Pinkfest 2016 scheduling request

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Pinkfest 2016 scheduling request

Postby Valerie » Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:53 am

Hi all. I hope everyone who attended DLV 2016 had a great time and is traveling home safely.

This is my blatant and selfish attempt to influence the dates of this year's Pinkfest. I have a work commitment on Friday, Oct 14 this year and I'm hoping to get Pinkfest scheduled the prior week so I don't have to miss it.

To that end, I'm proposing that we run from Tuesday Oct 4 through Sunday Oct 9. I'm also hoping for warmer weather by being this early.

Lacking that, I'd suggest an Oct 18 to Oct 23. Really, I just need to avoid the week that includes Oct 14.
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Re: Pinkfest 2016 scheduling request

Postby annie » Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:56 am

> Hi all. I hope everyone who attended DLV 2016 had a great time and is
> traveling home safely.

Thanks, just finishing packing here and dreading the trip to the airport. :)

The 2016 event went VERY well! One of the better ones I remember.

> To that end, I'm proposing that we run from Tuesday Oct 4 through Sunday
> Oct 9.

I'm fine with those dates.

> Lacking that, I'd suggest an Oct 18 to Oct 23.

Those should work for me too. :)

Comments, gang?
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Pinkfest 2016 scheduling request

Postby External Poster » Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:24 pm

This posting is from: Beverly Wayne

Hi I'm back home safe and sound. It was a great week. Thanks to
everybody who volunteered and those who came to the activities.


(This posting was entered by Beverly Wayne, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Thanks (was Re: Pinkfest 2016 scheduling request)

Postby External Poster » Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:24 pm

This posting is from: Lisa Brown

Bev...that was one of the best weeks of my life... liberating,
universally friendly..

And fascinating.Ill never forget it.

Big thanks to all who invested their valuable time in organising


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Pinkfest 2016 scheduling request

Postby External Poster » Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:18 pm

This posting is from: Denee mallon

From Tuesday Oct 4would work for me....

(This posting was entered by Denee mallon, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Pinkfest 2016 scheduling request

Postby External Poster » Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:42 am

This posting is from: Sandy

October 4the is perfect I think.

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Pinkfest 2016 scheduling request

Postby External Poster » Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:23 pm

This posting is from: Ginger

The first week of October works well for me, being there on Saturday Oct
15 or 22 would be difficult. I have no conflicts the last week in
October either, but the later we wait the more we risk inclement

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Pinkfest 2016 scheduling request

Postby External Poster » Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:59 am

This posting is from: Charlotte

Hi Valerie, those dates are good for me. Where do we register?


(This posting was entered by Charlotte, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Pinkfest 2016 scheduling request

Postby annie » Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:25 am

> Where do we register?

It's a bit soon for registration at this time.

Registration is very informal. You just send a note to saying you will be there. :)
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