding and/or tape are visible!

In the daytime, your top outer garment should cover all underwear,
including any padding, taping, etc.

Yes, visible bras and visible bra straps are quite fashionable and are
seen quite frequently. Hoerver, unless you are under 30 and under 130,
you should probably avoid the look of visible bra straps on bare
shoulders. One rule of thumb is that the more skin you show, the more
you risk being read. :(

Likewise, another thing to consider is that a top which is transparent
enough to distinctly show the bra is transparent enough to show such
things as padding, taping, and the lack of natural boobage.

Before you venture out in public in a tube top, tank top, or halter top,
be sure to very carefully inspect yourself in a mirror from the side,
from the top, and from the back. Many breast devices used by TG's do not
simulate the natural line of the human breast where it extends to the
side of the chest and under the arm. This is a dead giveaway!

The same applies to such things as sundresses with off-the-shoulder or
halter necklines.

Remember, observers in the general public do notice these things, and
some actively attempt to catch a peek! ("Get a good look, Costanza?!")

Yes, you will see the bare midriff and the bare tummy, as these looks
are quite fashionable with the younger set. Notice the word "younger"
here! If you are over 30 or over 130, please don't even attempt this
look! It will backfire on you! Even if you are fortunate enough to be
under 30 and under 130, be very careful if you try this! It very seldom
works with the members of our community!

Shorts are commonly worn in Las Vegas by visitors and tourists. The one
thing to keep in mind with shorts (and with some slacks and jeans) is
that many styles emphasize the rear, or the lack of one!

If you don't want to do shorts in the daytime, slacks or jeans that are
not too heavy, as well as appropriate daytime dresses or skirts, will
also be comfortable in all but the hottest situations.

The bottom of your outfit should cover all undergarments including all

If you wear those padded panties or shapers, or use those sew-in or
pin-in hip and rear pads, be aware that these often do not present a
smooth line between the hips and the thighs.

Tight shorts, jeans, dresses, skirts, etc., will emphasize this
discontinuity and will be another dead giveaway!

Various styles of casual dresses will be seen in Las Vegas during the
day, and yes, they are appropriate for most activities. Many of these
have a tropical or Hawaiian style, and are available most anywhere as
the springtime approaches. Hilo Hattie is a good source for these. Just
keep in mind the "More skin, more risk" rule.

Even some longer dress styles, such as the muumuu and longer wrap
dresses, will occasionally be seen in Las Vegas and they don't look out
of place at all.

However, any kind of obviously dressy longer dress, such as an evening
gown, will look out of place in the daytime, and will attract (the wrong
kind of) attention.

Bottom line for daytime girlmode, in most cases, most of you will want
to stick with one of the casual styles discussed in a previous column,
while watching the number of layers worn underneath. For daytime
activities where a more dressy style is appropriate (Garden Party, High
Tea) a dress of appropriate length (moderately short to "tea length") or
more dressy separates or coordinates may be worn, again, keeping the
undergarments appropriate for the anticipated temperature.

Should the daytime temperature approach 100F, as it has a couple times
during DLV, please be very careful when venturing outside in any outfit.
Perspiration ruins makeup, and passing out in public can be very

Your evening outfits:

Many of our attendees like the evenings simply because they can dress up
a bit more without looking out of place. There's nothing at all wrong
with this.

Many in our community tend to wear, either by choice or perceived
necessity, more layers underneath than are worn by the general public.
This may be uncomfortably warm in the daytime outside, but may be quite
comfortable, indoors or out, for most evenings.

The styles of clubwear having features such as bare shoulders, bare
backs, very short skirts, tight spandex, revealing cutouts, etc., are
often attempted by members of our community, but seldom with any
significant degree of success. The "30/130" rule applies here! :)

As with daywear, evening outfits should, with very few exceptions, cover
all underwear, padding, etc.

Sheath or shift style dresses often work well for our attendees. These
can be worn by those with just about any figure type and they are
usually not too warm outside or too cool inside.

A long scarf, stole, or shawl can be carried and used when indoors or
when it gets cool outdoors. These can coordinate well with fancy
off-shoulder or spaghetti strap dresses, and they can provide a degree
of coverage.

One look that can work in the evening, with consideration and restraint,
is visible bra straps. This can give a very attractive layered look
under a lace top or dress with translucent shoulders, if the style of
the bra is coordinated to that of the outer garment. Do carefully watch
the degree of transparency if you try this.

Coats, jackets, etc.:

The most you will probably ever need as far as an outer wrap is
concerned is something like a shawl, sweater, pullover, light jacket,
big shirt, etc., and you might not need these at all. Coats should not
be needed at all this time of year.

