] Wine Tasting on Thursday - approximate headcount desired ...

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] Wine Tasting on Thursday - approximate headcount desired ...

Postby External Poster » Sun Sep 23, 2018 6:13 pm

This posting is from: Annie

We're all confirmed for Wine Tasting at Taste Food and Wine, which will
happen on Thursday evening of Pinkfest at 6:00pm. Phoebe and team are
looking forward to our attendance.

This activity will be in lieu of a happy hour.

Phoebe would like an approximate headcount. If you will be attending,
please respond to this message and say so. If you will be attending but
not taking part in the actual wine tasting, you do not need to respond.

Those who have previously RSVPd with "Everything" or "Everything on
Thursday" do not need any further RSVP.

Responses will be noted but not forwarded to the group.

For those who do not know where this is, it's on the north side of
Jarvis just a few hundred feet east of the Jarvis Red Line station.
Just take the Red Line to Jarvis and walk east. You can't miss it.
The exact address and phone number will be on the final detailed
schedule, coming out shortly.

There will be no charge to partake. A modest selection of wines will
be sampled.

For those who have never been to one of these, Phoebe, our hostess,
is a wine expert who has, literally, forgotten more about wine than
most of us will ever know! Her tastings are entertaining and very

Hope to see all of you Thursday. :)

(This posting was entered by Annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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