FAQ entry 10.03:

Are there any other administrative, miscellaneous or technical contact e-mail addresses?

The direct e-mail addresses to the following may be used:

dlvorg@divalas.vegas To send e-mail to the DLV Organizers Group (DLVORG)
dlvdisc@divalas.vegas For submissions to the DLV Discussion Forum
bigsister@divalas.vegas E-mail pertaining to the Big Sister Program.
tech@divalas.vegas Technical issues, e-mail issues, web site errors, etc.
abuse@divalas.vegas Spam complaints, etc.

dlv@divalas.vegas may always be used if you're unsure on the exact address to which DLV e-mail is to be sent.

Previous FAQ entry (10.02): What is the best e-mail address to use to send e-mail to Diva Las Vegas?

Next FAQ entry (10.04): How do I join the Diva Las Vegas mailing list?

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