If you don't have a "girlmode" jacket or sweater, you may find that many
of those you wear in boymode will be perfectly fine for girlmode too.
Things like the half-zip pullovers sold almost anywhere are sufficiently
unisex to be worn in either mode.

For casual wear, those blue denim or chambray shirts make a good outer
layer for cool mornings and can be taken off and carried easily when the
temperature warms up. You will see these frequently in Las Vegas. They
are sold almost everywhere.

One popular look, which is liked by some and hated by others, is to tie
a sweater or big shirt around your waist, letting it cover your rear.

For dressier outfits, the cloth or knit shawls can be obtained at most
any accessory shop and those in a neutral color will coordinate with
almost anything.

The bolero, particularly in a coordinated or neutral color, can make
a very nice addition to a strapless or spaghetti strap dress. Although
these are often sold as part of a coordinated set, you do see them on
sale separately if you look around.

Ironically, one of the places where a wrap may come in handy is inside,
on the casino floor. Casinos can be quite cool, even cold.

One other note about the weather. Although it seldom rains in Las Vegas,
when it does it can be very heavy and can come on with very little
warning. Pack a small umbrella with you, and keep it handy, you may just
need it!

(This posting was entered by Diva Las Vegas, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Dress - Dressing and the weather

Postby External Poster » Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:00 pm

This posting is from: kumiko yvonne watanabe

>Various styles of casual dresses will be seen in Las Vegas during the
>day, and yes, they are appropriate for most activities. Many of these
>have a tropical or Hawaiian style, and are available most anywhere as
>the springtime approaches. Hilo Hattie is a good source for these.

wow! I know alot of tourist visit the Hilo Hattie's garment factory and
retail stores down here, I didn't realize it was that popular!

Also be careful when purchasing... I've found for me, some of Hilo
Hatties sizing is towards the smaller and more petite/skinner bodies,
so the next size or two up from what you normally are may be a better
fit. Much will depend on your actually body size. Don't go sizing
based solely on the stated size on the label.

ie I fit a XL. but the XL I tried, the shoulders were very tight or
didn't fit, and same was for the waist. I ended up fitting into a 2XL
or 3XL.

The factory outlet down here goes up to size 6XL. Part of the store,
one can watch the clothing being sewn together.

I wonder if that 'polynesian' mareketplace that is across what used to
be the 'Boardwalk' carries those styles? for those that are looking for
something like that.....

(This posting was entered by kumiko yvonne watanabe, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Dress - Dressing and the weather

Postby External Poster » Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:43 pm

This posting is from: Annie

> >Hilo Hattie is a good source for these.

>wow! I know alot of tourist visit the Hilo Hattie's garment factory and
>retail stores down here, I didn't realize it was that popular!

Hilo Hatties is quite popular in Las Vegas, they have a shop in the
Desert Passage by the Aladdin/PH.

>I wonder if that 'polynesian' mareketplace that is across what used to
>be the 'Boardwalk' carries those styles? for those that are looking for
>something like that.....

The last quickie trip to Las Vegas I walked by, but did not stop into
the Hawaiian Marketplace. I'm quite disappointed in it. They said it was
to be like the International Marketplace over by Waikiki on {some street
beginning with K that I can't pronounce} :) but it never really
happened. :( The last time I stopped in, several months ago, it was
really a ghost town. :(

Another Hawaiian transplant to Las Vegas is ABC Stores. They even have
one in the Riviera now! :)

(This posting was entered by Annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Dress - Dressing and the weather

Postby External Poster » Fri Mar 10, 2006 8:55 pm

This posting is from: Deidre

Your advice is tremendous! Thank you so very much! May I ask some
questions here ?

If you should make an honest mistake and it's apparent that you are not
quite who you appear to be, who is the most likely type of person to
"out" you? A smart aleck tourist, a local, anybody bent on trouble,
police, someone else? If this happens, what's your advice? Stand up to
them? Slink off sheepishly? Run for your life!?

Trouble in the toliets: Most likely place to have a problem? Imagine
it's -- get the hell out of there as fast as possible? Alternative?
Stand your ground. Help! What's the law in Vegas on this!? Deidre

(This posting was entered by Deidre, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Dress - Dressing and the weather

Postby External Poster » Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:19 pm

This posting is from: Annie

>Your advice is tremendous! Thank you so very much!

You're very welcome. :)

>May I ask some questions here ?


>If you should make an honest mistake and it's apparent that you are not
>quite who you appear to be, who is the most likely type of person to
>"out" you? A smart aleck tourist, a local, anybody bent on trouble,
>police, someone else?

With very rare exception, the person who comments loudly or in any way
calls attention to the fact that you are transgendered will be a teenage
boy or 20-ish male, most likely in the company of others of their type.

