Tuesday Night at Pinkfest

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Tuesday Night at Pinkfest

Postby laurawright » Sat Jul 02, 2016 11:07 am

The Downtown Bar was a friendly spot to get together on Tuesday nights. It was one of only two gay bars in the Downtown area of Chicago. Unfortunately, it has gone the way of the Gentry before it and closed. Would anyone want yo get together for dinner and a bar afterwards on Tuesday night in the Lakeview/ Boystown area instead? Does anyone have a recommendation for a new place to try?
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Re: Tuesday Night at Pinkfest

Postby annie » Sun Jul 03, 2016 8:44 am

> The Downtown Bar was a friendly spot to get together on Tuesday nights.
> Unfortunately, it has gone the way of the Gentry before it and closed.

That's too bad! I always enjoyed Downtown Bar, as well as Gentry before it. :(

> Would anyone want yo get together for dinner and a bar afterwards on
> Tuesday night in the Lakeview/ Boystown area instead?

I'm game, and I'll probably be in on Tuesday this year.

One of my current faves to imbibe in that area is Trader Todd's.
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