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Postby External Poster » Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:40 pm

This posting is from: Jamie matoy

I am interested in doing this. I have never left the house in girls
clothes. Should I start looking for a evening gown or something like
that? I would like to be put on your mailing list.

(This posting was entered by Jamie matoy, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: More information

Postby annie » Thu Jun 15, 2017 5:43 am

> I am interested in doing this. I have never left the house in girls
> clothes. Should I start looking for a evening gown or something like
> that?

Glad to have you with us, Jamie.

Yes, you should be thinking about what to wear, but an evening gown is not necessary, unless you want to really dress up for some of the more upscale activities.

The attendees of Pinkfest tend to dress more casually than those of other TG events. For some photos of typical outfits worn to Pinkfest over the years, surf here:

Here are a couple of other links you should check out.

A general introduction to Pinkfest:

And the steps to take to attend:

If there are any other questions or concerns, please let us know.
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Postby External Poster » Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:02 am

This posting is from: Jamie M

I would like to know if I should start looking for a evening gown and
any other clothes? Since I have never left the house fully in girls
clothes I would like to know if there is a girl who can help me out with
what to wear and when too.

(This posting was entered by Jamie M, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Sun Jun 18, 2017 7:00 pm

This posting is from: Beverly Wayne

An evening gown is not needed and would be overkill.

(This posting was entered by Beverly Wayne, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:03 pm

This posting is from: Jamie M

Please tell me like what should I bring to be a woman? I don't want to
look like I am out of place or anything like that.

(This posting was entered by Jamie M, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: More information

Postby annie » Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:53 am

> An evening gown is not needed and would be overkill.

I'm gonna agree with Beverly on this one.

Since you said you were new to public exposure, you'll find that there's a learning curve to climb regarding what to wear depending on the time, place, and circumstance of the activity at hand.

At Pinkfest we really have not ever planned any big dress-up affairs.

We usually do at least one nicer restaurant each year, and we do evening theater things off and on, and although an evening gown would not be, per se, inappropriate for those, you would definitely be overdressed in comparison to the other Pinkfest people.

If you want an opportunity to wear an evening gown, I would suggest doing it at DLV (I see you're on both the DLV and Pinkfest lists) where there will always be a couple of larger dress-up activities.

Now getting back to Pinkfest, to plan a wardrobe for Pinkfest, I would suggest a lot of observation. Observe carefully what women of your general age, size, and fitness level are wearing to daytime (shopping, lunch, touristy stuff) and evening (dining, theater, bar/club) activities and go from there. Get a handle of what's usual and customary for various goings-on.

If you have any general or specific questions, here is a very good place to ask, just fire away! :)
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Re: More information

Postby annie » Sun Jun 25, 2017 2:57 pm

Jamie, if you don't mind I'm gonna ask you a few questions, offer a few suggestions, and talk about the way I do a few things.

First, what's your approximate age? Next, what's your approximate height and size?

Those will point you to the best suggestions on what to wear for Pinkfest or for about any activity at hand.

Next, what's your skill level regarding hair and makeup? Can you do a basic face? This is usually more of a concern to those new to public exposure than is outfit selection.

If you're a beginner here, I might suggest booking an "Instructional Makeover" with Kelly, Janna, or Rori (all should be on the Big List at to get you up to speed.

If you have the basics down pat but want some basic to intermediate-level advice, the Bare Minerals shop in Water Tower Place is very TG-friendly and they will spend quite a bit of time with you for a modest purchase. Ditto with the various counters at Macy's on State.

Do you know where you will be staying (local? downtown? burbs? AirBnB? etc.) and will you be driving a vehicle?

This will determine how much walking you'll do and if there will be any other transportation issues.

Personally, I've tried motels in the burbs to save money, older hotels in the city to save a little bit, the "OJ Hotel" (LOL) as a compromise of cost and convenience, and major brand downtown hotels for convenience. I find that I enjoy Pinkfest (and other Chicago trips) best if I spend a little more and get a room at one of the "usual suspect" major chains, which I know will be modern and comfortable. I've learned to kind of hold my nose as I pay the bill at the desk. :)

(LOL, Ginger's "Junior Executive Suite" at the Red Roof Inn a few years back was the smallest hotel room I ever remember seeing!) :)

I find I most definitely enjoy Pinkfest best without a vehicle. Parking can be a challenge and I want to be able to enjoy a few adult beverages without risking a DUI summons. :)

Also, what level of participation do you plan? The full six days? Evenings only or mostly? Daytime?

The reason I'm asking is mainly because I've found it's easy to "OD" on things at Pinkfest (and DLV). I personally try to work in some down time (power nap, etc.) and I also enjoy taking the occasional day off or night off and do my own thing. I'll occasionally do a photo walk day or evening, or do something that the group is not really into.

Anyway, if you can answer the items above, we can more specifically zero in on giving you some suggestions and comments.
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Postby External Poster » Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:23 pm

This posting is from: Jamie M

I am 130 lbs. I stand 5 ft 9 in tall. I am slim and semi built body. I
am in my early 40s. I have never done makeup. I have never done my wig
except run a comb through it. I have several clothes and I have never
left the house in them.

(This posting was entered by Jamie M, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby External Poster » Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:27 pm

This posting is from: Jamie M

When I am not working or not going into work I will wear my ladies jeans
they are a size 8. I usually wear a ladies size 8 to 10. My guy shoe
size is a 9. My ladies shoe size is a 9.

(This posting was entered by Jamie M, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: More information

Postby annie » Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:53 am

> I am 130 lbs.

I should be so lucky! I'm envious! :)

> I stand 5 ft 9 in tall. I am slim and semi built body. I am in my early 40s.

You're well within the range of those who have very little trouble blending in general public.

> I have never done makeup. I have never done my wig except run a comb through it.

First, I'm gonna suggest a book for you. (Books, those things we used to read before the Interwebs came about!) :) It's "Making Faces" by the late Kevin Aucoin (sp?). Any bookstore or libe should have it. Amazon will certainly have it, in abundance. It was written in the 1990s but it's still up to date and authoritative. It's considered one of the best general references for makeup, both stage and street. It even has a section on transgender.

This will give you a start. Practice practice practice and practice some more! :)

I'm also gonna repeat my suggestion to book an instructional makeover with one of those I suggested. All appear on the Big List.

> When I am not working or not going into work I will wear my ladies jeans
> they are a size 8. I usually wear a ladies size 8 to 10.

Actually, these will be quite appropriate for many of the things we do at Pinkfest.

> My guy shoe size is a 9. My ladies shoe size is a 9.

You're lucky in that your size is in the range sold in regular mainline shoe departments. You won't have to futz around looking for large-size shops and the like.
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