Kelly and Stefanie

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Kelly and Stefanie

Postby Valerie » Thu Sep 07, 2017 12:34 am

Who normally is in contact with Kelly? Do we know if she wants to host an open house again this year for the Oak Park day?

How about Stefanie. I know she had suggested some theater in her area as well as meal options. Is any of that on the schedule (and I don't recognize it as such)?
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Kelly and Stefanie

Postby External Poster » Thu Sep 07, 2017 2:38 pm

This posting is from: Stefani C

As I am getting a mani /pedi, I was thinking of some thing the girls
might like is s manicure or pedicure at salon echo on Bryn Maher off the
redline. Reasonably priced , great quality and BYOB. They will uncork.
Champagne or wine making for great afternoon. Maria is the owner.

(This posting was entered by Stefani C, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Kelly and Stefanie

Postby External Poster » Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:47 pm

This posting is from: Laura Wright

I am facebook friends with Kelly. She is interested in doing an open
house on Wednesday.

i was checking out the post and i see bra sizing was asked about.. we
may be able to do that here with a specialist from Soma. she can explain
sizing and do bra fittings.. also we will do the open house on the wed
oak park day.. we are also doing a laser speical. do the face and neck
for $150 and get another small area 50% off

(This posting was entered by Laura Wright, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Kelly and Stefanie

Postby annie » Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:54 am

> I am facebook friends with Kelly. She is interested in doing an open
> house on Wednesday.


I'll get that on the schedule, same time as in previous years.
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