>If this happens, what's your advice?

First of all, an ounce of prevention. Don't knowingly go where crowds
of twentybopper guys hang out, and in particular not where they hang
out consuming alcohol. The combination of too much alcohol and too much
testosterone can be very bad.

Another couple ounces of prevention ... don't overdress for the occasion
(dress like a GG of your age, size, and fitness level would for the same
time, place, and circumstance) and don't hang around in groups (of

The latter may be impossible at some DLV gatherings. Yes, the group will
be quite obvious in some circumstances.

>Stand up to them? Slink off sheepishly? Run for your life!?

First of all, don't do anything to escalate the situation or to
reinforce the behavior of the jer^H^H^Hmisguided youth. Don't say
anything. You don't have to justify or defend yourself. If the
cree^H^H^H^Hyoung man persists, get out of the situation promptly
but without making a fuss.

Genuinely threatening incidents are very few and far between.

If indeed you sincerely feel that your safety is threatened, let those
whose job it is to deal with it, deal with it. If in a casino, seek out
a security person. They are everywhere. If on the street, duck into a
casino quickly. Guards often hang around the door area. If in a bar or
lounge, seek assistance from the bartender and/or bouncer. (In the bars
and such which we will be using there should be no concern about being

>Trouble in the toliets: Most likely place to have a problem?

Yes, unfortunately, over the history of DLV (soon to be 10 years)
there have been some restroom incidents.

Not to appear to be playing devil's advocate, but in all cases I can
remember except one, the individual DLV people have been at fault. :(

Using a public ladies room in groups has been the worst problem for
us. Don't even *THINK* of going in groups! Go individually, if at all.

Overdressing, or dressing inappropriately for the circumstances covers
a lot of our past restroom incidents. See the links below for more
restroom discussion.

>Imagine it's -- get the hell out of there as fast as possible?

If you are confronted (by security, an employee, another patron) you
should BRIEFLY apologize and GET OUT IMMEDIATELY! The less said, the


Use your hotel room's restroom, seek out family or unisex restrooms,
find a restroom in a less-traveled area.

>Help! What's the law in Vegas on this!?

I am not a lawyer, but one who is told me the following, and this was
confirmed by a Metro Police officer several years ago.

There is no law on the books (Nevada Revised Statutes, Clark County
Code, Las Vegas Municipal Code) that prohibits you from using the
restroom of your choice. (One important exception, public parks. Don't
go there.)

That's the good news.

Here's the bad news. There's nothing on the books that asserts your
right to use a particular restroom. Use of private property in Nevada
is "at will" of the management, and they can legally bar you from the
property as a whole, or from a part of the property (such as a restroom)
if they want to.

Although it's never happened in the history of DLV, there are various
"laws of public conduct" that could actually be used for a complaint if
somebody pushes things. If you use a ladies room after being told not
to, you may be guilty of trespass. If you create a fuss in a ladies
room, even passively, you may be guilty of disorderly conduct.

One very important thing to consider is that for a good percentage of
our restroom incidents, it's not the original perp who gets the snotty
end of the stick. If a complaint of "there's a guy in the ladies room"
is made to security, it will be radioed to all officers on the floor
and they will zero in on the first person they see who may look

I'm going to recommend that you look over the following links:


Hope this answers ...

(This posting was entered by Annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Postby External Poster » Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:15 am

This posting is from: Lori Michaels

As an Alumni to the Diva Las Vegas Event, ( Which by the way is the
PREMIER Transgendered event held in the U.S.) I have had the occasion to
have used the restrooms numerous times. I hope that I might shed some
light on this issue which surfaces each year especially with some of the
newer girls.

Currently and for the last 34 years I have been employed as a Police
Officer in two states under 5 jurisdictions.

I'm OUT at work making life much easier and lucky to be in a County
where Transgendered Persons are protected. However the restroom issues
are not really quite clear even in political jurisdictions that have
Transgendered protection laws on the books. So far, since I have been
out (1990,) I have only had one restroom issue and that was when I was
"enfemme" and had used the MEN"S washroom. It was Halloween, very
crowded and I really did not think it was an issue. Once confronted the
hapless security agent of the CHURCH STREET STATION, Orlando, seemed
confused on what to do at which point I suggested to him that perhaps
there was a Less Frequently Used washroom that we could utilize. Case

THE LAW : Doing some legal research online from state to state I was not
able to find any specific laws that make mention of washroom use.
HOWEVER !! WARNING !! There is a law on the books called "DISORDERLY

It's kinda a catch all law,,,,,used by Law Enforcement Officer's when an
arrest when no other law applies. ALL STATES HAVE A LAW OF THIS TYPE. It
may be referred to as Public Nuisance , Disturbing the Peace or Creating
a public affray.

