Schedule review and additions ...

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Schedule review and additions ...

Postby annie » Thu Sep 07, 2017 6:49 am

Let's go over the schedule in depth and discuss the open slots and such here. We're about three weeks out now so we should be filling in the blanks.

I know that Golf was suggested. Do we want to try to work that in this year or, as was suggested, put it on the wish list for 2018?

+Tuesday, September 26:
+ 12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (TBA) - ms
+ 8:00pm: Quality Social Time (Big Chicks) - sv

I will not be in on Tuesday so I will not be participating. However, we do need a location for LWG on Tuesday if it is to happen and some fill-ins for the afternoon.


Bueller? :)
. . . . .

+Wednesday, September 27:
+ 12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (Malnati Oak Park) - ms
+ 6:00pm: Happy Hour (Winberies) - ms
+ 7:00pm: Dinner (Winberies) - ms
+ 9:00pm: Quality Social Time (Hamburger Mary Oak Park) - sv

There was some talk about getting a Kelly Open House in here, and yes, if anyone is willing to touch base with her about it, please do so. If nobody is (LOL, which I doubt) :) :) I'm willing to phone here and check signals.

We also had suggestions for a Pleasant Home Tour and Garfield Park Conservatory for Wednesday afternoon. Is this what we want to do? Class? :) I will be arriving so I'll probably meet the gang at either Kelly's or Winberies, depending on time place and circumstance. :)
. . . . .

+Thursday, September 28:
+ 12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (TBA) - ms
+ 9:00pm: Quality Social Time (R Public House) - ms

We need a lunch location (Ann Sather?) for Thursday.

Raven Theater has been suggested by multiple people for this evening. Does anyone know the details?

Also, is anyone (Stefanie?) in contact with Phoebe about doing a wine tasting thing that evening? She is right next door to R Public House. If nobody else is in contact (LOL, which I doubt as well) :) I'm willing to phone Phoebe and touch base, just let me know.
. . . . .

+Friday, September 29:
+ 12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (Billy Goat Tavern Navy Pier) - ms
+ 1:30pm: Navy Pier (Navy Pier) - ms
+ 4:30pm: Happy Hour (TBA) - ms
+ 5:30pm: Dinner (TBA) - ms
+ 7:30pm: Taming of the Shrew (Chicago Shakespeare Theater) - ms
+ 9:30pm: Quality Social Time (TBA) - ms

As I (think I) said, I'm willing to host(ess) a nicer dinner at a place such as Lawry's or Gene and Georgetti's Friday evening if that's what the gang wishes to do. We would need an accurate headcount on this.

We do need a QST location for Friday and Drake Hotel Coq D'Or was suggested. Is this a "go"?
. . . . .

+Saturday, September 30:
+ 12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (TBA) - ms
+ 5:00pm: Happy Hour (Italian Village) - ms
+ 6:00pm: Dinner (Italian Village) - ms
+ 8:00pm: Motown The Musical (Cadillac Palace Theater) - ms
+ 10:30pm: Quality Social Time (TBA) - ms

We do need locations for lunch (Walnut Room?) and QST (Sabatino's on Irving Park was suggested, is this OK?) for Saturday. Also something for the afternoon.
. . . . .

+Sunday, October 1:
+ 12:00n: Lunch Without Ginger (TBA) - ms
+ 6:00pm: Happy Hour (Twin Anchors) - ms
+ 7:00pm: Dinner (Twin Anchors) - ms

We'll need a lunch/brunch location for Sunday and Appellation on Clark in Andersonville was suggested. Is this what we want to do? Also something in the aftenoon.

Any more suggestions? Alternatives? Objections?

Thanks gang! :)
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Schedule review and additions ...

Postby External Poster » Thu Sep 07, 2017 12:45 pm

This posting is from: Stefanie Clark

I will be in Provincetown the week Ending September 26. The only event
that my schedule will support is lunch at Winebeeries.

I believe the The Raven is open Thursday night 7:30 performance of Choir

You would most likely need to eat before. There are several restaurants
quick cab / lift to the theater. I have several events that day. Reach
out to me if you would like to explore options. Francesca Bryan Maher at
Bryan Maher and red line 1 block east; broad cellars , old name ,
thorndale and Broadway; revival Social club, Granville at Redline.

These are the three I use, first is Italian, second is local, good menu, My Cheers, third is southwestern.

The public house is a great place but being in Rogers Park makes it hard
to mate up with other events. Especially if the girls want to freshen up
before dinner.

(This posting was entered by Stefanie Clark, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Schedule review and additions ...

Postby External Poster » Fri Sep 08, 2017 5:46 am

This posting is from: Laura Wright

Phoebe said she is willing to do a wine tasting again if there is interest.

(This posting was entered by Laura Wright, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Schedule review and additions ...

Postby annie » Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:53 am

> Phoebe said she is willing to do a wine tasting again if there is interest.

Ok, thanks. I'll post that on the schedule.

Will you touch base with her, or do you want me to phone her?
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Schedule review and additions ...

Postby External Poster » Fri Sep 08, 2017 3:42 pm

This posting is from: Amanda G

So, with Kelly hosting Wed afternoon, it would likely be best to shift
the Garfield Park Conservatory to another day/time, yes? What might work
for this? I notice that Valerie is staying near there.

As for Raven, the theater is hosting two distinct productions: "Choir
Boy", which is produced by Raven will be in previews. Tickets are $29.
And "1984", produced by AshtonRep, tickets are $20. Which would we want
to attend?

Choir Boy

Directed by Michael Menendian Determined to leave his mark like those
before him, Pharus is hell-bent on be...

1984 September 14 through October 8

AstonRep Theatre Company Presents 1984 Adapted by Robert Owens, Wilton
E. Hall Jr. & William A. Miles Jr. Fr...

Also, Laura previously mentioned Junivee's Bakery, 3300 N. Sheffield.
which would be a nice place to stop for a pastry. Can we fit this in,
one day?

~ Amanda

(This posting was entered by Amanda G, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Schedule review and additions ...

Postby annie » Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:40 pm

> So, with Kelly hosting Wed afternoon, it would likely be best to shift
> the Garfield Park Conservatory to another day/time, yes? What might work
> for this? I notice that Valerie is staying near there.

Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday afternoons are empty so far, please pick one. :)

> Also, Laura previously mentioned Junivee's Bakery, 3300 N. Sheffield.
> which would be a nice place to stop for a pastry. Can we fit this in,
> one day?

Location-wise, it would probably work nicely Thursday afternoon for dessert, or maybe later in the afternoon for a snack with HH at Trader Todd's.
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Schedule review and additions ...

Postby External Poster » Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:23 pm

This posting is from: Laura Wright

I think it would be good to for you to call Phoebe directly. I will try
to stop by there this week.

(This posting was entered by Laura Wright, an external user of MyDLV.)
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