[dlvorg] Re: Special mailing ...

From: Diva Las Vegas organizers (dlvorg@geekbabe.com)
Date: Fri Mar 04 2011 - 12:23:37 CST

Annie writes:

Before I comment on Sarah's remarks, I would like to hear more,
from Marisa, or anyone who knows, about the Downtown Cocktail
Room. I took a look at the web site and it does look like a
classy place.

It looks to me like it might work, along the lines of simply
fork-lifting the entire affair down a few blocks.

I am assuming that we would use the place before their regular
crowd arrives.


Also, does anyone have any cause to show why our festivities
would not work at the Firefly Paradise?

. . . . . . . . . .

>Is this reason enough to postpone the signup?

Yes, if we want accurate information about our most-attended
function to be on the sign-up screen and if those who will
coordinate said function wish a reasonably accurate headcount
for the meal portion.

If the coordinators are willing to do a "no sign-up, just
show up" for it, which might be practical if food is not to
be served, it may be an option to omit if from sign-up, but
we need to get some decisions on this.

>If we do have to move to another, smaller location that fits
>the bill on everything but size, would that work?

It has to fit 100 or so bodies comfortably and legally.

>It seems that it would impact the large group photo

IMAO, the group photo is only a minor consideration here. If
it works, it works, if not, well, we've done without it in
a few years.

>So what are the critical conditions for the place?

>No cover,

Uh-huh, I see this as one of the most important conditions.

>adequate size,

Yes, as we noted above.

>safe venue,

I would say "comfortable" as opposed to a strict "safe venue"
is what we want. This is a balancing act. Firefly and the old
Blue Ox seemed to hit that sweet spot between comfort and
mainstream-ness, if that is indeed a word.

If it's too exposed, we'll lose people on the new and shy end
of the scale. If it's perceived as being too cloistered, such
as a gay bar might feel to some, we'll lose people from the
opposite end of the spectrum.

Another criterion ...

The rented hotel ballroom, the proverbial Moapa Room at the
end of the hall with the long tables and the folding room
dividers is something that a good number of our people don't
want -- that which reeks of convention-ness, if that is a
word? :) (No, Densie, Rubber Chicken ain't gonna be on the
menu!) :)

>then food?

Yes, food, or as geekbabes may spell it: ph00d! :) :)

>We could probably survive, but not thrive if food is the
>last issue in priority.

I think it's nice to have it as an option, and it works very
well to have the Happy Hour, Dinner, and Quality Social Time
in one location in sequence.

Everybody has to eat. Lots of our people don't like to eat
alone, and a good number of our people are shy about eating
in girlmode.

In past years we've done HH and dinner in one location and
then the QST-WC in another. It seemed to work, but there
were complaints about too many "moves" and with each move
there is a certain number who depart A who fail to arrive
at B.

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