Ok, let's say that your using the Ladies room and inside is the wife of
Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson, she is morally and religiously outraged
and summons the Police.

She demands that an arrest be made !! Which they must do if there is
probable cause and the victim demands that an arrest be made. Your
arrested, handcuffed,stuffed in the back of a police cruiser, humiliated
and taken to the booking area where you stripped down ,,searched, I mean
searched and then issued the most unfashionable orange jumpsuit and flip
flops that has been worn by every scumbag there before you. You are
photographed, no wig or make-up, printed and then locked up pending the
posting of a bond or standing in front of the judge in the morning.The
following day you pick up the local newspaper and there your
name,emblazoned in the newspapers police blotter section.

YOU SAY !!......... I have a right to go to the bathroom !! I'll get a
Lawyer and fight it !!! OK, after posting bond you get an Attorney and
your going to fight it, (Average trial lawyer for a misdemeanor case
$5,000 ) you make appearence at your arraignment then a trial date is
set. You are either found guilty fined usually up to a $1,000 and or a
year in jail. ( not likely but it has happened ) OR your found
innocent...Stiff price to prove a point in my book. We have a saying in
Law Enforcement : "You may beat the rap but you can't beat the ride".

Also, when I have had to deal with a real assclown - I say to the
"Crossbar Hotel's newest guest as I turn a prisoner over to the
corrections officer's "We'll you missed dinner,,,,,but your just in time
for sex!

Here's a few hints to help you avoid situations that I have used that
have helped me stay out of trouble.

1. You say "I Pass, I never have any of these problems" well goodie for
you, so don't read the rest of this note, I'm 6 foot,have broad
shoulders and talk like a cop during a full fledged riot BUT always use
"COMMON SENSE" in restroom use. These are key words here Ladies and
might appear on the test later.

2. If your one of those that gets his kicks out of using the ladies
room? I'll help the officer cuff you.

3. Look for a restroom in an area that is out of the way. I have found
that almost all of the casinos in Vegas that have convention areas that
are less frequently used. Learn where they are or ask other girls.

3. Look for the FAMILY USE TYPE washrooms where you can go in and lock
the door behind you.

4. If your in your hotel where your staying? Use your room for goodness

5. Look for a female security officer and explain your situation, I have
used this a number of times and they were not only very sympathetic but
cleared the washroom out and stood guard by the door while myself and
another T girl took care of business!

6. When using in the ladies room- GET IN GET OUT , toes pointed forward
!!! And don't be stupid and stand by the mirror "PRIMPING". The less
amount of time you spend in the ladies room the better. Your in there to
"P" for god's sakes, not to chat about beauty secrets or try to hustle a
GG for a date.

7. Conversing with Ladies in the restroom...how really stupid can you
get........you think your gonna get a date?

8. Limit BEER and Diet Coke consumption !

9. If confronted ever by the Police, be courteous and never lie ( cops
hate that) and LOL Don't run !! I hope this doesn't scare any of you
newer girls off as it shouldn't. Seek out one of the Girls that is a
veteran of DLV, I'm sure that she will be able to help and if you have
any questions ? Drop me a note !

(This posting was entered by Lori Michaels, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:52 pm

This posting is from: Annie

>It's kinda a catch all law,,,,,used by Law Enforcement Officer's when an
>arrest when no other law applies. ALL STATES HAVE A LAW OF THIS TYPE. It
>may be referred to as Public Nuisance , Disturbing the Peace or Creating
>a public affray.

>She demands that an arrest be made !! Which they must do if there is
>probable cause and the victim demands that an arrest be made. Your
>arrested, handcuffed,stuffed in the back of a police cruiser, humiliated
>and taken to the booking area where you stripped down ,,searched, I mean

Maybe you can answer this. For a minor nonviolent misdemeanor, wouldn't
it be more likely that a summons would be issued rather than a ride

IANAL, and IANAPO, but I know occasionally on the morning news that
you'll hear such things like, say, right after a bar fight or something,
{imagine very deep Columbia School Of Broadcasting radio voice here}
"... the suspects were ticketed for Disorderly Conduct" and things like

(This posting was entered by Annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:28 pm

This posting is from: Deidre

God this is good information! Thanks a milliom! Hugs, Deidre

(This posting was entered by Deidre, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Postby External Poster » Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:14 pm

This posting is from: Bev Hawaii

Thanks Lori,

That was a wealth of information .... Have never had a problem yet its
common sense .... but I have to be careful when wearing my blond
wig....... lol


(This posting was entered by Bev Hawaii, an external user of MyDLV.)
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