dlvorg Summary of comments received ...

From: annie@ivgate.omahug.org
Date: Tue Nov 15 2005 - 08:36:33 CST

I'm sending this to both the ORG list and the DLV Discussion Forum. Sorry
for the dupe for those who receive both by mail.

Here is a "peg count" summarizing the items received in the DLV
Discussion Forum and what they appear to be in favor of or opposed
to as of this time:

In favor of rescheduling: 7
Opposed to rescheduling: 1
Avoid April 9-15: 1
In favor of April 17-23: 2
Avoid Easter: 1
Favors a May (later) date: 2
Favors an earlier date: 3
Favors first week of any month: 1

Some of the more subjective ones are approximate.

Lots of good commentary and discussion, please keep it up. :)

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