The domain is ours! :)

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The domain is ours! :)

Postby annie » Mon Oct 02, 2017 12:55 pm


Not live just yet. Kinda difficult to do things with the netbook balanced on the knee at the airport. :)
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lgbt domain is ours! :)

Postby External Poster » Mon Oct 02, 2017 7:01 pm

This posting is from: Michelle McGuire




(This posting was entered by Michelle McGuire, an external user of MyDLV.)
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lgbt domain is ours! :)

Postby External Poster » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:21 pm

This posting is from: Michelle McGuire

How about

Okay, so I told my spouse how we snagged, and the tale of She said it was understandable how almost any .com that
began with pink would be "sat upon." After all, pink is for breast
cancer. She then suggested that we use something that others probably
haven't thought of, like That way, like
divalasvegas, people would also know the city.

I assume we can have more than one and redirect.


(This posting was entered by Michelle McGuire, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: The domain is ours! :)

Postby annie » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:54 pm

It's alive!

Surf here:

Initial tests are fine. Please give it the once-over and please report any issues.
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Re: lgbt domain is ours! :)

Postby annie » Mon Oct 02, 2017 11:31 pm

> How about

Yes, if some sugar-mommy can conjure up the $$$$$ for it, yes, it's possible.

The .com TLD is most definitely the highest on the pecking order. That's the good news.

It's also quite a bit longer than the "naked" pinkfest. Some will say that brevity trumps TLD, some will say it does not, and "it depends" is also a thought here. (Reading the gazillion of "domain name best practices" pages out there will be left as an exercise for the studii.) :)

> I assume we can have more than one and redirect.

It can be a redirect, or it can be a simple alias, which is easier to set up on the server.

One thing for any potential sugar-mommies to think of is that a domain name is the gift that keeps on giving, as in to the domain registrar! Once a domain is live and points to a viewable page, people are gonna bookmark it and other sites will (hopefully) link to it. Should that domain expire (as in nonpayment) the site attached to it goes dark and all bookmarks and links to it break, which is most definitely a Very Bad Thing (tm).

I also grabbed and a couple of others for reserve for the minimum term. I'm thinking of such cases as rating services and firewall administrators who might downgrade or block .lgbt domains. I'm not going to deploy them, however, until I'm sure we want to use them and keep them, for the reason cited above.
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lgbt domain is ours! :)

Postby External Poster » Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:51 am

This posting is from: Michelle McGuire

Transition almost flawless, there are some inter/intra-page links, like
"return to Pinkfest Home" that don't work.

I forgot about the domain "renewals." Maintaining a web presence isn't


(This posting was entered by Michelle McGuire, an external user of MyDLV.)
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