Pinkfest 2021 - Who would like to help?

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Pinkfest 2021 - Who would like to help?

Postby Laura_Wright » Thu May 20, 2021 8:02 pm

Several people have been asking about Pinkfest in 2021, September 28 through October 3rd.
Would you like to help to plan some events?

Lana at Chicago TGirls has already said she would like to host a dinner on Wednesday Sept 29 night at Blue Island Seafood - Cajun, Chinese, Sushi - which sounds like an interesting mix. The a night of Karaoke at Club Krave.

I am interested in helping to get things going again for 2021!

Please share your thoughts.
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Joined: Thu May 20, 2021 7:55 pm

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